The battle was over, and the battle was over.

The air force and the navy have different speeds, and the emperor roughly calculated that it would only take two hours for their challenger planes to fly over Pearl Harbor.

But for warships, even if they are traveling at full speed, they still need to sail on the sea for several days.

So the emperor asked the navy and air force to act separately and carry out two waves of firepower coverage!

The two generals leading the team this time were Navy Commander-in-Chief Yamamoto Sanjuha and Air Force Commander-in-Chief Tominaga Yukiyasu.

Three days later, the emperor admitted his mistake to the Eagle Sauce and promised to give Eagle Sauce sufficient compensation.

That night, 30,000 warships from Dongying Island surrounded Pearl Harbor and the surrounding waters.

A huge encirclement was drawn within a range of three nautical miles.

At the same time, 40,000 fighter planes have already flown over the Pearl Harbor military base.

In the flagship command cabin, Yamamoto Sanjuhachi and Tominaga were drinking sake and eating grilled eel while looking at the radar signal on the dashboard.

The two men were one fat and one thin. Yamamoto Sanjuhachi was a fat man weighing nearly 300 pounds, while Tominaga was a short man with a mustache.

Both were LV3, one ranked 83rd on the Sky Curtain Hero List, and the other ranked 118th. They were both first-class dungeon combat experts.

With so many warships in hand, they could be said to be sure of victory, without any sense of nervousness.

Soon they detected all the situations in Pearl Harbor.

This time, there were still no defense measures in Pearl Harbor, and the TF58 National Destruction Fleet was all docked in the port of the military base, and did not go out to sea for reconnaissance.

And after careful detection, there seemed to be no trace of living people on the warships.

“Hahaha, so stupid!”

“Don’t these hawks really think we’re going to surrender? They don’t even let the fleet go out to sea!”

“We’ll bombard them with firepower in a while. No matter if they’re aircraft carriers or airliners, we’ll blow them all to ashes and feed them to the fish.”


Yamamoto Sanjueji burped and laughed out loud.

Tominaga was more cautious. He called the Emperor directly.

“Your Majesty, we have locked the position of the enemy’s aircraft carrier group. Do you want to launch an attack?”

In the Pine Pavilion of the Edo Imperial Garden, the Emperor had actually observed some of the conditions in Pearl Harbor through the light curtain.

As the supreme commander of the copy, the first-person perspective of all challengers will be displayed on the light curtain projected from the command desk.

A look of smug joy appeared on the face of Ito Hidetaka on the side.

“The Emperor is so wise. It must be our previous proactive show of goodwill that made the Eagle Sauce take it lightly.”

“There is no manpower on this aircraft carrier. It is simply a waste!”

At the same time, the prompt sound of the sky curtain also sounded.

[Sky curtain prompt: The challenger unit has been detected to be close to the territory of the Eagle Sauce Country! ]

[The challenger camp has not declared war on the Eagle Sauce Country. If an attack is launched at this time, it will be directly judged as deception and aggression against the Eagle Sauce Country. ]

[In addition, the Pearl Harbor base has a deep meaning for the Eagle Sauce Country. Destroying Pearl Harbor will strongly anger the Eagle Sauce Country to a certain extent, causing some uncertain and terrible consequences…]

[Challengers, please choose carefully! ]

The Emperor snorted coldly.

I thought that the sky curtain still gave such a prompt at this time, which was simply naive.

I have been planning for so long, isn’t it just to defeat the Eagle Sauce in one fell swoop? !

Now that I have finally taken the lead, the sky curtain actually reminds me to be cautious, which is simply funny!

If we don’t fight now, are we waiting for the Eagle Sauce to fight us?

“Commander Yamamoto, Commander Tominaga! Attack Pearl Harbor with all our strength!”

“Destroy all the combat deployments in and around Pearl Harbor!”

“Leave no armor behind!!!”

The Emperor almost spoke out of his throat.

He was being played around like a dog before, which made the Emperor angry and suffocated.

He must vent at this moment!

In the Emperor’s understanding of war, maritime units can be said to be the barriers of a country and the largest component of a force’s combat power.

As long as the fleet of annihilation can be taken down, the rest will be smooth sailing.

When he takes nearly one million of his compatriots to take down the Eagle Sauce Country Clearance Copy, Lin Ye will be deducted a huge amount of points! He will be directly wiped out by the sky curtain!

Now only Lin Ye’s death can comfort his wounded heart!

Yamamoto Sanjueji and Tominaga Yukiyasu, who have been approved by the Emperor, are also excited at this time.

“The Emperor has an order!”

“Destroy Pearl Harbor directly!”


At the commander’s command, all the warships rushed towards Pearl Harbor like arrows from a bow. They quickly adjusted their positions to form a tight encirclement.

Then, the artillery fire on the warships began to gush out, and each artillery fire was like a blazing fire dragon, drawing dazzling rays of light in the night sky.

Forty thousand warships fired at the same time, and the momentum was so great that it was like the collapse of the sky and the cracking of the earth. In an instant, the bright light of the artillery pierced the darkness and lit up the night sky!

Under the reflection of this light, everything in Pearl Harbor became clearly visible.

At the same time, all the fighter planes also flew directly over Pearl Harbor, and the shells they carried poured down like a rainstorm, instantly covering the entire port. The machine guns on the fighter planes also fired wildly, and the bullets poured down like dense raindrops.

This indiscriminate attack is actually the simplest. You don’t have to worry about anything, just bombard it.




Under the dense artillery fire, all kinds of buildings and facilities on Pearl Harbor were directly blown into powder.

The foundation of the entire island seemed to be hit hard by a giant hammer and collapsed instantly. Pearl Harbor began to sink rapidly and was almost swallowed by the sea.

Those aircraft carriers that were once majestic and awe-inspiring became powerless decorations at this moment, and were directly ignited by the raging fire.

“Keep bombing!”

“The Pearl Harbor base and the fleet of national destruction must disappear from this world!”

Yamamoto Sanjueji continued to give orders, looking more and more crazy!

A new round of bombing started again, the sky was torn into pieces, and the blazing flames were reflected on the sea.

The thirty aircraft carriers of the fleet of national destruction slowly sank in the flames.

It has completely disappeared above the horizon!

The thick smoke and flames intertwined, looking extremely tragic.

“Hahaha! Refreshing!”

Yamamoto Sanjueji clapped his hands and drank a glass of sake in his hand.

“What a bullshit fleet of annihilation, it was blasted away by me without leaving any slag.”

Tominaga also danced and shouted excitedly.

But at this moment, a blood-red light suddenly flashed in front of their eyes, and at the same time, dense alarms were heard.

[Skyscreen prompt: Because the challenger attacked Pearl Harbor without declaring war on Eagle Sauce and destroyed Eagle Sauce’s abandoned old aircraft carrier, the special event “Memories of Pearl Harbor” was triggered! ]

[Eagle Sauce will declare war on Dongying Island! ]

[Eagle Sauce will receive the following bonuses:]

[Eagle Strike the Sky: Eagle Sauce has the world’s first air military force. After the war, Eagle Sauce will directly deploy an air force base on the border of Dongying Island, and air strikes +500%! ]

[The Sorrow of Pearl Harbor: Eagle Sauce’s warships will increase their speed by 200%, and their firepower speed will be +500%! At the same time, all local warship forces will be regrouped to form a new “nation-annihilating fleet”! 】

【Full sanctions: The Eagle Sauce will launch a full sanctions against the East Japan Island! Including but not limited to financial sanctions, oil sanctions… The economy of the East Japan Island will be completely stagnant! All materials will not be able to be produced. 】

【Five Eyes Alliance: After the war, the Eagle Sauce FBI and CIA will send spies to infiltrate the East Japan Island, the Challenger intelligence will be fully leaked, and the loyalty of the people will be reduced by 50%! 】

【Nuclear Peace Guard: The Eagle Sauce is very angry, and the probability of a nuclear strike on the East Japan Island will be increased to 100%! 】


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