The explosion was a big blow, and the enemy was in a hurry.

These oil tankers had just gathered according to Kim Keun-suk’s instructions, and the formation was already very dense.

Once hit by a missile, it would naturally present an “iron chain” trend.

The hot flames gushed out violently from the wounds of the hit oil tankers, like an angry fire dragon!

The exploded body burned in the fuel splashed in the explosion, and sparks flew everywhere.

Those broken and twisted metal parts became twisted and violent under the scorching fire. They carried the momentum of the fire and became new “bullets”, drawing a series of shrill trajectories in the air.

For a time, the entire oil tanker group was completely covered by flames, like an isolated island submerged in a sea of ​​fire.

One hundred oil tankers were emitting thick smoke, turning into fireballs one after another, rolling down!

“Enemy attack!”

“Enemy attack! Attack in the rear!”

“Master Jin, we are under enemy attack!”

Instantly, all the challenger’s fighters sounded the alarm.

Jin Genshuo jumped up from his seat, and the string on his body was instantly tightened.

He issued orders to the fleet at the fastest speed.

“All troops on alert!”

“Disperse the formation!”

This sudden attack was too unexpected. Jin Genshuo had not found any trace of any aircraft along the way.

As a result, there were enemy planes hiding behind his fleet!

And looking at the attack method just now, it was clearly the missiles that Lin Ye used in the raging sea before.

“Damn it! Isn’t all the army blocked? Why are there missiles?!”

“Reconnaissance planes, disperse to the rear and locate the enemy aircraft for me!”

Jin Genshuo quickly stabilized his mind.

This sneak attack was obviously a trap designed by Lin Ye around Moscow in advance. It was hard to guard against.

But before the true combat power of the Bear Country was revealed, there was nothing to be afraid of.

What was just destroyed were some logistics oil tankers without combat power, which was harmless!

He still had 5,500 top fighters. As long as the Bear Country’s planes dared to show up, he would use dense machine guns to sweep away all obstacles.




Just as Jin Genshuo was thinking, suddenly, a deafening roar broke the tranquility of the sky again!

That was the north side of the fighter group. A flying group composed of Black Hawk fighters was suffering a fatal attack from the north.

The chaotic missiles rushed like meteors and instantly hit the Black Hawk fighter that Jin Genshuo was proud of.

These Black Hawk fighters, which Jin Genshuo was so proud of, were easily torn into pieces like silk cut by an invisible sharp blade.

In an instant, their bodies were completely destroyed, and they were scattered in the air like broken kites.

Various alarms sounded again, and one Black Hawk fighter after another, burning with flames and wrapped in black smoke, fell vertically.

“Master Jin, there are enemy planes in the north!”

“Jin 50th Squadron has been destroyed!”

“Jin 125th Squadron has also been shot down!”

The reports of various fleet captains sounded one after another.

In the blink of an eye, Jin Genshuo looked at the background data and found that another 500 fighters had been shot down.

The number of people in the copy has been reduced a lot without knowing it, and now the number of people in the copy is only 5,200.

Unknowingly, 800 people have died!

“Fuck!” Jin Genshuo roared.

“Shit, are all the enemies in these copies rats? They only know how to sneak attack?!”

“All fighters, move south! Immediately…”

Before Kim Keun-suk finished speaking, dense explosions were heard from the left side of the fighter group.




Many more Black Hawk fighters were hit strangely, and the fuselage was twisted by the flames, making bursts of “wailing”.

Then at the same time, in front of the fighter group, facing the overwhelming snow and wind, countless missiles cut through the snow and wind. They were like meteors in the night sky, drawing long arcs, and flew over Moscow with a whistling sound, flying towards them.

Under this powerful impact, the originally neat and orderly fighter array collapsed instantly. The leading fighter group in the front row was directly defeated.

Fighter planes fell from the sky like kites with broken strings. The wreckage and burning fragments flew in the air.

Without the pilot plane, the formation was naturally in chaos.

The fighter plane formation that had just been in good order was now in chaos, with several fighter planes actually crashing into each other.

The so-called air force formation was now in chaos.

Wu Cun.

“Master Jin, there are also enemy attacks in the south!”

“It’s bad, Master! There are also…enemy attacks in the west!”

“Master!! There are enemy troops in all four directions. We…we should be surrounded.”

“We are surrounded!”

The pilot reports from the radio system are like bombs that bombard repeatedly, constantly stimulating Jin Genshuo’s eardrums, and the sharp broadcasting sound makes his heart beat faster.

Every word is full of tension and anxiety, as if an invisible pressure is condensing on his chest.

“Waste! A bunch of brainless waste!”

This is the drawback of these employees in the company. It can be said that each of them is a machine without the ability to think for themselves.

Is it necessary to report such things? Can’t he see that his fleet is being hit unilaterally?

The entire fleet, thousands of aircraft, are waiting for him to give orders, otherwise they will be consumed in vain.

However, at this moment, he didn’t even see the shadow of the enemy aircraft, so how could he give orders?

Jin Genshuo took another look at the background of the copy. At this moment, another 500 fighters were lost.

Now he only had 4,600 fighters left to operate, and the number of people in the copy was reduced to 4,700!

He had not even opened fire yet, but he had already lost one-fifth of his troops!

“Oh my god! Master Jin, can you do it?”

“Didn’t you say you were sure to win? Why do I see that it is purely one-sided?”

“Curry, give it to me.”

Prince Singh was holding his head at this moment, curled up in the cabin, and still muttering in a strange dialect.

The violent air wave just now had directly knocked the prince to the ground.

Jin Genshuo had no time to deal with him.

The weapons that attacked his fleet just now were clearly missiles! He was unsure once, unsure twice, and after being hit four times in a row, he could be sure.

However, he could not find any enemy aircraft within his visual range, which meant that these missiles were most likely launched from ground-based air defense facilities.

“Tianmu! Lin Ye violated the rules!”

“It’s said to be an air combat copy, why are there missiles?”

“This is not fair!”

Soon, Jin Genshuo heard Tianmu’s reply.

[Tianmu Tips: There are no ground attack units in this copy, and all combat methods and weapons and equipment comply with the initial preset rules of the copy! The copy commander’s doubts are invalid! ]

[The Bear Country has a very strong air force – the Aerospace Force! Challengers please be cautious! ]

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