The truth is, the truth is that the emperor is not aware of what Ito Hidetaka said.

In fact, Lin Ye had set a trap for everyone from the beginning.

It is called a free copy of Total War, but it is actually full of dangers. A small move may lead to disaster.

In other words, the reason why Lin Ye created such a so-called open and free world is to let challengers act recklessly, thus triggering the punishment mechanism he set in advance.

After all, the emperor is a LV4 battle-hardened warrior, and his emotions are adjusted quickly.

At this moment, he has regained his rationality.

He sat back in his seat and said with great effort:

“Hmph, if Lin Ye wants to defeat me in this way, it’s too whimsical!”

“Although we suffered a little setback, we didn’t suffer any serious damage.”

“Although our current military strength has not reached my previous expectations, it is still far beyond the Eagle Sauce Country.”

“As long as we don’t make any more mistakes next time, there is still hope to defeat the Eagle Sauce Country.”

Seeing the emperor regain his fighting spirit, Ito Hidetaka bowed and replied. “Please give the order, Your Majesty!”

“Ito-kun, we don’t have much time left.”

“In this situation, we don’t know where the Eagle Sauce satellite is, and we don’t know how much information about the East Japan Island has been leaked. It will only be disadvantageous to us if we drag it on.”

“I need you to arrange two things next…”

The emperor didn’t hesitate and started a new plan directly.

“First, recruit as many soldiers as possible.”

“At the same time, reply to the Eagle Sauce and tell it that we will listen to the Eagle Sauce’s advice and will soon hand over the 1 trillion fine to the International Court.”

Hearing the Emperor’s plan, Ito Hidetaka was puzzled.

“Emperor? Do we…really have to pay the Eagle Sauce a fine?”

“If so, it is likely to cause opposition from the people of Dongying Island and cause domestic unrest.”

“After all…you just made a speech to the people to declare military self-strengthening.”

Although Ito Hidetaka suffered a great loss because he did not accept the Eagle Sauce’s fine, he still thought it was stupid to pay the fine.

Because after paying the fine, the loyalty of the people will still decline, and it may even decline faster.

What’s more, this time, the Emperor has just recruited soldiers.

Now surrendering to the Eagle Sauce, isn’t it a slap in the face? !

“Of course I won’t really pay any fine!” The Emperor said coldly. “This is just a delaying tactic.”

As he spoke, the Emperor’s face became more determined.

“Let’s show goodwill to the Eagle Sauce temporarily, so that the Eagle Sauce will definitely not think that we will launch an attack on them that night!”

Ito Hidetaka shuddered and asked hurriedly: “Sir, are you going to declare war on the Eagle Sauce?”

All this came so suddenly that Ito Hidetaka was a little unresponsive.

“This is also a helpless solution. Now all kinds of situations have left us no chance to focus on development.”

“Then take the initiative to attack! War is the first to strike!”

As he spoke, the Emperor directly called up the world map of Earth Online from the main control console of Songzhige.

Then he pointed to the location of the “Pearl Harbor Military Base” on it.

“The target of this raid is still the Pearl Harbor on the Hawaiian Island!”

“But we will not really spend time attacking the Pearl Harbor military base that is hiding something from the public, Ito-kun.”

“There is only one real target, and that is the TF58 National Destruction Fleet entrenched around Pearl Harbor!”

Instantly, Ito Hidetaka understood the Emperor’s intention.

It is really a great plan!

First pretend to surrender to the Eagle Sauce in order to let the Eagle Sauce relax its vigilance.

The real purpose is to raid the Eagle Sauce’s National Destruction Fleet that night!

In this way, the Eagle Sauce country will definitely be unable to defend itself.

The National Destruction Fleet has 30 aircraft carriers. If it can really be destroyed in one fell swoop, it will be a fatal blow to the Eagle Sauce’s naval power.

Without the threat of aircraft carriers, the challengers’ warships can gallop freely in the Pacific Ocean and fully surround the Eagle Sauce country!

“The Emperor is wise!”

“If we can really take down the aircraft carrier fleet in one fell swoop, our chances of winning will be very high.”

As he spoke, Ito Hidetaka’s eyes suddenly showed a trace of worry.

Because his mind recalled the scene of lying on the sea and watching the steel behemoths.

He trembled unconsciously.

“The Emperor

My Lord… I believe in your decision, but I must give you a few words of advice…”

“The Eagle Sauce’s fleet of annihilation is really strong, and it is not easy to annihilate it in one fell swoop.”

The Emperor tapped the table lightly, but he looked confident.

“I know what you are worried about, Ito-kun.”

“Although the power of aircraft carriers is strong, their disadvantages are also obvious, that is, they are slow and cumbersome, and their energy consumption is extremely high, which is not suitable for long-term combat.”

“If you only use the navy to fight against the aircraft carrier group, it will be a disadvantage, but if you use the air force, the flexibility of the air force will be the biggest constraint on the aircraft carrier fleet.”

While speaking, the Emperor deployed all the troops on the East Island and displayed them on the light screen of the command platform of Songzhige.

There are the most intuitive weapons and troop data of the Challenger Camp on it!

“This time, I am going to send all our air forces and navy to attack the fleet of annihilation!”

“We have 30,000 warships and more than 40,000 fighters. If we attack at the same time, can’t we take down the Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carrier fleet? ”

Ito Hidetaka had to admire the Emperor’s courage.

Since he chose to launch a surprise attack, he would not leave himself any way out.

This means that he must go all out and spare no effort.

It is a very risky act to mobilize the navy and air force.

The disadvantage is that the Japanese island will be greatly depleted of troops. If the Eagle Sauce attacks at this time, the consequences will be disastrous.

And this matter has a lot of gambling elements, because Lin Ye made adjustments to the copy before the opening of this copy, and there is a certain possibility that the annihilation fleet has been moved away from Pearl Harbor.

Lin Ye is such a cunning man that he is very likely to do such a thing.

In that case, it will be a waste of effort and will expose all the combat power of the party.

But the advantage is also obvious, that is, the sudden burst of intensive combat power can indeed more easily destroy the fleet of annihilation.

Forty thousand fighter planes and thirty thousand warships are fully fired at the same time. Not to mention a fleet, I am afraid that an island can be bombed to pieces in an instant!

If the fleet of annihilation can be destroyed, the subsequent attack on Eagle sauce will become much easier.

“The Emperor is wise!” Ito Hidetaka bowed and sighed. “I will always believe in the Emperor’s decision!”

“Don’t say such flattering words.” The Emperor’s eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness and determination.

“Immediately notify all major military bases, make preparations, and then march to Pearl Harbor immediately!”

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