Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 106 The Law Of The Jungle? ! The Preciousness Of Pure White Salt 【Please Subscribe, Please C

Pay 10 kg of grain as a parking fee.

Li Hao's cruise ship officially docked at the dock of the port of the No. 1 Steel Island Trading Area.

"It's really hilarious!"

Standing on the deck of the cruise ship, Li Hao looked down on the bustling crowds on the pier below, and he also felt some emotion and nostalgia in his heart.

It had been a long time since he had seen such a lively and prosperous scene.

Since the end of the world, human civilization has begun to gradually wither.

The prosperous and lively scene in front of him suddenly made him feel like he had returned to the peaceful era.

Looking back, Li Hao did not forget the purpose of the trip.

He needs to buy ~ supplies needed for the mission on the trading market.

"According to the information obtained from previous exchanges with officials, the current trading market of Steel Island is basically traded by barter."

"Grain and salt, which are essential goods, are hard currencies in the market, completely replacing the role of coins..."

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately asked the clone warrior to carry 1,000 kilograms of grain and salt from the warehouse curry.

The trade materials were loaded in three large carts.

Taking six clone warriors as bodyguards and porters, Li Hao took Zhao Xueshi and his three daughters off the cruise ship and walked towards the trading market.

Walk on the dock of the port of the trading area.

Li Hao and others have also attracted the attention of many people.

After all, the three faces are almost identical, and the triplet sister flowers with beautiful and moving bodies and thousands of merits are too rare.

In this case, Li Hao, who put his arm around Zhao Xueshi, gained the envious and jealous eyes of many people.

However, after seeing the six clone warriors around Li Hao who were not easy to mess with at first glance, many people withdrew their gaze very "wisely".

In their eyes, Li Hao was clearly the leader of a private sea ark.

Such people are clearly not something that they, the "civilians", can afford to mess with.

In case people are unhappy to see it, even if they are limited by the laws and regulations of the Steel Island, they dare not kill them, but as long as they casually instruct a few subordinates to stare at them every day and prevent them from doing things smoothly, it is enough for them to endure.

Before, many people got into trouble like this.

Every day when I go out, I am surrounded and can't start working.

And without work, there is no "salary".

Without "wages", there is no food and water, and you will only starve to death.

In fact, if it were not for the official warning not to go too far, those who caused trouble would have really died of starvation in bed.

With these "lessons from the past", they naturally have a stake in their hearts and know what to do to protect their lives.

"After the end comes, the class between people seems to be more pronounced with Chiroro.

Noticing this, Li Hao's face was also thoughtful.

But thinking about it, this is actually a very normal thing.

In today's cruel doomsday environment, resources are limited, and the law of the jungle will naturally appear more and more vividly.

If it weren't for the fact that this is the official territory and the official power of the Xia Kingdom to maintain basic order, I am afraid that this situation will be much more serious.

Previously, he had seen many posts on the Doomsday Forum saying that there were many cases of private sea arks using people as "slaves".

Even "slaves" were traded as goods at will.

In comparison, ordinary people on the official territory of Xiamen State have already lived very well.

"Not much better, though."

"At best, it's safer, it's just a job to be able to eat, and it's almost impossible to want more."

"Official supplies are also limited."

Shaking his head, Li Hao continued to lead Zhao Xueshi and the others towards the trading market of Steel Island.

Pass through a heavily guarded security gate.

After confirming that they were not carrying lethal weapons such as firearms, Li Hao and others were allowed to enter the trading market.

One entry into the trading market.

Li Hao found it more than ten times more prosperous than the pier.

Many people set up stalls on both sides of the street to sell their wares.

Almost everything.

What diamond necklaces, jade jewelry and other things are the most, but the few people buy them.

After all, no one is a fool.

In the apocalypse, these things don't work at all.

At most, bring a good look, it is better to change some food that can be eaten.

Unless it is a panic with a lot of materials, who will buy these decorative items.

Even if its price is so cheap as jumping off a building compared to before the end of the world, it is true.

Therefore, these peacetime are sought after by countless women, millions of luxury jewelry at every turn, and not many people care about it.

In addition to these many styles of luxury jewelry, there is also a wide range of other products.

Vegetables: corn, lettuce, potatoes, onions, tomatoes...

Seasoning: pepper, white vinegar, sugar, soy sauce

Daily necessities: toothbrushes, toilet paper raw napkins, radiation protection clothing....

There are countless stalls of all kinds of goods, and there are even many stalls selling meat.

However, due to the high cost of raising animals, this meat stall is much smaller than other stalls, and the price of any kind of meat is very expensive.

Looking at the lively and prosperous trading market in front of her, Zhao Xueshi's three daughters couldn't help but shine with their eyes.

Obviously, the desire to shop deep in a woman's genes has been stimulated.

"When I'm done, I'll accompany you to shop more."

Seeing this, Li Hao also smiled slightly and spoke.

Looking at the completeness of goods in this trading market, it should be very simple to buy enough goods to complete two collection tasks.

At that time, there will definitely be a lot of time.

You can just walk around this trading market.

"Angkor, you're the best."

Hearing this, Zhao Xueqi's three daughters showed bright smiles on their faces, and they were also very happy.

Zhao Xueshi, who was hugged by Li Hao, jumped up happily and kissed Li Hao's face.

......... Ask for flowers............

Next, just as Ji Hao expected.

【Sugar Collection】This task is easy to complete.

There are many stalls selling sugar in the trading market, and he only used 500 kilograms of rice to successfully exchange for 1,000 kilograms of white sugar.

However, the [dairy farming] task in the back is a bit troublesome.

A minimum of 10 live cows need to be acquired.

The cost of raising this cow is huge, and there are few shelters to raise such large livestock.

Therefore, Li Hao walked around the live livestock trading area a few times to buy three weaned black and white cow calves.

These calves weigh only a few tens of kilograms on average, but the price is very "expensive".

It consumed nearly 500 kilograms of radiation-free pure white salt from Li Hao.

You know, in the trading market, pure white salt without radiation is a rare and luxurious product.

One kilogram of radiation-free pure white salt can be exchanged for at least more than a hundred kilograms of grain.

After all, the atmosphere thins, cosmic radiation enters the blue star in large quantities, and the sea water carries thick radiation.

Even if such radiated seawater uses various filtration methods, it is difficult to completely filter the radiation.

The salt produced naturally also carries some slight radiation.

Although it is okay to eat in the short term, if you eat it year after year, it is likely to cause some radiation sickness in the body.

Therefore, one can imagine how precious pure white salt without radiation is.

This is a true luxury.

Ordinary people simply cannot afford to eat.

Only eat radiant salts that carry a slight residue of radiation.

As for ordinary people, they naturally know this.

But even knowing the dangers of radiation salt, they had to eat it.

The consequences of eating it are just radiation sickness that does not know when it will appear in the future, and perhaps they will not live at that time.

If you don't eat, the salt needed by the body cannot be replenished, and you will die after not lasting for a week.

Anyone knows what to choose.

However, for Li Hao, the extremely precious radiation-free pure white salt in the eyes of ordinary people is no different from sediment.

The salt making machine in the shelter can easily produce a steady stream.

Of course, although radiation-free pure white salt is not precious to him, Li Hao obviously can't be used as a fat sheep for others to slaughter casually.

That's foolish behavior.

Naturally, he could not be such a "fool".

With 500 kg of radiation-free pure white salt, three "rare" black and white dairy calves are purchased, which is the normal market price.

After all, in a doomsday environment, large-scale live animal farming is rare and expensive.

Buy three black and white calves.

After discovering that there were no live cows sold in the trading market, Li Hao also temporarily put off his mind to buy all the materials needed for the collection task at once.

Bring all three black and white calves and a thousand pounds of white sugar back to the cruise ship.

Subsequently, Li Hao took the three sisters Zhao Xueshi to wander around the trading market.

Relax your mind.

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