The emperor was in a state of panic.

This time, Ito Hidetaka entered the dungeon with just over 10,000 points.

This time, 100,000 points were deducted, and naturally the points were reset to zero.

It was even enough for him to die ten times.

Naturally, it was his fate to be directly wiped out.

Seeing the picture of Ito Hidetaka being directly pressed into a mosaic by the sky curtain, the emperor’s Adam’s apple trembled slightly, and the whole person began to panic.

Ito Hidetaka has always acted according to his orders. It can be said that the emperor should bear at least 90% of the responsibility for his being wiped out this time.

If the emperor could allow Ito Hidetaka to surrender when he wanted to surrender, then perhaps he would not die now.

The Emperor could not help but feel a touch of pity and regret in his heart.

Ito Hidetaka was a copy genius specially cultivated by Dahe Settlement. The Emperor invested a lot of resources in him.

Otherwise, how could Ito Hidetaka design four copies in one day? How could he upgrade to LV2 and become the fastest genius designer to be promoted to LV2.

Such a specially cultivated person was wiped out, which was a loss for Dahe Settlement and even more so for the Emperor.

Of course… In addition to regret, the Emperor was more afraid.

Ito Hidetaka, such an accomplice, was deducted 100,000 points, so how many points would he, the highest commander of this copy, be deducted?

The Emperor’s feet began to weaken again.

As a top challenger of LV4, he has more than 10 million points in reserve, and the general point deduction is really not painful for him.

But Lin Ye’s copy is different. There are too many traps hidden in it. The doubling and superposition of various points completely break away from the rules of various copies before.

So even the Emperor was very uncertain now.

[Emperor Takakawa, please come to the trial platform! ]

The Emperor took a long breath, dragged his shackles, and slowly walked towards the trial platform.

Every step made him extremely humiliated, as if he was falling into the abyss.

The leader of the Dahe settlement was actually being judged by a young man in his early twenties!

He was also watched and laughed at by the people of the entire Azure Star.

The short distance felt extremely long to the Emperor.

But in the end he still walked to the trial platform.

[Emperor Takakawa, as the commander-in-chief of this copy, you have committed a heinous crime. Because of you, countless innocent people on Dongying Island died in the war, and because of you, countless people were wiped out…]

[The crimes you committed in this copy challenge are as follows:]

[1. Propaganda of war! Set the general line of war for all challengers. ]

[2. Deceive the people and spread your militarist ideas to the people of Dongying Island! At the same time, a large number of soldiers were recruited, destroying the livelihood of the people on the island of Dongying. 】

【3. Secretly developed a bacterial force and brought this inhumane weapon into the dungeon, violating the humanitarianism of Earth Online! 】

【4. Illegally invaded the territory of the third-party force Dragon Country in the dungeon! 】

【5. Pretended to surrender to the Eagle Sauce Country, but secretly planned the war to attack Pearl Harbor…】

【6. Maliciously controlled the media on the island of Dongying and spread the wrong militarist ideas…】


Tianmu began to list the crimes of the emperor, which was a very long process.

Finally, when it came to more than 100 items, the emperor couldn’t help it. He clenched his fists and shouted:


“What crime is not a crime? Isn’t it a matter of success or failure? The next time I enter this dungeon, I will make the same choice!”

“Tianmu, as a LV4 senior challenger and the leader of the Dahe settlement, can I ask you to give me a quick death?”

Every time a crime was read, the emperor felt extremely humiliated and his heart was broken!

These are nothing more than the rules set by Lin Ye. Waging war is the main theme of the dungeon, and the Emperor does not think he has done anything wrong.

[Tianmu agrees to Emperor Xiaochuan’s request! ]

[After Tianmu’s review, it is decided to deduct 1,000,000 points from you! ]

1 million points? !

The Emperor shuddered and took two steps back involuntarily.

“This is too much!”

Just now, he did think that Lin Ye might use some means in the dungeon to deduct a huge amount of points from himself, or even cause him to be demoted.

But this is just a worst-case scenario, and the Emperor does not think it can be realized.

As a result, Lin Ye really did so, and he could make everything go smoothly under the strict review of Tianmu.

It becomes a matter of course.

Moreover, this one million points will just make him demote himself!

Because the Emperor’s reserve is now 1900,000!

“Tianmu… This is unfair!”

“The previous copy, at most, only a few thousand copies were deducted, and now Lin Ye’s copy has deducted one million at once, which is too exaggerated!”

The Emperor really couldn’t figure out what strange mechanism Lin Ye used to make a task with a basic deduction of 500 points increase to a penalty of one million!

Tianmu didn’t answer the Emperor’s question at all, but started to pronounce the verdict directly.

[Dear challenger, after the points are deducted, your points are less than 10 million, so your level will be reduced from LV4 to LV3! ]

[Now all challengers have completed the trial, and the trial of Japan ends here…]

[You will be teleported out of the copy. ]



The Emperor roared.

The impact of demotion on him is too great.

You should know that the higher you go, the more difficult it will be to upgrade your level, because Tianmu will deduct a lot of your points reward.

Especially the upgrade from LV3 to LV4, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven! This interval is completely a big fault in the hero list.

It took him three years to upgrade from 9 million to 10 million.

The failure of the wave of raging waves is equivalent to wasting three years for him.

This is not the most important thing.

What is more terrible is the negative impact after demotion.

The demotion of a high-level person means that the resources tilted by Tianmu to the settlement where this person is located will be withdrawn.

In this case, his reputation will be greatly damaged.

The people of the Dahe tribe generally admire the strong and value interests.

The tribe members will feel that because of him, the settlement has declined, his status in the settlement will be greatly reduced, and it is even possible that he will fall from the position of the emperor.

You know, the Dahe tribe has another new LV4, the shogun Minamoto no Raikou!

Minamoto no Raikou did not lose too many points in this instance, and he is now completely above himself!

“Tianmu! Please, don’t!”

Tianmu ignored the Emperor’s anger and directly teleported him out of the instance.

At the same time, the statistics of the instance’s clearance were published on the screens of all spectators.

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