After expressing his sympathy for the Dahe settlement, Lin Ye was ready to turn off all the communication equipment.

Because there was really no soft use and no help at all.

His design concept and military technology accumulation were really far ahead of the world, so reading these boring news felt like there was no nutrition at all, and it was difficult to obtain useful knowledge on the Internet.

But just when Lin Ye was about to turn off the TV, several news suddenly attracted his attention.

It was a channel called the Voice of South Korea.

The first news on it was:

[According to scholars from the South Korea settlement, the aircraft carrier, missile, atomic bomb and other technologies in Lin Ye’s copy are likely to have plagiarized the research results of the South Korea Research Institute…]

This made Lin Ye feel a little nauseous, and his brows couldn’t help but frown.

The Nan Gaoli settlement is located between the Daxia Tenglong settlement and the Daxia settlement. In terms of strength, they are actually inferior to each other.

Before, they had always lived under the suppression of the Daxia settlement. Later, a LV4 Park Chengwan finally emerged from the settlement, and they barely stood their ground.

As a result, Daxia is now ruined, and Nan Gaoli is confident enough to openly start jumping up and down, and dare to touch themselves so clumsily.

Then read the second news.

[According to Nan Gaoli genetics experts, Lin Ye is most likely the descendant of a professor of the Goryeo ethnic group who taught in Daxia. Lin Ye should be of Goryeo descent! Aircraft carriers, missiles and other technologies should be the common property of Nan Gaoli…]

Seeing this, Lin Ye’s nausea became more severe, and he almost vomited.

In the previous life on Blue Star, the Koreans loved to jump up and down in various ways, plagiarizing the achievements of the Dragon Country, and shamelessly registered various intangible cultural heritages, and were still complacent there.

Little did they know that it was just that Longguo really didn’t take them seriously, because throughout history, Bangzi was just a vassal state of Longguo.

When all nations came to pay tribute, he was just the little brother who could kneel in the front because he was close.

Longguo would pay attention to the Eagle Sauce, the Bear, and the Little Life, and even the White Elephant, but he would not pay attention to Bangzi.

The Bangzi people were extremely inferior, and they just loved to use this disgusting way to attract the attention of Longguo.

Now… I have traveled to a new world, but history is always surprisingly similar.

The Bangzi in this world is still annoying, still inferior and arrogant.

Especially this sentence “Lin Ye should be of Goryeo descent” made Lin Ye a little depressed.

I came here from a fucking time, I have no father or mother, how did you know my descent? !

Lin Ye continued to read on, and there was actually a third news, the video name was the decisive battle of young genius designers…

To be precise, this news should be a real-shot video.

In the video, a young man with dyed yellow hair, a side part and light makeup is showing his fist to the screen.

This man is indeed strong, and with his bare arms, he looks like the king of duck shops.

His eyes look extremely arrogant, with a sense of superiority, and his eyebrows reveal a kind of freshness like a killer.

But the face that looks more delicate than a woman’s makeup makes people feel very out of place.

The young man raised his head and just took two steps forward.

Behind him, a group of people in suits began to nod and bow, shouting in unison, “Hello, young master!”

“Lin Ye! I am the eldest young master of the South Korean Jin Family Consortium, my name is Jin Genshuo!”

“I question your performance in the copy of the raging sea! All your technical achievements are stolen from my South Korean achievements!”

“Now you have two choices!”

In the video, Jin Genshuo showed a murderous expression on his face.

“First! Submit all technical achievements to South Korea for review to determine whether you have committed theft… At the same time, you must move to the South Korea settlement to cooperate with the investigation!”

“Second! That is to accept Kim Keun Suk’s private challenge! This is also a duel between two top designers!”

“Our duel is very simple. We will each launch a copy next. This copy cannot contain weapons that appeared in the previous copy of the individual! I can design the copy and you challenge it! Or you can design the copy and I challenge it!”

“If you can beat me, it means that you have a very high design talent, and South Korea can recognize you! Your plagiarism will not be punished.”

“If I beat you. Then you have to

Submit all technologies to South Korea and stay in South Korea forever! ”

At the end, Kim Keun Suk raised his fist again and hit the screen twice.

“Lin Ye, I’m waiting for your reply! ”

Then the video screen suddenly stopped and turned into a series of white mosaics.

This video really confused Lin Ye.

He thought about it carefully and finally figured it out. Isn’t this Jin Genshuo the guy who was ranked ahead of him before, and was squeezed out of the TOP50 by him after the last Raging Sea?

As expected of a Korean, he actually bluffed himself so exaggeratedly. It seems that he was very unhappy after being squeezed out.

He wanted to pretend to be fierce, but Lin Ye just thought it was ridiculous.

What the hell are you?

Why do you say you want to challenge others?!

If you think about it, Lin Ye will never care about Jin Genshuo. Because that is a pure waste of time. What is the ultimate purpose? Is it to prove the false accusation?

First of all, this is a world controlled by Tianmu. There is no possibility of any violence. If you ignore this guy directly, he can’t do anything.

It’s nothing more than It’s just pulling yourself into his copy.

But Lin Ye now has the power of pardon, so he’s not afraid of this at all. Moreover, even if he is really pulled in, with the weapons that Lin Ye can use in the copy, he can completely beat Jin Genshuo.

If you really want to challenge yourself, just go to the raging sea, why bother to complain here? !

In addition… Jin Genshuo’s challenge is obviously for his own calculations.

Not being able to use the weapons in his previous copy is obviously a bet that Lin Ye has no other skills. He wants to irritate Lin Ye in this way, just to make Lin Ye accept this challenge in anger.

This kind of touch porcelain is not afraid of you arguing with him, but actually afraid that you will just walk away.

“What a jumping clown…” Lin Ye shook his head helplessly and turned off the TV directly.


(PS: After thinking about it, I finally want to beat the Korean, and it feels more appropriate. What do you think? I can tell the story of me and the Korean later when I have time.)

(Everyone remember to urge for more updates, and send some electricity for love.)

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