The old man was so angry, and the old man was so angry.

In fact, when he first saw the map of the raging sea, many details on Earth Online actually made Jin Genshuo feel a little unreasonable.

One of them is the difference in the territory of these “countries”.

In the real Azure Star, the area of ​​different settlements is actually not much different, and the largest and the smallest will not differ by more than five times.

And the land area of ​​the enemy force in the copy, the Bear Country, is 170 times that of the Korean Country?!

In Jin Genshuo’s opinion, this kind of power territory distribution is extremely unreasonable, and Lin Ye is somewhat bluffing!

But it is also a harmless thing.

The map is just an embellishment, and the more important thing is the subsequent task setting.

[The Bear Country has a strong reserve of troops, and has good weapons support in the three systems of sea, land and air. Because of the setting of the dungeon designer Lin Ye, this dungeon will not introduce the Bear Country’s reserve of troops to the challengers at the beginning of the mission, and the challengers need to explore in actual combat. ]

[In addition, this dungeon has a specially set weather system. The territory of the Bear Country is extremely cold. Please prepare in advance! ]

[The following will introduce the specific tasks:]

[Task 1: Capture any of the three main cities of the Bear Country, Volgograd, St. Petersburg, and Moscow. ]

[Task success reward 500 points! Task failure deducts 800 points! ]

[Task 2: Within half an hour after the dungeon is opened, declare surrender to the Bear Country and hand over all personal technology to the Bear Country! Deduct 20 points! ]

After seeing the specific introduction of the task, Jin Genshuo frowned slightly.

The rewards and punishments of the tasks have been greatly increased.

Jin Genshuo remembered that when the Raging Sea was first opened, the points reward and punishment were basically below 100, but now the penalty points have been directly raised to 800 points.

However, this is understandable, because since the last Raging Sea ended, the dungeons of the entire Azure Star have been increasing the rewards and punishments, and his own dungeon has also increased the rewards and punishments to 1,000 points.

In this situation, Lin Ye, as the initiator of the big points, the 800-point penalty setting is really not high.

What really made Jin Genshuo relieved was Lin Ye’s task setting.

This dungeon did not require the challenger to annihilate the Mao Xiong country, but only to occupy a main city of the Mao Xiong country.

There is still a big difference between destroying a country and occupying a city.

In this way, the difficulty of the dungeon is greatly reduced.

Ten thousand challengers, and 5,000 of them are the elites of his Jin family. If they capture a city, it sounds like there is still a lot of hope.

“As expected, Lin Ye’s design ability is not that strong!”

“The first opening of his copy is completely in an experimental state, so the mission objectives will be set relatively simple. Overall, it is no different from an ordinary copy.”

[Sky Curtain Tip: Copy designer Lin Ye added an innovative soldier battle mode selection mechanism to the copy. If the challenger chooses to perform mission one, he can choose from four modes: land battle, air battle, sea battle, and total war. ]

[Land battle, air battle, and sea battle are three modes that belong to a single-arms mode. After selecting a fixed combat mode, all weapons and technologies in the copy that are not related to this mode will be frozen! ]

[Total war mode is a full-arms combat mode that can freely use all weapons and technologies! ]

[After the mode selection is completed, this copy will not be able to be changed. Please choose carefully! ]

“Huh? Soldier battle mode selection?”

“What the hell is Lin Ye doing?”

This is a new setting that Jin Genshuo has never seen before, and he fell into deep thought.

After all, he had watched the battle of Raging Sea before, and he could shout at them, but to be honest, Jin Genshuo was still a little afraid of the tricks in Lin Ye’s mission design.

He was afraid that he would fall into Lin Ye’s trap accidentally.

At the same time, the live broadcast room of the copy was also lively, and a heated discussion began.

[As expected of Ye Shen, he is constantly innovating. This new copy has incorporated new gameplay! ]

[The selection of arms mode, this sounds very interesting, but in fact it is also a disguised way to reduce the difficulty for challengers, because challengers can choose arms according to their own advantages. Tears! ]

[Don’t YY above, the reason why Ye Shen dared to set the mode like this is because he has confidence in any type of weapons and technology in his copy. ]

[This new mode is not a disguised slap in the face of the Goryeo Jin family. People in South Goryeo say that Ye Shen

Copying their technology, Ye Shen came up with a new mode… If the people of South Korea are really capable, why haven’t they set up a new mode in these years? 】

【Don’t say that, Jin Genshuo and Ye Shen are at the same level, and it is still unknown who will win. 】

As they talked, the live broadcast room began to mock the South Korea settlement.

Unlike the previous treatment of the Dahe settlement, although the people of the Dahe tribe are also annoying, they have to admit that they are still quite strong. Many settlements on the Azure Star are wary of them.

And the people of the Goryeo tribe are generally looked down upon by everyone.

First of all, in terms of hard power, although several chaebol groups in the South Korea settlement do have some strength, there is still a gap with the first-tier settlements.

Although the momentum has been very strong in recent years, it is always a breath away.

The strongest person in South Korea, Park Sungwan, is only LV3, and the next one is Jin Genshuo who just fell out of the TOP50.

This means that there is no top-level LV4 strongman in this settlement. They are just self-indulgent when they are always making a fuss.

In addition, there is another more important reason why everyone hates the Goryeo people, which is that the people in this settlement are too shameless.

Whenever other settlements have new technologies or design geniuses that attract attention, South Goryeo will always jump out and say something inexplicable.

It’s okay once, it’s okay twice, but if it happens too many times, everyone will feel a little disgusted.

[Hmph! What are you talking about! Xiba! ]

[My Goryeo people are the smartest race on the Azure Star, what do you know about a bunch of losers! ]

[Gen Suk Oppa is the best! Don’t be influenced by these haters, your fans will definitely protect you! ]

[Hmph! Lin Ye can make a bet with Gen Suk Oppa. If any weapon that appeared in the previous Raging Seas dungeon appears in the Winter Is Coming dungeon, Lin Ye should be directly judged as the loser! 】

It must be said that the Koreans are good at cursing. The power of the clan actually fought back and forth with other spectators in the live broadcast room.

“I understand!”

Jin Genshuo, who was in deep thought, suddenly exclaimed.

As if he had suddenly realized something, a smug smile appeared on his face.

“This free choice of soldier battle mode seems interesting, but it is actually a product of Lin Ye’s rush work!”

“The loopholes in it are too big and cannot stand scrutiny at all.”

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