The more the two sides of the river, the more they will be in trouble.

Hearing the threatening reminder from Tianmu, the millions of Dahe people in the void were all at a loss.

Even the Emperor stood there at a loss.

“What is going on?”

“Tianmu! Why can you indulge Lin Ye to do these things that violate the copy design rules?!”

“All along, the copy has been settled directly at the end, why does Lin Ye’s copy have to come up with an extra trial?” The Emperor shouted loudly to the sky, obviously questioning Tianmu.

“Is this kind of thing reasonable?”

“Lin Ye is a dungeon designer, and we are also dungeon designers. What qualifications does he have to judge us?!”

If Lin Ye’s dungeon mechanism designs before were barely justifiable, then the so-called Japanese trial now is pure humiliation in the eyes of the Emperor.

Just deduct as many points as you should, why do you have to come up with this kind of thing!

[Tiam’s Tip: This Raging Sea dungeon is a free mode of Total War. Everyone has complete freedom of choice, so the task points rewards and penalties are also settled separately. Tianmu believes that this special settlement method is reasonable and innovative. ]

[Tiam has previously reminded challengers that malicious damage to friendly NPCs in the dungeon is not advocated by Tianmu. If challengers can pass the dungeon, then intentional damage to friendly forces can be regarded as a means of combat, but if challengers fail to pass the dungeon smoothly, then this malicious behavior should be punished! ]

[Please be prepared, challengers, you will enter the final stage of this dungeon in two minutes: Japanese trial! 】

【Now entering the countdown phase… 120. 】

【119. 】

The Emperor was very angry, and he was almost shaking with anger.

After failing the mission, he had to stay in the dungeon to be humiliated. This was simply whipping the corpse repeatedly.

The Raging Sea lasted for more than ten days this time. Being tortured in the dungeon was already exhausting, and now he had to be trapped in it.

This kind of thing seemed unreasonable no matter how he looked at it.

But even if he was furious, he couldn’t do anything about it.

In this world, the Sky Curtain is the eternal authority. As long as the Sky Curtain approves it, no one can violate it.

Even if there are unreasonable places, we have to wait until the Sky Curtain corrects it later, not this time.

“Don’t worry…”

He could only comfort his people first.

“It’s a free mode, and all our policies are in line with the needs of war, so… even if it’s a trial, there won’t be any severe punishment.”

“Everyone in the dungeon has transferred points to the shrine before, and everyone has more than 10,000 points. There’s nothing to be afraid of even if the punishment is increased.”

[3. ]

[2. ]

[1. ]

Soon, the countdown ended.

In the endless depths of the void, a huge scene gradually emerged.

What appeared like a miracle was a magnificent and huge hall. The broad marble steps rolled like waves, and rows of seats continued to unfold, as if the gods were preparing to descend.

The lines of each row of seats were smooth and elegant, telling of silent solemnity and majesty.

The scene in the distance was even more mysterious. A tall platform gradually rose from the ground, like a bright pearl breaking through the sea. The golden light emanating from the platform was so dazzling that people couldn’t look directly at it.

As the platform rose, the light and shadow on it began to change, and a vague figure gradually became clear. He was like a misty immortal, standing in the light.

The platform rose more than five meters high, and the shadow on the platform had sharp eyes, as if looking down at every living being on the ground. The majestic aura made the emperor and others feel a great pressure.

The challengers looked up at the shadow shrouded in golden light, but could not see the man’s face clearly

It felt like the supreme god, looking down at the one million Dahe people.

The emperor looked down and found that a pair of handcuffs had appeared on his wrists.

“Damn it!”

This was a great humiliation, and he was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

“Lin Ye! Damn Lin Ye!”

In his opinion, Lin Ye’s intention to humiliate the Dahe people by doing such a formal thing was obvious!

These things were not in the category of copies at all, but deliberate revenge.

At this time, the emperor even forgot that this deputy

He had taken the initiative to bring one million tribesmen in.

[Sky Curtain Tip: This is the area set up by the dungeon designer Lin Ye in the dungeon, named “Earth International Court”, where the Japanese trial will officially begin! ]

[Next, the sky curtain will judge all challengers according to the severity of their crimes. ]

[Please ask the challengers whose names are called to walk to the bottom of the platform in an orderly manner! ]


As the void scene changed, the live broadcast of the dungeon was also changing.

At this moment, the perspective of the spectators also shifted from the sky above the ruins of Edo City to this international court.

Everyone was dumbfounded again.

[This… can it be like this? The dungeon was originally over, but they were pulled into such a strange space again? ]

[But I think Lin Ye is a little too perverted. Although the people of the Dahe tribe are quite annoying, it is a bit cruel to humiliate them repeatedly like this. ]

[Does the above know what he is talking about? I think Ye Shen’s setting is very reasonable. It is a free dungeon, and it should be calculated according to each person’s clearance level. 】

【The points can be calculated separately, but isn’t it obvious that such a trial is to torture the challenger? 】

The copy live broadcast became active again.

However, at this moment, whether it is the spectators outside the copy or the challengers in the copy, no one realizes what this international court represents.

At this moment, no one realizes that after this wave of trials, many people will be directly wiped out!


【Please ask Iga Ryuji to come to the trial platform!】

The first person to be judged is the leader of the ninja group in the Dahe settlement.

He is also the one who betrayed Dongying Island and defected to Yingjiang.



“Damn traitor!”

“Iga Ryuji, you are a traitor, people like you deserve to be judged!”

For a while, the challengers were filled with righteous indignation and accused and scolded Iga Ryuji.

In the cognition of these people, Dongying Island would be defeated so badly, and Iga Ryuji also had an unshirkable responsibility.

If Iga Ryuji just surrendered, it would be considered cowardice at best. What’s hateful is that this guy also leaked all the information of the challenger camp.

The emperor quietly clenched his fists, and murderous intent gathered in his heart.

He wanted to kill this traitor immediately, but he didn’t need to do it in the copy.

Once he left the copy, the first thing the emperor had to do was to clear Iga Ryuji’s points and then kill him in various ways allowed by the sky curtain!

Iga Ryuji lowered his head and slowly walked to the trial platform.

In fact, he regretted it to death at this moment, and his mind was still confused until now.

As a ninja, his Bushido spirit is actually the strongest, and the creed of the ninja is always loyalty!

At that time, he was arranged to sneak into the Eagle Sauce Country to steal the intelligence of the Eagle Sauce Country.

But as soon as he set foot on the land of the Eagle Sauce Country, he was shocked beyond words.

That feeling was like entering a new world!

He saw the statue of the goddess, the Empire Bay, and the prosperity and strength of this dungeon world.

Compared with this, the blue star in the real world is simply a cultural desert.

Soon… he was lost in that world of luxury.

At that moment, he even wanted to stay in this world forever.

So when Eagle Sauce’s Foboler found him and asked him if he was willing to stay in Eagle Sauce and stay in the dungeon forever, he actually believed it.

He chose to surrender without hesitation and leaked all kinds of military configurations to Eagle Sauce.

Then he was directly declared to have failed the dungeon challenge and was directly teleported to this strange void.

At this point, he had to sigh at the excellence of Lin Ye’s dungeon design.

Relying on the extremely real dungeon details and the special event settings of the bewitching heart, it is really difficult to distinguish between true and false.

[Iga Ryuji, you took the initiative to surrender to Eagle Sauce in the raging sea dungeon, which helped Eagle Sauce predict the movements of the evil Dongying Island to a certain extent. Your behavior in maintaining world peace and human rights should not be judged! 】

【So Tianmu decided to deduct only the 20 points that should be deducted for ending the dungeon in the form of mission mode 2: surrender to the Eagle Sauce Country! 】

Iga Ryuji reacted immediately and showed joy after a long time.

“Thank you for the gift of Eagle Sauce!”

Iga Ryuji saluted directly to the judgment platform, but Tianmu ignored him and directly executed the point deduction and teleported him out of the dungeon.


“Iga Ryuji’s behavior is not punished?!”

“If a challenger fails to perform a normal task, 500 points will be deducted, but if Iga Ryuji betrays the challenger, only 20 points will be deducted. Doesn’t this encourage challengers to surrender directly?!”

“Damn it, this is not a trial at all, it’s just Lin Ye disgusting all challengers!”

The people in Dahe settlement were really disgusted.

Especially the emperor, who was so angry that his face turned blue.

He was not angry because the punishment for Iga Ryuji was too light, he also had a lot of ways to deal with such a traitor.

What really made him angry was the sinister intention of Lin Ye’s so-called “Japanese Trial”.

As a TOP20 copy designer, compared with those low-level tribesmen, he can naturally see Lin Ye’s intention of setting this up more clearly.

Encouraging people to surrender in this way is to make the challenger camp centrifugal.

Everyone has ulterior motives, chooses to surrender directly in order to survive, and provides all kinds of camp data to Eagle Sauce.

In this situation, it will become more difficult for challengers to pass the copy.

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