The king of the country, the king of the country.

“Prince Singh? That Indian Prince Singh?”

Kim Keun-suk was speechless.

He naturally knew this Prince Singh, he was the prince of the Brahmans in the Indian settlement, and his main feature was that he was rich and powerful.

The Jin family was indeed very rich, but compared with this Prince Singh, it was inferior.

The Indians were all very rich, and they used points to buy technology. As long as you were willing to sell, there was nothing they couldn’t afford.

The most important thing was that Singh’s ranking on the hero list was still above him. He had fallen to 51, while Singh was very stable at 48th.

Even above Lin Ye.

Little do people with a little status know that this Singh is a pure idiot, without any dungeon design talent.

But even so, he can still be ranked in the Top 50, which shows how rich he is, and he is simply rich.

Although I know that this guy has no real ability, according to the rules of the dungeon, people with higher levels do have the right to command.

Now Singh comes to object, and it really makes sense.

“Why is he everywhere, why is he in this dungeon?”

“Master… I heard from him that he also signed up for it himself.”

Kim Keun Suk was a little confused, but he still calmed down.

“Go and invite Prince Singh over, remember to invite him respectfully, and show etiquette to the prince.”

Although he looked down on him, Kim Keun Suk knew that Singh had a lot of good weapons, and it was even possible that his weapon reserves were higher than his own.

If Singh could cooperate well, the possibility of breaking through the dungeon would be greatly increased.

At this time, for such a fool with a lot of money, you should show kindness. Who knows, the Jin family may need it in the future.

After a while, a strong smell of curry drifted in through the crack of the door.

Prince Singh, dressed in gold and silver, swaggered into the presidential office of the Black House.

“Prince Singh, long time no see.”

“I didn’t expect that you are also in the copy.” Jin Genshuo forced a smile and stretched out his hand to Singh.

“Hehe, Master Jin is really very stylish. Does this mean that you are the commander-in-chief of this copy?” Singh sat down on the chair opposite Jin Genshuo, and then shook hands with Jin Genshuo lazily.

“Prince Singh, you should know that this dungeon is a duel between me and Lin Ye. Who else is more suitable to sit in this position than me?”

“I am curious, why did Prince Singh appear in this dungeon? Don’t tell me it was randomly drawn?”

“Your luck is too bad.”

Singer curled his lips, then took out a small teapot from his waist and drank the golden masala tea exclusively for the Asan royal family.

“This prince tells you that this prince is actually here to travel.”

“Is it not okay?”

Hearing this, Kim Keun Suk smiled awkwardly.

And there are people who travel in other people’s dungeons? It’s simply against the sky! It’s a purgatory-level dungeon. Even if you are rich, you can’t play like this.

“Prince, you are really a joke…”

“I’m not kidding.” Singh smiled complacently. “The royal family gave me a shopping list. Soon, my Brahman royal family will purchase a batch of weapons and technology from Lin Ye at a high price.”

“I entered the dungeon this time to see how Lin Ye’s weapons are. After all, the direct experience is much better than watching in the live broadcast room.”

Kim Keun Suk’s face turned black, and he tried hard not to let himself explode. .

It turned out that he and Lin Ye were in the dungeon for the final battle, but this guy came to travel and make purchases.

In terms of the degree of disgust, the Asan tribe is really no worse than their Goryeo tribe.

“But… doing business, there are always unknowns. If Master Jin has the ability to pass the dungeon, then I can save a lot of points, which is actually not bad.”

“I want to hear Master Jin’s strategic plan now. Don’t be like the previous Ito Hidetaka, full of big words and no real ability. It hurt me so much at that time.”

Kim Keun Suk had a plan in mind when he heard Singh’s tone change.

The so-called purchase of weapons and technology requires a willing fight and a willing fight. Singer wants to buy technology, but Lin Ye may not sell it to him.

This guy entered the dungeon this time, and it is more likely that he wants to reap the benefits and obtain Lin Ye’s technology by conquering the dungeon!

They are really calculating.

However, now

At this time, it is not that we cannot use each other.

It is always good to have an extra arsenal.

“Haha, Prince Singer, you compare me with that Ito Hidetaka, it is simply the biggest joke in the world.”

“What is that Ito Hidetaka, just a LV2 waste, you and I both know that he is just a tool cultivated by the Dahe settlement.”

While speaking, Jin Genshuo slowly walked to the side of Prince Singer and whispered in his ear:

“This time, my battle plan is air combat…”

After that, Jin Genshuo told Singer his set of battle plans and battle situation analysis.

He did not ask Singer, a fool, to fully understand it, it was enough to listen to the general idea.

What he wanted to show was actually more of a strategizing momentum.

Sure enough, at the beginning, Singer still looked disdainful, but as Jin Genshuo talked more and more deeply, Singer’s eyes gradually became brighter.

“Master Jin, your plan is very strategic, and I am willing to believe in your Goryeo’s air combat.” Singh nodded slowly.

“But now I want to know, how do you determine that Lin Ye’s air combat power is not as good as yours? In the Raging Sea, Lin Ye actually showed good air combat power.”

Jin Genshuo smiled, then shook his head with some disdain.

“First of all, the fighters in the Raging Sea are indeed very powerful, but they are aircraft carrier fighters that rely on the fleet of annihilation. If we choose the air combat mode, the aircraft carrier will be blocked…”

“In addition, the mission says that occupying any main city will be considered a victory! It does not say that we must fight Lin Ye head-on.”

“Lin Ye needs to use fighters to stop us, and we only need to bomb a main city. Prince, you should know that there are no fighters specializing in air strikes in this world. All fighters are basically specialized in ground strikes.”

“If you look at it this way, do you still think we can’t win?”

Jin Genshuo’s words did convince Singh.

After drinking another cup of tea, Singh clapped his hands.

“Good! Master Jin’s strategy is indeed much better than that of Ito Yinggao.”

“Well-reasoned and convincing!”

“This prince didn’t bring much stuff into the dungeon this time, but there are more than 100 top-notch aircraft for Master Jin to deploy!”

“I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation.”


[Have a good weekend, brothers. I wish you all good food and drink. I love you, Trojan. ]

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