The sky was full of surprises, but the sky was full of surprises.

The sky screen kept popping up prompts.

Various buffs for Eagle Sauce lasted for nearly a hundred before they stopped.

It took Eagle Sauce five minutes just to report the specific effects of these buffs!

This scene made the live broadcast room dumbfounded.

[What the hell is this? ! It’s simply against the sky! ]

[The people in Dahe settlement really fell into the pit. Eagle Sauce is already very strong. After such a wave of strengthening, how can it beat it? ]

[I think this should be Lin Ye’s calculation again. Put a bunch of abandoned aircraft carriers in Pearl Harbor to deliberately lure the emperor to attack! 】

【If we follow the old saying of Daxia, it is called waiting for the rabbit by the tree. 】

【I don’t understand, I don’t understand…】,

Outside the dungeon, in the cliff villa.


Seeing what is happening in Pearl Harbor in the dungeon,

Lin Ye almost spit out the drink in his mouth.

He was simply amused by the stupid operation of these people.

They were fighting well in the beginning, but suddenly got sick at the critical moment.

In fact, although the previous steps of the emperor’s operation were a bit childish, they were still very strategic for people of this era.

It can be regarded as a heroic method.

But when the war really started, I don’t know whether it was because of nervousness or because of the explosion of mentality, the emperor’s operation was directly deformed.

When the raging sea first opened, Ito Hidetaka had already suffered a setback in Pearl Harbor. It should be clear that Lin Ye added a lot of settings to Pearl Harbor.

Then why do you still have to pick on this sad place?

The Emperor guessed that there might be a fleet of annihilation in Pearl Harbor, and wanted to steal the fleet of annihilation through a sneak attack to gain an advantage.

This idea is too naive! It is purely treating the designer Lin Ye as a fool.

Why do we create such an open world mode? It is to give challengers more choices, and at the same time, it is to reduce the difficulty of the dungeon accordingly, otherwise it will be difficult to pass the review of the sky curtain.

As a result, the Emperor and his gang finally took the most difficult path.

After triggering the “Memories of Pearl Harbor”, they will inevitably face a BUFF stacked with the most peak Eagle Sauce…

To be honest, Lin Ye really didn’t want to play or calculate these people.

Because there is no need at all.

This is the peak of the Eagle Sauce, do you need to do such a roundabout thing?

Those abandoned aircraft carriers docked in Pearl Harbor are actually the waste left over from the production of the dungeon.

It’s just that Lin Ye was too lazy to delete these things in the creation space, so he piled them all in Pearl Harbor.

“TF58 National Destruction Fleet” is a product of the S2 period of Eagle Sauce.

Lin Ye also made it according to the S2 standard, so the aircraft carriers in the fleet are actually ordinary powered aircraft carriers.

At that time, Lin Ye wanted to make the Raging Sea and the Tide to come out quickly, and also considered that the military weapons of the S2 period were completely sufficient to deal with the Azure Star, which was still at the S1 military level.

But if you want to present the peak and complete Eagle Sauce, the old TF58 National Destruction Fleet is definitely not enough.

Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carriers have long evolved from the most primitive aircraft carriers to Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers!

And nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and ordinary powered aircraft carriers are completely different.

Eagle Sauce’s Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers use nuclear reactors for power supply, and the endurance time can reach 50 years!

At the same time, it has fully realized automation and informatization, and the demand for manpower has been greatly reduced.

Use more advanced electromagnetic catapults, and use more advanced aircraft recovery systems to replace traditional arresting cables.

In addition, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier itself is also equipped with advanced reconnaissance and electronic warfare systems! The aircraft carrier itself has stronger combat power and maneuverability!

In general, it carries more fighters and weapons, and the efficiency of fighter launch will be faster.

Suddenly, it is more stable, more accurate, and more ruthless!

Later, Tianmu adjusted the number of people in the dungeon to one million, and Lin Ye decided to release the peak Eagle Sauce in full form. Naturally, he could no longer use the dregs of the old era such as the “TF58 National Destruction Fleet”.

Lin Ye directly equipped the Eagle Sauce with 11 Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers to form a new national destruction fleet.

All the old aircraft carriers were retired, and Lin Ye directly threw them into Pearl Harbor.

As a result, the people in the Dahe settlement directly became scavengers and did the work of helping the dungeon clean up industrial waste…

It took all the combat power of the navy and the air force just to bomb a bunch of broken

Copper and iron.

“Don’t blame me if you are deducted points and demoted again. You have brought this upon yourselves.”

Lin Ye could only shake his head helplessly.


In the dungeon, outside the ruins of Pearl Harbor.

The series of prompts from Tianmu made Yamamoto Sanjuhachi’s head buzz.

“What the hell, bluffing, right!” Yamamoto Sanjuhachi shouted while drunk.

Tominaga Yukiyasu, who was standing by, looked a little timid and muttered:

“The things Tianmu listed just now seem very unfavorable to our camp.”

“What is the FBI, what is a nuclear strike? I don’t understand it at all.”

“Hmph! Don’t believe these nonsense, they are just for scaring people!” Yamamoto Sanjuhachi laughed.

“What are you talking about forming another fleet to destroy the country? Just brag about it! I don’t believe Lin Ye has so many resources.”

“Have you forgotten what Ito Hidetaka said before? This Lin Ye is best at messing with people’s mentality!”

Yamamoto Sanjueji was obviously the type who didn’t believe in evil, and he directly began to command the fleet to return.

“All warships listen to orders! The mission of raiding the fleet to destroy the country has been completed. Next, all return to Dongying Island for supplies!”

“This raid will definitely cause chaos in the military of the Eagle Sauce Country. Next, we will listen to the command of the Emperor and land in the Eagle Sauce Country soon!”

“Thank goodness that Lin Ye, this bitch, built the copy so realistically. When I really land in the Eagle Sauce Country, I must have a good time there!”




But at this moment, the alarm sounded suddenly!

The red alarm lights on all the warships flashed.

Thirty thousand warships were in chaos in an instant.

“Damn it! What’s going on!” Yamamoto Sanjueji was just about to go to the main console to see why the radar warning device suddenly sounded the alarm.

At this time, the radio of other warships suddenly came over.

“It’s bad! Commander Yamamoto!”

“All warships sent warnings at the same time! A fleet… is rushing towards us!”

“According to the radar system, the speed of this fleet… is at least 100 knots!!!”

Yamamoto Sanjuhachi’s drunkenness disappeared all of a sudden, and he shuddered with fear.

“100 knots?!”

“What a joke!”

Knot is a speed unit commonly used by the navy. One knot means that the ship travels one nautical mile in one hour.

One nautical mile is equal to 1.85 kilometers.

The speed of this fleet is 100 knots, which is equivalent to 185 kilometers per hour!

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