The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Watching the challenger’s fighter planes soar into the sky and sweep across the sky, the live broadcast room instantly became lively.

All the spectators had never seen such a luxurious battle.

In fact, if you look at the number of fighter planes, when Emperor Xiaochuan of Dahe Settlement led one million compatriots to attack the Crazy Sea, there were 40,000 fighter planes, which was much more than this time.

But you have to know that there were a million people in the copy at that time, but this time there were only 10,000 people, and 4,000 people had surrendered.

At that time, the mission was to defeat the entire Eagle Sauce Country, and this time the mission was actually just to capture a main city of the Bear Country.

If calculated by proportion, the number of fighter planes of the challenger in this copy is really too many.

It even feels a bit excessive!

In addition, Jin Genshuo’s group is much larger than those of the Dahe tribe at that time.

After all, the Dahe settlement is mainly focused on naval warfare, and air combat can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

The South Korean settlement is mainly focused on air combat, especially the Jin family, which has set up hundreds of aviation research companies in the settlement, which can be said to be professional counterparts.

From the gathering of aircraft, takeoff, and then the formation of marching formations, all show Jin Genshuo’s professionalism.

At that time, many of the emperor’s aircraft were old biplanes, and some were even fillers, and their combat effectiveness could not be improved at all.

Now, these aircraft of the Jin family, except for the Nightingale helicopter, are Black Hawk fighters, neat and uniform, and their combat effectiveness is absolutely good.

In addition, there are 100 high-configuration oil tankers, which are enough to support these aircraft to fly smoothly to the Bear Country.

Even the 100 aircraft brought by Prince Singh are all top-level models of the Azure Star.

It was indeed magnificent at first glance!

[Oh my god! Could it be that Master Jin really got it this time? This air battle is really suitable for the Koreans. ]

[Why do I feel that Ye Shen has gone too far! ]

[This combat mode should not be chosen. This is completely for the Koreans to play to their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. ]

[Don’t make a fuss. It depends on the military strength that Ye Shen has set for the Bear Country. It may be more than Kim Keun Suk’s fighter planes. ]

In the copy live broadcast room, the Koreans seemed to have caught a handle and immediately became excited.

[What about those who said that our Koreans are not good before? Come out and keep shouting! ]

[It’s ridiculous! Do you know the gold content of my South Korean Air Force? ]

[Keun Suk Oppa is always the best! ]

[Wait! What a bunch of wait! ]


Daxia settlement.

In the special ward of Tenglong Disease Sanatorium.

Ding Chang was lying on the hospital bed and watching the live broadcast of Winter is Coming with his assistant Bai Tianhao.

Ding Chang did not expect Lin Ye to start his second copy so soon, so that he had not had time to leave the hospital and could only watch it in the hospital reluctantly.

“Cough cough cough!”

When seeing Kim Keun Suk’s fighter plane flying over the sky of South Korea, Ding Chang could not help coughing twice.

“Dean Ding!”

Bai Tianhao hurriedly helped Ding Chang get a glass of water, and then patted him on the back gently.

Ding Chang relaxed his mood, and then asked with a smile:

“Xiaobai, why are you so silent all the time?”

“What do you think about the situation of this Winter is Coming copy?”

“When Jianyu was my assistant before, he always expressed a lot of opinions on Lin Ye’s copy. Only by learning more and watching more can we make faster progress.”

In fact, Bai Tianhao was also one of the orphans that Ding Chang took in later.

He is very talented. He can be said to be the first young man to be promoted to LV2 among the several research institutes in Daxia. In terms of copy design ability alone, he is better than Zhao Jianyu before.

He is only 18 years old this year and is now the youngest researcher in the institute.

But this child has a characteristic, that is, he doesn’t like to talk, and he doesn’t like to talk at all.

But this is not his problem. Young people in this world, especially boys, generally have drastic changes in their emotions after the age of 18.

After Zhao Jianyu was wiped out, Ding Chang realized the changes of the times. In the past, it was considered high to deduct hundreds of points at a time for a copy, but now it is often hundreds of points, or even thousands of points!

In the future, these young designers of Daxia will inevitably take more risks.

So Ding Chang issued a new policy that each researcher must ensure that the daily points storage

The reserve is above 2000! It must be replenished every day!

He will never allow the young people of the institute to be obliterated in such an unclear way.

Before, Zhao Jianyu was Ding Chang’s successor. Now that Zhao Jianyu is gone, Bai Tianhao has become the new training target.

“Dean, Mr. Lin’s level is much higher than mine. I dare not comment on it.”

“I think anything Mr. Lin does must have its purpose.”

Ding Chang shook his head and sighed.

“Although I know that Lin Ye accepted Jin Genshuo’s challenge for me and Jian Yu, I really don’t want him to do this.”

“Ah… This so-called duel is actually meaningless and is just a waste of time.”

Bai Tianhao glanced at Ding Chang and asked softly:

“Dean Ding, why do you say that?”

“Think about it, whether it is Lin Ye or Jin Genshuo, they are both high-level designers. It is impossible for a copy to determine life and death, so this so-called duel can’t change anything at all.”

“Even if Lin Ye really wins, what can he do? The financial resources of the Jin family are too strong. Jin Genshuo can directly make up for the deduction of a little point tomorrow.”

“So Xiaobai, remember, don’t do anything risky in the future, and don’t act on impulse…”

“You are not Lin Ye. You may really die if you are impulsive once.”

Bai Tianhao naturally knew Ding Chang’s intention. He was warning himself not to accept such challenges from others casually in the future, and to learn to protect himself at all times.

Even sometimes, it’s better to endure it.

“There is also this so-called air combat mode. I think Lin Ye did it a little hastily.”

“Xiao Bai, you have to understand that no matter how powerful a person is, he will make mistakes, and Lin Ye is no exception…”

“Lin Ye set up this mode, and Jin Genshuo directly chose air combat, which means that the annihilation fleet and supersonic missiles that Lin Ye used in the raging sea can no longer be used.”

“As for the stealth bombers and nuclear weapons, they are not very useful in the current copy… Whether it is a bomber or a nuclear weapon, it is not easy to deal with Jin Genshuo’s fighter group.”

“No matter how powerful the atomic bomb is, can it blow up an airplane?”

“So… the result of this battle is really hard to say.”

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