Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 102 Purchasing Underwater Weapons, Electromagnetic Stance Generator 【Please Subscribe, Pleas

[Kill the Ocean Trolls - Mutated Giant Octopus]

[Mission Description]: You suddenly encounter the attack of the Pacific giant octopus's perverted evolutionary individual, although you successfully repelled the other party, but in view of the characteristics of this creature, please kill it completely as soon as possible. (Note: After mutating, this giant octopus is extremely vindictive, extremely vengeful, and has evolved a unique ink "smell" tracking ability, which can track enemies by spraying ink and marking them.) )

[Mission Rewards]: Low-level metal transformation device (used to shape metal and change vehicle form)

"That ocean monster whose appearance is almost comparable to the evil god of the Gram system is really evolved from the giant octopus of the Pacific Ocean."

Seeing this, Li Hao's face did not show an expression of surprise, but showed a hint of understanding.

After seeing this ocean monster, he had a general guess in his heart about "seven four seven" in its prototype.

The system's mission statement only confirmed the guess in his mind.

After all, some of the characteristics that the ocean monster exhibited were too similar to the giant Pacific octopus.

The all-over red skin and near-perfect biomorphic ability are simply an evolved version of the Pacific giant octopus.

You know, the largest size of the Pacific giant octopus before evolution can reach nearly ten meters, and it also has the ability to change its color and integrate with the surrounding environment through unique pigment cells.

After evolution, the original ability of the Pacific giant octopus has obviously been greatly improved.

"Very vengeful, and can track enemies through the ink "smell" mark?!"

"It seems that this big octopus not only wanted to escape before, but also thought that it would be convenient to track and retaliate in the future!"

Li Hao touched his chin, his eyes thoughtful.

This thing has evolved to this extent in a short period of time, and the potential should definitely not be.

Maybe it will become even more terrifying in the future.

Although he thinks he has a system and is not afraid of a sea monster at all, it is better to solve the things that can be solved now.

After all, being entangled in such an extremely vengeful sea monster is also a troublesome matter.

Cutting the grass and removing the roots and leaving no chance for the enemy to fight back is his principle.

"Since you are so vengeful, then you can never take revenge again."

"However, before I can hunt down the big octopus, I need to get some weapons for the shelter.

"Otherwise, relying only on the armor of the shelter shell to hit, the means are too single and bulky, and the lethality is not very sufficient."

After this battle, Li Hao truly realized how dangerous the ocean is today, and also understood that it is urgent to install underwater weapons in the shelter.

After all, in the new sea area formed by the submersion of the sea on land, he can encounter octopus trolls with such a perverted degree of evolution.

In the depths of the ocean, there must be more of these monsters.

Underwater weapon systems are an extremely important part of securing submarine navigation in submarine-type mobile ocean shelters.

Of course, he was not unaware of this before.

It's just that there are not enough points.

Otherwise, he installed underwater weapon systems when building submarine-type mobile ocean shelters.

"However, it is not too late, I have accumulated about 60,000 points in my hands after so many days to buy underwater weapon systems for the shelter.

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately opened the Doomsday Technology Mall and looked for underwater weapons suitable for submarine-type mobile ocean refuge.

After some sifting and comparison, Li Hao quickly found what he needed.

【Electromagnetic Stance Generator】

[Introduction]: This is an underwater weapon developed based on electromagnetic technology, which has three modes, integrated attack and defense, but the energy consumption is extremely large, if the energy is insufficient, it cannot exert its maximum power. (Note: The three modes are: defense mode————— electromagnetic stance shield: electromagnetism is used to form a strong magnetic stance defense with a diameter of 1000 meters; Attack mode————— current clustering: gathers high-voltage current, confines it with a magnetic field, and sends a high-voltage current cluster attack in a specified direction, with an attack range of one kilometer; Explosive: While opening the electromagnetic shield, it releases high-voltage current indiscriminately within 100 meters of the surrounding area, causing a covering current blow. )

【Price】: 57800 points

"This should be the most suitable underwater weapon I can currently afford."

Other underwater weapons are either too expensive or too monolithic to meet his needs.

In comparison, the electromagnetic stance generator, which only needs 57,800 points and has three modes of attack and defense, is obviously the most cost-effective underwater weapon:

Of course, although this underwater weapon is very powerful and extremely suitable for underwater environments, it is not without its shortcomings.

For example, the demand for energy is enormous.

The three modes of the electromagnetic stance generator are all big eaters of energy, and the more energy is abundant, the more current is converted, and the more powerful these three modes are.

And if there is no sufficient energy supply, the power of this thing becomes extremely weak and basically useless.

It can be said that the combat effectiveness of the electromagnetic stance generator depends entirely on whether the energy supply is sufficient.

"However, this shortcoming of the electromagnetic stance generator is almost negligible for me."

"With the technology of synthetic petroleum, there will be no shortage of energy reserves in my shelter, and there will be no problem at all in supplying this large energy consumer.

Thinking of this, Li Hao did not hesitate to buy this electromagnetic position generator.


In an instant, the balance of Li Hao points was only 1500.

Again become a "poor ghost".

In this regard, Li Hao did not have much psychological fluctuations.

After all, points are used for use.

If you don't use it, put it there, you can neither eat interest nor give birth.

Only when used on the blade can the true value of 4.2 points be realized.

"It's time to install the electromagnetic position generator."

After buying the electromagnetic position generator, Li Hao walked out of the head observation room and walked towards the room below the difficulty.

There is an underwater weapons room reserved when he built a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

I thought it was for the installation of torpedo missiles.

Now it is used to install electromagnetic position generators, but it needs to be well modified.

It took an afternoon.

With the help of the fully automatic multifunctional mechanical building Octopus, Li Hao finally completed the transformation of the weapons room and installed the electromagnetic stance generator.

Connect to the energy system of the shelter.

Seeing that the work indicator of the electromagnetic position generator lit up normally, Li Hao also showed a "nuclear good" smile on his face: "Next, it's time to go to the trouble of that big octopus."

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