The key is to make the game more interesting.

What Ding Chang said was something that Lin Ye had not thought about before.

Others could not comprehend the techniques in Raging Sea, but some of the techniques in copy design could be imitated by some experienced designers.

For example, this set of constantly stacked task reward and punishment mechanisms.

This is like a floodgate, once opened, it will surge.

The consequence is that many copies of the Blue Star in the future will have a huge amount of points deduction that people can’t defend against.

Even if the sky curtain will be corrected later, it can make these people earn a wave.

“Actually, these things are not something that an old man like me should talk to you about. You are now the pillar of Daxia, and the whole of Daxia is under your protection. In fact, I am not qualified to tell you these things.”

Lin Ye shook his head repeatedly. “Don’t say that, Mr. Ding. Your advice is very useful to me.”

“There is one more thing, let me talk about it.”

“Regarding the challenge from Jin Genshuo on the Internet, you should not accept it, and don’t pay attention to him… The Jin family chaebol is all-powerful in South Korea, and its methods of doing things are even more despicable than the previous Emperor Xiaochuan. There is no need to spend energy on them.”

“As for the false reports of the South Korean media, Daxia will naturally have senior officials to deal with it, and you don’t need to explain anything.”

As he said, Ding Chang patted Lin Ye on the shoulder and forced a smile on his face.

“Mr. Lin, you just need to continue to create astonishing copies.”

“I am an old man and my time is running out. I have only one wish in this life, which is to see people from Daxia reach the top of the hero list!”

“I see hope in you!”

As he spoke, two lines of hot tears fell from Ding Chang’s eyes.

Lin Ye calmed down, gently held Ding Chang’s hand, and said lightly:

“Mr. Ding, if you hadn’t given me your warship to command in the Battle of the Imperial Sea copy, there might not have been the Raging Sea, and Miss Zhao and I would have been wiped out.”

“So I am very grateful to you.”

Lin Ye said what he thought in his heart.

At that time, Lin Ye was at the most vulnerable LV0 period, without any weapons on his body. Even if Lin Ye had a head full of military knowledge, it would be useless.

If Ding Chang hadn’t trusted him that time, and took away other high-level challengers in the copy to listen to his command, that copy would most likely end in failure.

At that time, Lin Ye only had a pitiful 70 points. If he lost twice more, he would be wiped out.

People should be grateful to those who help them in times of need. Although Ding Chang himself may not think that the help that time was so meaningful, Lin Ye remembered it in his heart.

“You said that you have always regarded Zhao Jianyu and her sister as your granddaughters. I just want to ask you one question… Do you want to avenge your granddaughter?”

This time it was Ding Chang’s turn to be stunned. He didn’t expect Lin Ye to suddenly say such a thing.


“If I were 30 years younger, if my copy had not been blocked… How dare the boy surnamed Jin be so arrogant!”

In an instant, a murderous look appeared on Ding Chang’s face.

That feeling was exactly the same as when he was in the Huanghai copy at that time!

“Okay, then I understand.” Lin Ye nodded slightly, and his tone continued to be calm and indifferent.

“Have a good rest. I’ll come to see you later.” After saying that, Lin Ye stood up and helped Ding Chang wipe off the cigarette ashes that had been shaken on the quilt.

“Lin… Mr. Lin…” Ding Chang wanted to say something, but Lin Ye had already turned and left the room.


Lin Ye drove directly to his cliff villa without a moment’s delay.

The challenger for the coming winter has now been identified!

That is Kim Keun Suk and the Kim Family Chaebol Group behind him!

In fact, as a time traveler, Lin Ye’s feelings for this world are still very weak.

He is not the kind of young man who will help others to avenge in a moment of heat.

The reason why Kim Keun Suk was decided as the challenger was more for his future progress.

First of all, the several times of jumping up and down in the South Korean gathering place made Lin Ye very annoyed!

In addition, Ding Chang just mentioned a detail that Lin Ye remembered in his heart.

That is, after Zhao Jianyu took the initiative to challenge Jin Genshuo’s copy, he was directly assigned to the copy by another person from the Jin family chaebol the next day, and then on the third day

He was pulled into the dungeon and killed by Jin Genshuo.

This couldn’t be a coincidence.

It was obviously a deliberate plot by the Jin family chaebol.

But Zhao Jianyu was just an unknown young designer. Although he had some talent, he was definitely not to the extent that people from other settlements would target him.

If you look at it this way, Ding Chang’s inference is very accurate. It must be that Nan Gaoli knew that Daxia First Research Institute had tried to win him over, so they thought Zhao Jianyu might have something to do with him.

Or Jin Genshuo thought Zhao Jianyu might have his own technology…

Lin Ye’s mind was surging like a tide.

If you look at it from this angle, Jin Genshuo and the Jin family chaebol had evil intentions towards him.

It’s nothing more than because he has the power of pardon, so they can’t do anything.

For such a hidden danger, what Lin Ye has to do is not to teach him a lesson like Ito Hidetaka before, but to uproot it directly.

Back to the cliff villa, Lin Ye went directly into the creation space without saying a word.

At this time, all the weapons of Winter is Coming have been manufactured, and the dungeon is 100% complete.

But Lin Ye directly gave a new instruction to the God Creation Space.

“I want to complete a map of power called Bangziguo in this place between Longguo and Dongying Island…”

“This country has a small territory and was once a vassal of Longguo…”

“Later, this country will be used as the birthplace of challengers when the dungeon is first opened.”

An hour later, Bangziguo appeared vividly on Earth Online.

Bangziguo can be said to have no characteristics, no iconic buildings, and not too many details, so it is very simple to design.

Then Lin Ye decisively exited the Creation Space.

Directly applied to Tianmu.

“Tianmu, please review my new dungeon, the name is Earth Online Wuchang Winter is Coming!”

“The initial number of challengers is set to 10,000.”

[The dungeon designer: Lin Ye has received the dungeon review application for Winter is Coming! ]

[The dungeon review has been started! Next, Tianmu will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the dungeon’s rationality, innovation, and foresight! 】

【Since this copy is large, it will take some time to review, please wait patiently. 】

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