Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 11 Killing Weapon, Qin Hu's Backhand 【New Book For Data】

"With these firearms, the force of the shelter suddenly has a huge qualitative change, if those peepers dare to come, when the time comes..."

Loading the M19 assault rifle in his hand, Li Hao's eyes flashed a cold color.

Feeling the cold metal texture, Li Hao immediately wanted to try the power of this assault rifle.

Although he had seen its property parameters in detail when he purchased the drawings before, after all, he had not tried it himself, and he did not have a more intuitive impression.

According to the previous panel information, as an improved version of the firearm, the performance of the M19 assault rifle has been greatly improved.

Compared with the original, this rifle has a considerable degree of optimization in range, rate of fire, penetration, and recoil.

The effective firing range reaches an astonishing 400 meters.

The rate of fire is only slightly weaker than that of a submachine gun, and the theoretical discharge speed can reach 1150 m / s.

In terms of penetration, it can penetrate 10mm steel plates, which is enough to easily penetrate the Douding tank of Sakura Country during World War II.

You can imagine how powerful it is.

Once hit, it is either dead or injured.

What is even rarer is that its recoil is not great.

Even during the assault, it does not affect the shooting of soldiers.

Such a high-performance firearm, Li Hao naturally wants to try it with his own hands, and it is enjoyable.

So, as soon as the idea came up, Li Hao immediately started to act.

Dressed in a special bulletproof suit, Li Hao walked to the rather spacious fitness room with a modified version of the M19 assault rifle loaded with bullets.

This area is the fitness studio that Li Hao built to maintain his post-apocalyptic health.

There are all kinds of professional sports and fitness props such as dumbbells and treadmills.

Clearing out some of the gym equipment, Li Hao divided the room into an area again, placing a human-shaped metal target 50 meters ahead.

A small, humble shooting range took shape.

After posing, a flash of excitement flashed in Li Hao's eyes, and he pointed the M19 assault rifle at the humanoid metal target in front of him and pulled the trigger.

Bang! ~Bang! ~Bang! ~

A series of gunshots rang out, and gunfire filled the air.

In just ten seconds, 40 rounds were fired.

"Sure enough, the sit is very small."

Li Hao sighed.

As an ordinary person who had never received military training, he shot a magazine and only felt a little numbness in his shoulder.

Changed to a professional soldier, I'm afraid I don't feel anything at all.

Coming back to his senses, Li Hao looked at the humanoid metal target in front of him, wanting to see his "battle results".


The humanoid metal target is almost intact, with only a few bullet marks on the edges.

Apparently, all the other bullets missed the target.

"Groove! Shot out one magazine (40 rounds) and hit a few shots. ”

Li Hao's face suddenly darkened.

Although he had a hunch, such a "record" still made him very unhappy.

"It seems that the marksmanship still needs to be practiced."

Li Hao, who did not admit defeat, decided to train his marksmanship well.

Otherwise, it will be embarrassing to go out with a gun in the future, but you can only be a master of body strokes.

Call Clone No. 1.

As combat clones, each has advanced firearms proficiency, and is naturally an expert in the use of firearms.

Almost where to hit.

Under the guidance of professionals like Clone No. 1, Li Hao began his own gun training journey.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

For the next six hours, gunfire rang out at the range.



The temperature on the ground dropped again and became even colder.

The cold wind howled in the dark night, as if to freeze the whole world.

However, the house hundreds of meters away from Li Hao's underground shelter is very lively and brightly lit.

At this moment, Scar Qin Hu and those subordinates were looking for fun.

The sound of men's rapid breathing and women's wailing continued.

"Old Six, can the pressed box goods we secretly bought before still work?"

Ignoring those voices, Qin Hu put his arm around a gorgeous woman in scantily clad clothes and spoke to the young man on the side.

"In perfect condition! Brother Tiger, I just went to check and there is nothing wrong with the bazooka. ”

"However, ten rockets were damaged by the previous earthquake, and only three can still be used."

Old Six hurriedly spoke.

This batch of goods was bought in the early years, just in case.

After buying it, I buried it in the ground and hid it, and I didn't care much about it.

It was only now, after experiencing another super powerful earthquake caused by a meteorite fall, that it was taken out, and it is a blessing that three rockets can be used.

"Three shots should be enough, remember to bring this bazooka when we shoot at Li Hao's gang."

After a moment of silence, Qin Hu opened his mouth and ordered.

After messing around on the road for so long, he naturally knew the lion and rabbit, and he also used all his strength.

To make sure he had 100% pockets of the small underground shelter, he had to take out all the hole cards to make sure nothing was lost.

"Brother Tiger, you think too highly of that gang, no guns and no one, what do they fight with the brothers who have a complete range of guys, I'm afraid that one round of shooting can destroy them."

Old Six spoke with a hint of disdain.

In his opinion, Li Hao's gang, who have no one and no guns, are not afraid at all.

Although due to the extremely strict control of firearms in Xia Guo, almost all the firearms in their hands are pistols, but pistols are also guns.

Having a gun and not having a gun are two different things.

He didn't believe that Li Hao and his gang without guns could turn over some waves in their hands.

"You just do it! This small underground shelter had to be taken perfectly, without any mistakes. ”

Qin Hu said lightly.



ps: Today's second change, ask for data support.

The subject matter of this book is too niche, the collection is growing slowly, and if the other data is too poor, the author has no motivation to write it

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