The new game is about to start.

[This time, Raging Sea showed a very high level of copy design. Your copy design was highly recognized by Tianmu, and you received a total of 1.93 million points this time! ]


[Dear copy designer, Tianmu has clear rules for the ratio of points returned. The points are returned in the form of segmented calculations:]

[For the total amount of points not exceeding 100 million, Tianmu returns it to the copy designer at a rate of 1%. ]

[For the total amount exceeding 100 million but not exceeding 1 billion, Tianmu returns it to the copy designer at a rate of 1/1000. ]

[For the total amount exceeding 1 billion but not exceeding 10 billion, Tianmu returns it to the copy designer at a rate of 1/1000. 】

Seeing the change in points, Lin Ye took a big sip of Coke and felt refreshed all over. He felt a sense of relief from head to toe.

As for the weird and complicated calculation method of this point, Lin Ye was actually too lazy to care about it, and it was impossible for him to use his brain to calculate it.

He wanted as much as Tianmu gave him, and he couldn’t reason with Tianmu. Moreover, Tianmu itself was a high-level intelligence, and this kind of calculation could not go wrong.

He also knew that Tianmu would definitely make a large deduction. Since the end of the last copy, Lin Ye had this psychological preparation.

The main source of points for this copy was actually the 400,000 air force and navy led by Yamamoto Sanjuha and Tominaga Yasuyuki who attacked Pearl Harbor. This was the largest head. Although the strength was not very good, it could not resist the high experience.

Each of them was deducted 1,000 points, plus the large number of people, it can be said that it constitutes the core part of the return of points for this copy.

As for the huge points deducted from the Emperor and Ito Hidetaka later, although one is 100,000 and the other is 1 million… but with the 1/10,000 return rate after exceeding 1 billion, it will actually be greatly reduced, and it is not enough to look at at all.

Moreover, Lin Ye also discovered that there is an obvious score threshold for Tianmu’s mechanism, which is 2 million. Because the total points of 1 billion are converted to 1.9 million points returned, the return rate will be reduced to 1/10,000 later, and the number will become very scarce.

It is basically impossible for any copy designer to obtain more than this number of points in a single copy.

This can be said to be the limit value of the copy rules set by Tianmu. From the perspective of Tianmu, it certainly does not want any blue star to gain points too quickly.

So, Lin Ye is really satisfied with the current result.

Originally, he took advantage of Tianmu’s loopholes and took advantage of Tianmu. Lin Ye was afraid that Tianmu would directly regret it and make other restrictions for himself.

Now that I can give all the points to myself, I have made a lot of money!

For the dungeons before the Raging Sea, the number of people in the dungeon is at most a few thousand, and the points deducted are no more than a thousand, so the points that can be obtained each time are definitely far less than two million.

Maybe getting 10,000 or 20,000 each time is considered top-level, and 2 million is already an exaggerated and abnormal existence for their points.

Lin Ye has walked the distance of those strong men for a year or even several years in this day! Isn’t this abnormal enough?

And he knows very well that after this dungeon is over, Tianmu will definitely weaken the Raging Sea more strictly.

Lin Ye doesn’t know how to force the adjustment. It may be adjusted in terms of the number of people, or it may be possible to directly cancel the points increase mechanism.

But it is certain that Tianmu will never let himself earn points so comfortably again.

So for this kind of thing, earn less every time, and cherish it while you earn it.

[Sky Curtain Tip: Due to the designer’s points increase, your ranking in the Sky Curtain Hero List has also been improved. Please check it yourself…]

Lin Ye went directly to the window and looked at the position of the Sky Curtain Hero List.

[NO48 Singh; Race: Asan; Level: lv3; Copy works: “Royal War”, “Glorious Ganges”! ]

[NO49 Lin Ye; Race: Daxia; Level: lv3; Copy works: “Earth Online Wuchang’s Raging Sea”! ]


Katrina; Race: Celtic; Level: lv3; Copy works: “Whirlwind Blade”! ]


Kim Keun Suk; Race: Goryeo; Level: lv3; Copy works: “Grandpa of the Chaebol”

! 】


Originally, Lin Ye thought that he could improve his ranking, but it turned out that he only moved up one place.

Last time he was ranked 50th, and this time he was ranked 49th. It can be seen how difficult it is to improve the level at LV3.

It can also be seen that at this level, there is a very obvious marginal effect. Ten thousand points at a low level are enough for a person to survive with peace of mind, but at this level, ten thousand points can be said to be nothing, and the cost performance is extremely low.

If a young designer wants to upgrade to this level, he either needs a large number of settlements to support him and gather everyone’s strength to barely reach the threshold of LV3.

Otherwise, he must be a genius like Lin Ye, and at the same time, he must dance within the rules of Tianmu.

Ordinary people can’t reach this level at all.

And if you want to go further, considering the rules for obtaining points in Tianmu, even if you have the support of forces and the protection of the consortium, it is useless. If you want to upgrade, you must wait for an old man.

According to Lin Ye’s previous calculations, it would take at least ten years, or even decades, for a strong man like Tianhuang to upgrade from LV3 to LV4.

Therefore, all these people at LV4 are middle-aged or old men without exception, and they are respected predecessors in the settlement.

However, these are not a problem for Lin Ye, because the Raging Sea is not Lin Ye’s only copy, and Lin Ye does not intend to rely on this copy to live off his savings and wait for retirement.

Wuchang has two other large copies waiting for him to be released to the Azure Star.

The difficulty of those two copies is even higher than that of the Raging Sea!

This time, the wool has been plucked, and the next copy can be plucked again.

In addition to his own ranking improvement, Lin Ye also noticed a very interesting thing.

That is, he squeezed out the names of Katarina and Kim Keun-suk.

Lin Ye remembered that last time, Kim Keun-suk was ahead of him, and Katarina was in the 51st place.

It is obvious that Kim Keun Suk and Katharina are very close in points. Maybe Katharina surpassed Kim Keun Suk yesterday, and with her own improvement today, she directly squeezed this little guy out of the top 50.

It’s really interesting.


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