The emperor was at the command platform and announced his choice to the world.

I would rather die than live in disgrace!

Toyo Island will never surrender! We will fight to the end with the Eagle Sauce Country! We will fight to the last minute and never give up!

As soon as the emperor made his statement, the sky curtain immediately gave the final warning!

[The sky curtain detected that the challenger had made a choice! The challenger refused to surrender! ]

[In view of the challenger’s refusal to surrender, stubborn resistance, and refusal to surrender to the Eagle Sauce. The Eagle Sauce Country decided to use the most powerful weapon to clean up the Toyo Island! At the same time, the Eagle Sauce Country decided not to wait any longer, and the attack time was also advanced to this moment! A comprehensive military operation was launched against Toyo Island! 】

【Please prepare all challengers to fight against the Eagle Sauce Country! This will be the most terrifying combat power of the Raging Sea! 】


The sky curtain continued to remind, but was ignored by the emperor.

“Enough! Sky curtain! No need to remind me again!”

“My own choice, I will solve it myself!”

The emperor sneered twice, and the whole person was crazy.

“Humph! Eagle Sauce can’t hold it back? Are you going to attack now?”

“Then I want to see what Eagle Sauce’s top weapon is?”

At this time, Ito Hidetaka suddenly said tremblingly:

“My lord… just after you issued the order for total war, the loyalty of the people of Dongying Island has dropped to the extreme… It’s scary that they will attack the Imperial Garden by force in a short time.”

Ito Hidetaka thought of the scene of his tragic death in the last copy, when this group of Dongying Island mobs finally executed him.

“Ridiculous! A group of rioters are going to hinder me?” The Emperor laughed dryly.

“Let the challengers from the nearest Edo Army Base come with weapons and suppress these rioters for me!”

“Anyone who protests against us will be shot!”

“Our rule will never be allowed to be shaken by anyone! The NPCs in these dungeons are what Lin Ye set up to hinder us. It is best to eliminate them all at once!”

Hearing this, Ito Hidetaka couldn’t help but take a breath.

“My Lord… this…”

The Emperor’s methods are really too cruel!

I was cruel enough in the dungeon last time, but I didn’t say that I was armed to kill these civilians.

Even so, I was punished more severely. Now the Emperor wants to take the initiative to shoot civilians. Is he completely crazy?

Although it was in the dungeon, the Emperor’s choice still made people feel daunted.

Ito Hidetaka even thought that if there was no supreme existence like Tianmu watching in the real world, I really didn’t know how the emperor would treat the people of Dahe settlement.

The emperor had no time to deal with Ito Hidetaka.

He then projected the real-time broadcasts of all military bases onto the light curtain, and issued final instructions to each military base.

“Listen, commanders of all military bases, prepare all our anti-aircraft weapons! Be ready to fight against the Eagle Sauce Air Force at any time!”

“Ito-kun! Supervise all military bases, and record those who are slack and afraid of fighting!”

Ito Hidetaka could only nod and agree. The emperor sat on the chair, closed his eyes, and began to empty himself.

In fact, Ito Hidetaka didn’t understand the emperor!

The reason why the emperor chose to resist was not only because of the so-called glory and Dahe dignity, but more importantly, he felt that there was still a glimmer of hope, or even hope of turning defeat into victory!

This was the countermeasure he had just thought of.

That is to switch from offense to defense!

If we no longer take the initiative to attack, but instead launch a defense, the situation may be much better than attacking the Eagle Sauce across the ocean.

At least we can take advantage of the local advantages of the East Japan Island!

The Emperor has a judgment on the next attack of the Eagle Sauce.

This time, the attack is turned into defense, and the East Japan Island has become the defending party, while the Eagle Sauce country has become the attacker.

The Eagle Sauce is now enraged and will only attack the East Japan Island at the fastest speed.

For modern warfare, the fastest way to attack is the air force.

Whether the Eagle Sauce directly sends troops to the mainland or relies on the power of aircraft carriers in the Pacific, its primary tactical action must be an offensive with fighter jets as the vanguard.

Its target is most likely the major military bases where challengers gather.

In this way, the challenger’s fortifications will be easy to build, and all challengers who are still in the military bases can put out all their anti-aircraft weapons.

Mortars, rocket launchers, anti-aircraft weapons, etc.

Air balloons, anti-aircraft guns!

Together they form the perfect air defense line of the Japanese island!

Once an enemy plane dares to invade the airspace of the Japanese island, the challenger will immediately launch a counterattack. Such a defensive strategy gives the challenger a first-mover advantage in the war. They not only have the opportunity to resist the attack of the Eagle Sauce, but are more likely to inflict heavy damage on the enemy in the confrontation.

Not to mention completely defeating the Eagle Sauce, at least it can make the Eagle Sauce lose a layer of skin, and if you are lucky, you can even turn the tide of the war.

In any case, it is much better than being abused unilaterally!

But just as the emperor was thinking about this last-ditch strategy, Ito Hidetaka suddenly shouted.

“Heaven… Heaven… Emperor!”

“Hiroshima Wu Hai Military Base was attacked by the Eagle Sauce!”

The emperor woke up directly from his thoughts! He was furious:

“Ito Hidetaka, dare to disrupt the morale of the army, do you want to be wiped out?”

He obviously did not believe what Ito Hidetaka said.

From the time he officially announced his refusal to surrender to the Eagle Sauce to now, the copy time is less than ten minutes!

How could the Eagle Sauce army rush over during this period of time?

No matter how fast the Eagle Sauce’s planes and aircraft carriers are, they can’t reach this speed.

“Your Majesty, everything I say is true. Please come and see.” Ito Hidetaka said aggrievedly.

The Emperor hurried to the light curtain to check.

In an instant, he froze in place, and his feet couldn’t help shaking again!

His expression froze instantly!

In the projection of the light curtain, the Hiroshima Wu Hai military base is no longer the steel jungle of the past, but has become a ruin!

The sky is covered by billowing smoke, and the sun can’t penetrate it at all!

In this chaos, everything is gradually disappearing with the smoke.

On the ground, there is no complete grass or soil.

In the mess, there are huge pits, burning wreckage and vehicles that have been destroyed beyond recognition.

The bodies of the challengers were lying in a pool of blood or hanging upside down on the broken branches. The blood and dust mixed together to form a blood mist that could not be dispelled.

“How is it possible?!”

The Emperor’s breathing became extremely heavy. He couldn’t believe his eyes at all, but the extremely real scene in front of him made him believe it.

Hiroshima Wu Hai Military Base has really been completely destroyed by Eagle Sauce!

Tianmu glanced at the backstage of the copy. A large part of the challengers disappeared in the copy, and the number of people in the copy dropped sharply again.

Hiroshima Wu Hai Military Base is the largest military base in Dongying Island, and there are also the most challengers here. In addition to the previous naval forces, there are still 100,000 challengers here.

As a result, none of the 100,000 people are left, and they all died in battle!

The number of challengers in the copy has dropped sharply to less than 400,000 at this moment!

“Why! Why is this!”

“How can there be such a fast attack method?!”

At this moment, the Emperor couldn’t figure out how Eagle Sauce did it. His thoughts were in a mess and he couldn’t concentrate at all.

It was less than ten minutes, and the Eagle Sauce destroyed the largest military base on the island of Dongying in the blink of an eye? !

The Emperor forced himself to calm down and set his eyes on the light curtain again.

If his inference was correct, after the Eagle Sauce solved the Wu Hai Military Base, the next target should be the Maizuru Military Base.

He did not dare to hesitate at all, and directly set his eyes on the broadcast screen of the Maizuru Military Base. He wanted to see what thunderbolt means the Eagle Sauce used to do this.

“Everyone at the Maizuru Military Base, listen up, set up an air defense formation, the Eagle Sauce’s next target should be you.”

As soon as the Emperor finished speaking the order, the picture of the Maizuru Military Base on the light curtain shook violently!

In the picture, inside the military base, the alarm sounded suddenly, and the red warning light flashed wildly.

Before various vehicles and personnel could fully react, an extremely bright arc appeared in the distant sky! Like a meteor across the night sky, dazzling and shocking!

A missile dragged a long tail of flames and dived towards the military base at a very high speed.

After that moment of silence, a deafening roar suddenly broke out.

The sound wave was so strong that even the Emperor and Ito Hidetaka, who were thousands of miles away, could feel its shocking power, as if the sound wave reached their cochlea directly and almost tore their eardrums.

The shock wave generated by the explosion was as turbulent as a storm and waves, spreading at an astonishing speed. The buildings around the base were instantly destroyed by this terrifying force and turned into countless fragments. !

The high temperature was like a scorching flame sword, wielding mercilessly and devouring all combustible materials.

The flames, red as blood, were hot and violent, reflecting

The sky and earth were lit up in red.

In this raging flame, billowing smoke rose up, like a huge black dragon, circling and whistling wildly in the air. It rolled and spread, almost covering the entire sky!

The rows of military vehicles and equipment that were originally neatly arranged in the base are now scattered all over the ground, and some have been thrown hundreds of meters away. The impact left deep marks on the ground.

Some even disappeared directly in the high temperature! Not even a trace of residue was left.

Woo woo woo!

The sound of the wind was like crying and complaining, intertwined with the screams of the challengers on the battlefield, forming a tragic symphony.

This is not just the sound of the wind, but more like the ruthless mockery of the Eagle Sauce to the East Island.

The tremor after the explosion still echoed in the sky, and the earth was shaking because of the shock wave! As if telling its helplessness and fear.

The Maizuru Military Base, which was still in order a second ago, is now a hell on earth! Just like the Wu Hai military base, it was reduced to a ruin.

In the background of the copy, the numbers kept jumping, and another 50,000 people were reduced! In the copy, there were only 350,000 challengers left!

“What is this? Who can tell me!”

“What kind of weapon is this?! What the hell is this weapon?!”

The emperor slammed the wall hard, and the little bit of fighting spirit that had just burned out was cruelly extinguished at this moment.

Ito Hidetaka took a breath and said hesitantly:

“Your Majesty, maybe I can make a rough guess. I seemed to have seen Lin Ye using something similar in the first dungeon…”

“He used something like this tracking shell to defeat my fleet. At that time, his shells could fire five nautical miles away.”

“Now it seems that the shell was just Lin Ye testing the waters… According to this time, these two shells must have been fired from the mainland of Eagle Sauce Country, otherwise, it would be impossible to complete the attack in such a short time!”

Ito Hidetaka actually didn’t believe what he said, it was too outrageous.

Dongying Island and Eagle Sauce Country are across a large ocean. Are there really shells that can fire so far? But all this reality is in front of him, and he can only explain it this way.

Then, Tianmu gave a positive answer.

[Tianmu Tip: Since the challenger guessed the basic principle of Eagle Sauce Country’s weapons, Tianmu can give a simple explanation as a copy prompt so that the challenger can make corresponding defenses. 】

【Due to the resistance of the challenger, the Eagle Sauce just used the hypersonic intercontinental missile AGM-183 ARRW against the Japanese island! 】

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