The battle was over, and the battle was over.

At this time, in the copy’s live broadcast room, all the spectators were stunned.

This Raging Sea copy gave people too many shocks.

First, the keyhole satellite that was always monitoring Dongying Island made everyone feel incredible.

Then the sudden appearance of the Dragon Country forces made people have to sigh at Lin Ye’s copy design ability.

But the first two are nothing more than representing Lin Ye’s technical strength and copy design strength. In fact, everyone has experienced these before, which is unexpected and reasonable.

But this Iga Ryuji’s sudden rebellion really made the audience of the Blue Star a little confused.

[Isn’t Iga Ryuji a capable subordinate of the Emperor? Why did he surrender at this time? ]

[How weird! Doesn’t this Iga Ryuji know that surrendering is nothing more than teleporting out of the dungeon? How will he face the people in their settlement in the future? It feels so stupid. ]

[The root of all this is that the dungeon of Raging Sea is too real. It is easy to immerse yourself in it, and then… lose yourself little by little. ]

[If a dungeon can control the mind of the challenger, it would be really terrible. ]

In the lecture hall of the dungeon research headquarters in the central city of Daxia.

A group of Daxia elites were discussing the wonders of Lin Ye’s dungeon, and the atmosphere in the whole venue was unusually hot.

“The keyhole 20 technology that Lin Ye used in the dungeon just now is exactly the direction that our dungeon astronomy technology research institute has been researching!”

A young researcher couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“But we only have similar ideas and have not yet started formal research. I didn’t expect that Lin Ye has already mastered this technology!”

“Lin Ye is at least 50 years ahead of us in this regard!”

At this time, several other researchers in the back row also expressed their personal opinions in excitement.

“I think Mr. Lin Ye’s copy setting is unique!”

“He added a third-party force like “Dragon Country” to a copy, breaking the offensive and defensive balance of traditional copies and bringing infinite possibilities to the copy.”

“Mr. Lin Ye’s copy psychological control is what we should learn most! Like this Iga Ryuji, it is a typical example of winning without fighting.”

“In the future, copy design does not necessarily rely only on military technology. Sometimes psychological warfare can also be a direction that can be studied separately.”

These elites of Daxia are all amazed at the various tricks in the raging sea copy.

Especially some people are watching this copy for the first time, and they are simply amazed.

To be honest, the Emperor’s initial strategic deployment was already very sophisticated, but it was resolved silently one by one before the official war. How can people not be amazed? !

Only Ding Chang, who was in the front row of the hall, still had a calm smile on his face.

Compared with the previous time, this time Lin Ye added a lot of new blood to the raging sea. He is now eager to see the true face of the Eagle Sauce Country.

See how many surprises Lin Ye can bring to the world.

“Damn it!”

“Iga Ryuji, this ungrateful wolf, what kind of ninja is he?!”

In the copy.

In a rage, Emperor Kokawa directly knocked all the teacups and documents on the table away!

The fragments rolled all over the floor.

The sound of the broken objects broke the original tranquility of the Pine Pavilion.

There was no reason for the Emperor not to be furious.

Surrender would be fine, but Iga Ryuji actually leaked all the combat power of the challenger camp to Eagle Sauce.

Actively leaking information to the enemy, there has never been such a stupid and bizarre behavior in the entire history of the Azure Star dungeon.

I failed to steal even a little bit of the Eagle Sauce’s technical information, but the Eagle Sauce saw through my underwear.

When the two armies fight, combat power reserves and technical trump cards are the top priority!

Now the Eagle Sauce has a complete understanding of the military situation on the East Island and even some combat plans.

It means that before the war has started, the East Island is already at a disadvantage.

And the Emperor has also lost Minamoto no Raikou and Iga Ryuji, his two right-hand men.

This feels like being played by someone.

Is this the suppression power of the Purgatory-level dungeon? !

The Emperor suddenly felt a tightness in his chest and a sweetness in his throat.

It felt like a surge of blood had rushed to his throat.

He staggered and almost collapsed on the chair, and barely managed to hold on to the table to stand up, his face becoming more and more red.


Ito Hide

Gao quickly called the maid in the imperial garden and brought ice cubes to the emperor for cold compress. After a long time, his mood was slightly relieved.

“Emperor, please be patient.”

“Iga Ryuji has received professional training. As a ninja, he should not easily betray his master…”

“And this is just a copy world. Everything is virtual. His betrayal will not make him stay in the Eagle Country… All this is really meaningless.”

“But I think it must be Eagle Country that has bewitched Team Leader Ryuji in various ways, which led to this happening.”

The emperor waved his hand, signaling Ito Hidetaka not to say anything more.

“Enough, Ito-kun.”

“You don’t need to explain anything for the traitor.”

He sighed deeply, and his eyes were already bloodshot.

“It’s pointless to dwell on the cause now. Iga Ryuji’s betrayal has caused irreparable damage to our camp.”

“Next… all combat strategies must be adjusted.”

According to the Emperor’s plan, it was to develop slowly.

On the one hand, steal intelligence from the Eagle Sauce, on the other hand, extract resources from other places to develop power, and domestically recruit troops on a large scale.

When the force reaches ten times the amount of the Eagle Sauce, then launch a full-scale attack.

As a result, two of the three-step strategy have been declared bankrupt.

The only remaining step is also shaky!

Foreign aggression and stealing intelligence not only did not bring any benefits, but also backfired.

As for the massive recruitment, now with the constant monitoring of the Keyhole satellite, coupled with Iga Ryuji’s leak, it is obvious that it can no longer be carried out.

A good hand of cards, played like this, how can the Emperor not break the defense?

“Mr. Emperor! You are the backbone of all of us. You must not be affected by this bitch Lin Ye!” Ito Hidetaka advised.

Seeing the Emperor like this now, he felt a sense of empathy.

Unconsciously, he remembered his experience in the first two copies.

Suddenly, a wave of anger also attacked his heart.

“Mr., this Lin Ye is best at this kind of mentality, in order to influence the challenger’s decision in the copy.”

“Mr. Emperor! You are our spiritual pillar. If you are upset, then our one million compatriots will definitely fail!”

“Dahe settlement cannot be without you!”

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