Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 103 Hunting And Killing Mutant Giant Octopuses 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

After dinner.

Li Hao directly ordered Jarvis to pilot the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter towards the location where the mutated giant octopus was hiding.

That mutant giant octopus can be said to be very cunning.

After fleeing, he is constantly moving, changing his hiding location.

During this period, it also used the powerful biomorphic ability camouflage ability, and "disappeared" in the display of the super pulse array detection radar several times.

But what it doesn't know is that these cunning tricks are simply useless to Li Hao.

Every time it changes its hiding location, its movement trajectory is actually exposed to the super pulse array detection radar and is completely recorded.

With these movement trajectories as data support, Jarvis can easily find its location through big data computing

More than an hour later.

Driven by Jarvis, the submarine-type mobile marine shelter came to an undersea basin.

According to Jarvis's calculations of the trajectory of the mutated giant octopus, the large octopus is hiding in this sea

Sitting in the first 15 observation rooms of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, Li Hao looked condescendingly at the underwater basin, but found nothing.

Not to mention the mutant giant octopus that is more than fifty meters old.

Even the small sea fish have not seen a single one.

You know, although this submarine basin is quite wide, there are not many obstacles in it.

The commanding view is also almost unobstructed to the entire submarine basin.

However, even so, no matter how Li Hao observed, he still couldn't find the mutated giant octopus hiding in it.

"Jarvis, are you sure that mutant giant octopus is in this underwater basin?"

Seeing this, Li Hao couldn't help but ask.

Jarvis: "You can't be wrong, sir, according to the data, the mutant giant octopus is hiding 650 meters to the left of this underwater basin."

Look in the direction Jarvis said.

Li Hao repeatedly observed, but did not find anything wrong.

It was as if there really was only silt and pebbles on the seabed.

Seeing this, Li Hao also has a more intuitive understanding of the camouflage latent ability of the mutated giant octopus.

What a pervert!

Obviously in front of you.

However, there was nothing wrong at all.

Even radar cannot be directly scanned and detected.

This mutant giant octopus is simply a natural assassin killer with a lurking ability.

"However, no matter how strong the latent ability is, as long as the assassin killer is exposed, he is not far from death."

Li Hao smiled lightly, his eyes flashing with a cold light.

Immediately, he ordered to Jarvis: "Activate the electromagnetic stance generator, adjust to attack mode, and aim at the hiding place of the mutated giant octopus with maximum power to shoot."

Jarvis: "Yes, sir!"

Upon receiving the order, Jarvis immediately began to act.

A piece of armor at the bottom of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter quietly opened, sticking out a huge and hideous barrel.

Silver electric light condensed in the barrel.

Next second.

An extremely strong high-voltage current stream penetrates the seawater, hitting a position 650 meters to the left of the submarine basin.

The current bursts.

Extremely powerful high-voltage currents spread freely in the seawater.

In an instant, the hundred meters around that seabed mud ground were filled with countless silver-white currents.


A strange cry of pain sounded, and the "land" that looked like mud and sand, suddenly turned crimson, turning into a monster with a body size of more than fifty meters and countless tentacles.

It was Li Hao who was looking for ——— mutated giant octopus.

Obviously, this silt-like "land" is imitated by the mutated giant octopus.

Under the attack of high-voltage currents, this mutant giant octopus can no longer maintain its mimicry state and can only be forced to "appear".

"Jarvis continues to attack, don't stop."

Seeing the target appear, Li Hao ordered again.

The high-voltage current cluster with the maximum power just now, the results are still very obvious.

Although the sea water dispersed a lot of power, that shot still caused the mutant giant octopus to suffer a lot of damage.

The magma-like body instantly scorched most of it.

Seeing this, Li Hao naturally wanted to continue to beat the falling water dog.

On command, Jarvis constantly manipulates the "barrel" of the electromagnetic stance generator, firing high-voltage currents at the mutated giant octopus in front.

Silver electric light constantly illuminates the dark sea around it.

Under the "bombardment" of the high-voltage current cluster, the mutant giant octopus also kept hissing and wailing, as if it wanted to escape here.

However, the huge body paralyzed by the strong electric current was unable to make any movements at all.

Stay where you are and let the electromagnetic stance generator attack.

The high-voltage current cluster bombarded for a full minute.

The mutated giant octopus was all electrocuted into char shapes, and it completely lost its voice.

"Sure enough, if you put on a weapon, it's different!"

"The combat effectiveness of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter has skyrocketed by a lot!"

Previously attacked by this mutant giant octopus, Li Hao could only fight it back by using the clumsy method of impacting the armor of the shelter's shell.

And now.

After installing the electromagnetic position generator, this fierce and hideous mutated giant octopus instantly turned into a lamb to be slaughtered, and there was no way to fight back.

The gap is simply not too obvious.

"The mutated giant octopus is dead! The task of Ren 947 who killed the ocean troll, the mutated giant octopus, should also be completed!"

Thinking so, Li Hao opened the system inventory.

However, it was still empty.


"What's going on?! The mission reward was swallowed by the system?!"

Seeing this situation, Li Hao is also slightly furrowed.

However, he soon dismissed the idea.

After all, when the previous system task is completed, the task reward will be credited instantly.

Nothing has ever gone wrong.

"Since it's unlikely to be a system problem, that means the task hasn't been done at all." w

"Therefore, the mission reward did not arrive."

Compared with the probability of system error, it is obvious that the probability of suspended animation of the mutated giant octopus is a little higher.

With a guess in his heart, Li Hao did not have much ink, and ordered to Jarvis: "Continue to use the electromagnetic stance generator and attack the head of the mutated giant octopus."

The voice fell.

Countless high-voltage currents once again gushed out from the bottom armor of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, bombarding the head of the mutated giant octopus.

The thick silver-white arc of electricity was constantly beating on its huge body.

The attack continued for nearly half a minute.

In the system inventory, the mission reward for killing the mutated giant octopus appears.

Low-level metal deformation device!.

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