Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 107 The Greedy Sight Behind 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

Due to other living materials and other things, there is almost no shortage of shelters.

Li Hao and Zhao Xueshi's three daughters mostly wandered around the jewelry trading area and clothing trading area of the trading market.

Small half a day down.

Li Hao also bought a lot of beautiful jewelry and women's clothes for the three sisters of Zhao Xueshi.

However, the price of these things is also really cheap.

Ten pounds of grain can be exchanged for a lot.

Only some rare and extremely rare jewelry can be sold a little more expensive.

But it's not much more expensive.

The price of tens of pounds of grain is at the top.

For Li Hao, it's all about sprinkling.

Therefore, no matter what kind of jewelry and clothes Zhao Xueshi and the others wanted, he basically bought them all.

After a big purchase, just the jewelry box and clothes were filled with a large cart. The grain needed for trading is less than 150 kilograms.

After buying clothes and jewelry, Li Hao took his three daughters to the seed trading area to buy seeds for various flavoring spices.

Later, they went to the luxury trading area to buy a variety of high-end tea leaves and canned fruit.

Until the sun set, the trading market was about to close.

Li Hao and the others left the trading market of Steel Island and returned to the cruise ship for dinner.


June 3, 2021

Li Hao again entered the live livestock trading section of the trading market, looking for stalls selling live cows.

However, there is not much to be gained at all.

For most of the day, only one growing Sanhe cow was purchased.

Seeing this, in order to be able to trade enough cows faster, Li Hao directly paid for the stall and put up a banner to buy cows at a premium of 10%.

The effect is also very obvious.

After all, large livestock like cows are inherently expensive.

A 10% premium is not a small amount.

Soon, people from other shelters came to the booth to inquire.

After confirming that Li Hao really intends to acquire at a premium, they have also reached a deal intention.

For 4,500 kg of radiation-free pure white salt, Li Hao switched to 2 adult black and white cows and 2 weaned black and white calves.

Together with the three acquired yesterday, Li Hao has already collected eight cows.

There are only two cows left before completing the [Dairy Farming] task.



Seeing the effect of yesterday's stall, Li Hao once again repeated his old skills, wanting to quickly solve the system task of [dairy farming].

However, shelters with dairy farming capacity are ultimately in the minority.

After waiting all morning, Li Hao failed to close a deal and did not acquire a single milk sex.

Don't want to wait silly.

Have a clone warrior look at the trading stall.

Li Hao took Zhao Xueshi's three daughters to wander around the trading market again.

I only visited a few trading areas in the past two days, and there are still many places I haven't visited.

Take a walk.

Maybe you can get some good stuff.

Entertainment goods trading area, medicine trading area.............

Take a walk all around.

After replenishing the shelter with some spiritual food and necessary medicines, it was already evening.

Returning to his trading booth, Li Hao found that there was still nothing to be gained.

No one shot the cows at all.

Seeing this, Li Hao knew that there was a high probability of finding nothing today, and did not waste time, directly ended the stall and took people back to the cruise ship at the dock.

However, what he did not notice was that several pairs of eyes had been alternately staring at them in the crowd that came and went around them.

The youths watched as they walked out of the market and back to the cruise ship.

Then, mingle with the bustling crowds at the pier and enter the interior of a thousand-ton sea ark shelter not far from the Li Hao cruise ship.

Enter the refuge of this thousand-ton sea ark.

The youths immediately walked towards the top floor of the Sea Ark Shelter.

Step to the very top of the Ark at Sea.

Inside, a dozen strong men each hugged several beautiful women wearing tulle and beautiful postures, drinking and having fun.

Sitting at the top was a middle-aged man in his fifties with a dark face.

Seeing these young people coming up, this middle-aged man with a vulture also put down his wine glass for the time being, turned his gaze, and spoke, "How are things going?"

"Almost! After two days, the people on that cruise ship traded at least thousands of kilograms of radiation-free pure white salt and grain."

A few young people roughly explained the information they had observed in the past few days...

"Thousands of kilograms of radiation-free pure white salt and grain, the shot is really generous!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the middle-aged vulture could not help but flash a trace of greed.

A few thousand kilograms of grain is okay to say.

But those thousands of kilograms of radiation-free pure white salt are extremely precious.

Even if he was the leader of the thousand-ton sea ark shelter, he would not be able to take out so much radiation-free pure white salt now.

After all, this thing is a daily consumable.

Although he used force to "collect" a lot before the arrival of the Ocean Age, and only supplied it to his henchmen.

But the consumption of pure white salt without radiation is still very fast.

At present, there are less than three hundred kilograms of radiation-free pure white salt left on board.

"Dad, this big fat sheep can't be missed."

"Random shots are thousands of kilograms of non-radiation pure white salt, then there must be more on their ship, at least several times the number of shots."

"That's tens of thousands of kilograms of non-radiation pure white salt, let's grab a handful and send it!"

A young man sitting on the left side of the middle-aged man with a shining eye and a greedy look on his face.

"Boss! Young Master, that's right! This kind of big 3.9 fat sheep, we don't eat, others will definitely eat, it's better to cheap us.

"Exactly! How does a small maritime refuge with a volume of only a few hundred tons qualify to have so much "wealth"?!"

The strong men who were paying attention to the movements here also echoed one after another.

Greedy desire flashed in everyone's eyes.

It's not the first time they've done this kind of thing like robbing other people's Ark Shelters.

It's a pretty good bonus every time.

The beautiful women and living materials they enjoy come from this way.

Plunder almost became their habit.

This time, they saw a big fat sheep whose strength did not seem to be strong, and they naturally screamed excitedly.

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