The battle was over, and the battle was over.

“Your Majesty, the situation on Dongying Island has completely changed, and everything must be planned in the long run.”

“These people no longer support us. Whether we recruit soldiers or ask them to help me make weapons, we will encounter huge obstacles.”

“If we continue to fight, the hope of passing the level is slim.”

Ito Hidetaka’s eyes are no longer happy or sad.

But because the previous two copies ended in disastrous defeat, Ito Hidetaka was actually a little numb to the fact that this copy would fail again.

So Ito Hidetaka no longer cared much about the new “nation-annihilating fleet” and the top technology newly demonstrated in Lin Ye’s copy.

He once thought that with the support of the Emperor and the support of millions of compatriots, he could deal a fatal blow to Lin Ye and resolve all the previous humiliations. It also allowed Ito Hidetaka to return to the altar!

Now it seems that it was just a fantasy of his! It was his most stupid and childish dream.

There is no essential difference between the Emperor leading the team and himself leading the team.

They are both abused and ravaged by others…

In this way, it is not that he is incompetent, but that Lin Ye is too strong.

Even a top-level strong man like the Emperor can hardly resist. He is just a young copy designer. It is normal that he cannot beat Lin Ye. At this moment, he even has a little more admiration for Lin Ye in his heart.

“Emperor… Lin Ye’s military technology reserves are too strong. I have previously speculated that this person may have countless forces behind him, or even the joint support of many settlements!”

“This time, it will be difficult for us to defeat him. It is better to surrender to Yingjiang directly, so as not to be humiliated in the copy and let those who are watching the battle on the Azure Star laugh at us in vain…”

Before Ito Hidetaka finished speaking, the Emperor angrily overturned the table. Another loud noise came from the quiet Songzhi Pavilion.

“Bold! Ito Hidetaka! You actually said this to humiliate my Dahe clan!”

“I think you don’t want to live!”

The Emperor roared angrily, and Ito Hidetaka knelt down in fear.

“From ancient times to the present, when has our Dahe tribe ever surrendered in a dungeon?!”

“Have you forgotten the creed of Bushido? We would rather die standing than kneel down and surrender!”

At this time, the emperor exuded an indescribable murderous aura, his eyes were red, and it felt like he could shed tears of blood at any time.

The strong anger made his whole body twitch, but the so-called dignity forcibly pulled him, making him look extremely distorted.

“As a Dahe person, how can you choose to surrender because you are afraid of being humiliated? Do you think that if you do this, the people of the Azure Star will not laugh at us?”

“They will think that we Dahe people are all weaklings!! We are cowards who are greedy for life and death!”

Ito Hidetaka was so scared that he kowtowed quickly, hitting the floor with a frame sound, and tears of fear flowed from his eyes.

Even though he was speechless in his heart, he could only surrender on the surface. He was just a small bastard, and it was impossible for him to challenge the emperor.

“Your Majesty, I know my crime!”

“I just said it casually, I didn’t think too much… Everything is still under the command of Your Majesty, I will never dare to disobey Your Majesty’s order.”

The Emperor took a deep breath, then shouted coldly, and suddenly pulled out the samurai sword from his waist again.

The bright knife light frightened Ito Hidetaka again, and he knelt on the ground and took two steps back.

At the same time, the Emperor also turned on all the communication devices on the console and opened communication with all the military bases on the Japanese Island.

“All challengers listen carefully, next I will fight with the Eagle Sauce Country to the end, until I die in battle!”

“All the people in the Dahe settlement must also join me and hold on to the Japanese Island until the last moment. No one is allowed to escape from the battlefield, otherwise I will deal with it after leaving the copy!”

The Emperor said this not only to Ito Hidetaka, but also to all the challengers in the copy.

At this moment, he does not allow any challenger to surrender to the Eagle Sauce Country! Anyone who dares to disobey will betray him and the Dahe settlement.

The emperor grabbed Ito Hidetaka by the collar and pulled him up from the ground. Then he put his mouth close to Ito Hidetaka’s ear and whispered:

“Hmph, Ito-kun, do you know what surrender means… Surrender means

The taste is that we surrender to Lin Ye! To surrender to Lin Ye is to surrender to Da Xia!!!

“This time we may not be able to pass the level, and we may die in the battle, but we must make the Eagle Sauce lose some skin anyway! Instead of being crushed and ravaged in such a humiliating way now!”

“I want Lin Ye to reveal all the cards in the dungeon, so that we can get the information of this dungeon, and have a chance to attack the dungeon next time, otherwise this dungeon challenge is simply meaningless!”

Facing the Emperor who was a little furious and mentally abnormal at this moment, Ito Hidetaka did not dare to resist, and could only tremble and follow the words of the Emperor:

“Emperor…Emperor, I will listen to you in everything! I…I will definitely fight to the last moment.”

The Emperor snorted, slowly let go of Ito Hidetaka’s hand, and then turned and walked towards the command desk.

“All the leaders of the military bases, listen to me! Set up your formation and prepare for battle with all your strength! ”

“Anyone who can kill the Eagle Sauce soldiers and destroy the Eagle Sauce weapons, I don’t care what you do in the dungeon, I will give you extra rewards after leaving the dungeon!”

“You must dig out all of Lin Ye’s trump cards for me!!!”

The emperor screamed hysterically, and had already set the next dungeon strategy invisibly.

That is, never surrender to the Eagle Sauce! Defend the Japanese island to the last moment!

At this moment, Ito Hidetaka’s heart was full of mixed feelings, and a deep sense of powerlessness surged in his heart.

Is this still the emperor who is highly respected and has extraordinary combat skills?

Is this still the gentle and elegant leader of the Dahe settlement?!

The current emperor has completely changed like a different person, becoming demented and irritable, and is completely different from the spiritual pillar in Ito Hidetaka’s heart. As the leader of a settlement, the emperor should not be so crazy and so out of control anyway.

Could it be that if we persist, we can really dig out the trump cards of Lin Ye and Crazy Sea? This is all wishful thinking. With the level of combat power shown by Crazy Sea, there is no need to use trump cards at all!

Let alone the ending of this copy, just the fact that a LV4 Emperor was forced to this point by a LV3 Lin Ye means that they have already lost.

In fact, there is another reason why Ito Hidetaka wants to surrender, that is, he is really afraid that if he continues to waste time, it will cause other variables!

This kind of thing happened in his previous two copies, and he has long had a shadow in his heart.

Every time he resists Eagle Sauce or ignores the prompts of the sky, the end will be miserable.

The biggest possibility is that a special event is triggered, and then the dungeon mission is changed, resulting in a doubling of the penalty for failing the final mission.

The last time Ito Hidetaka was directly deducted 5,000 points was because he insisted on his own way in the dungeon.

Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years. These are all bloody lessons.

He is really scared now. If the situation last time happens again, it is very likely that it will not be as simple as demotion. It is very likely that he will be killed instantly!

But he dare not say these words at this moment. If he rebels against the emperor at this time, he will definitely be liquidated after leaving the dungeon. One is that it may be miserable, and the other is that it must be miserable. Ito Ying Gao had no choice…

All he could do now was to pray that Lin Ye would show some leniency and not to use any special mechanism in this copy.


PS: Today’s benefits have been updated. You only need to click to urge for more updates, and then send a free gift for love, and you can get the zfb password red envelope given by Wujie in the background message. The number is limited and it is on a first-come, first-served basis.

In addition, the review has been very strict recently, and the chapters may be stuck. Sometimes it is likely to be stuck for half a day. Please forgive me. I will try to update three times a day. If there is no update, it means it is stuck…

The scenes of Changhe Luoriyuan will come soon, so don’t worry.

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