The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

South Korean settlement.

Financial City, Gangnam District.

In the Jin family villa estate.

Jin Keun Suk watched Lin Ye’s video on his phone, clenched his fists a little, and showed a crazy smile on his face.

“Hahaha, this bastard really took the bait and accepted my challenge!”

“But… seeing how he pretended, I really wanted to step on him to death immediately.”

At this time, behind Jin Keun Suk, several very beautiful women were rubbing his shoulders and back.

These women are all big stars cultivated by the Jin family. They have a lot of popularity in the South Korean settlement and are sought after by local people.

It can even be said that they are the dream goddesses of countless Korean people.

But little did they know that in Jin Genshuo’s eyes, these women were just playthings, and they were the kind of playthings that were a little tired of playing.

This was the status of the Jin family in the South Korean settlement.

Covering the sky with one hand, controlling everything.

Although there was a sky curtain control above, the sky curtain would not manage the specific life mode of a settlement in detail.

Therefore, the economy, technology, finance, transportation, and the lifeblood of the entire settlement in the South Korean settlement were actually in the hands of the Jin family.

Opposite Jin Genshuo, an old man was drinking tea, but he seemed to have noticed the challenge video of Lin Ye circulating on the Internet, and his brows could not help but frowned.

He waved his hand, indicating that all the women serving Jin Genshuo should leave the room.

“Genshuo, are you sure you want to duel with this Lin Ye?”

“Are you really ready for this?”

Jin Genshuo nodded impatiently.

“Dad, I just want this Lin Ye to accept the challenge! Now that he has taken the bait, can I still retreat?”

“And, you also know that this damn Lin Ye squeezed in front of me, squeezed me out of the TOP50, and then affected the resource allocation of the entire South Korea settlement!”

“I want to get rid of this Lin Ye, or let him join our South Korea settlement obediently! Dad, is there anything wrong with me doing this?”

The old man sitting opposite is named Jin Canxun, Jin Genshuo’s father and the former owner of the Jin family.

Three months ago, Jin Canxun passed all the Jin family groups to Jin Genshuo, of course, most of his points and all his weapons technology!

This is the model of the South Korea chaebol. Generational inheritance can always support several high-level people.

Jin Genshuo jumped to the TOP50 and successfully became the successor of the Jin Group.

“If you want to help the settlement regain a spot, you should challenge Katarina in front of you, not Lin Ye who is in the limelight.” Jin Canxun took a sip of tea and said slowly.

“Lin Ye is the one who demoted the emperor and wiped out 200,000 people in Dahe settlement! Do you really have the confidence to defeat him?”

Upon hearing this, Jin Genshuo got angry all of a sudden, but he still tried to suppress himself.

In South Korea, the concept of respect and inferiority is still very important. Even if he is reluctant, he dare not challenge his father.

“Katrina of the Blackwater settlement is just a woman who hangs a sign for the settlement. No matter what, I can’t challenge a woman.”

“And dad, I challenge Lin Ye for a purpose, because Lin Ye has a lot of high-tech technology. If my Jin family can get those technologies, there is a good hope to slowly erode the Daxia settlement in the future.”

Jin Canxun was silent for a moment, and then looked at Jin Genshuo meaningfully.

“Then tell me, how are you going to beat Lin Ye?”

Kim Keun Suk smiled, then waved his hand disapprovingly.

“Dad, there is a very important point in the challenge between Lin Ye and me, that is, you are not allowed to use the weapons in your previous dungeons to create dungeons! In this way, Lin Ye can prove that his techniques are all created by himself, and not copied from my Goryeo people.”

“In other words, Lin Ye’s current dungeon cannot have the weapons in the previous Raging Sea!”

“I don’t think this dungeon will be as strong as Raging Sea.”

This is Kim Keun Suk’s calculation. He spread negative news about Lin Ye before just to let Lin Ye take this gamble.

A person’s energy is limited. If Lin Ye’s previous techniques in Raging Sea cannot be used, in Kim Keun Suk’s view, he has been stripped naked.

“Heh…” Kim Chan-hoon laughed dryly twice.

“Keun Suk, you are too unreasonable. This is just your unilateral request. Lin Ye can disobey it. If he just

The weapon of Raging Sea is used in the new copy, and you can’t do anything about it. ”

“Then Lin Ye will prove that he plagiarized my South Korea. Dad, don’t forget that Lin Ye is now a TOP50 person!”

“He will take his identity into consideration.”

“And if that’s the case, then I’ll just lose. I was just calculating him. Even if I don’t succeed, the group won’t lose.”

While talking, Jin Genshuo slowly walked in front of his father and whispered:

“Besides… Dad, those rubbish didn’t notice it, don’t you notice it? Lin Ye’s copy was not that strong at the beginning.”

“When his Raging Sea first appeared, it was actually not as strong as it was later, so a bunch of stage tasks were set up to cover it up. He continued to improve the copy later.”

“This can be seen from the fact that Tianmu kept adjusting the number of people.”

“It can be said that this stage is his weakest time! ”

Seemingly convinced by his son, Jin Canxun finally nodded.

“Forget it.”

“As the current leader of the Jin family, it won’t hurt to go out and show your face.”

“But it’s too weak for you to go alone. I’ll arrange 5,000 people from the company to assist you.”

“Dad!” Jin Genshuo was speechless.

“You also saw Lin Ye’s face in the video. He said that I was no match for him and asked me to bring a few more people from the chaebol group in! If I really brought them, wouldn’t he be right?”

“I have enough weapons on me! I don’t need people from the company to go out. When the time comes, I can just find a few passers-by to command them.”

Jin Canxun’s face was ashen, and he exuded majesty all over his body. He said coldly:

“A little impatience will ruin a big plan. Since Lin Ye said so, what can you do? ”

“If you can really conquer the dungeon and seize Lin Ye’s technology, that’s called having face, that’s called being a hero.”

“Have you forgotten the characteristics of our Goryeo people? When have we ever been so particular about face and skin? !”

Faced with Jin Canxun’s reprimand, Jin Genshuo didn’t dare to resist.

He could only light a cigar in a sullen manner, and then sat on the sofa in boredom, waiting for the dungeon to be officially opened.

A long hour finally passed, and Jin Genshuo noticed the new bullet screen prompt on the dome.

[Dear challengers, the new dungeon of dungeon designer Lin Ye, Winter is coming, and it is now officially opened!]

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