Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 10 Manufacture Of The M19 Assault Rifle [New Book For All Data]

Open the Doomsday Tech Marketplace that came with your system.

Li Hao quickly screened out firearms.

Laser guns, stun guns, laser rifles.......

The energy weapons that often appear in science fiction movies constantly flash in front of Li Hao's eyes.

However, these energy weapons are too expensive, and the series of 0s behind them is obviously not something that Li Hao can currently afford.

Even drawings are the same.

Out of sight, out of heart.

Li Hao sifted again and selected gunpowder weapons subdivided by the firearm weapon label.

As a more "primitive" firearm, the price of gunpowder weapons is obviously hundreds of times cheaper than energy weapons.

Among these "cheap and affordable" gunpowder weapons, Li Hao chose a rifle.

【M19 assault rifle (improved version)】

[Effective firing range]: 400 meters

[Rate of fire]: 10

[Penetration]: 15

[Recoil]: 5

[Number of reloads]: 40 rounds

[Introduction]: This is an improved version of the M19 assault rifle, the data has been greatly improved, the rate of fire is extremely fast, only slightly inferior to the submachine gun, and its conventional bullet penetration is enough to penetrate a 10mm steel plate, and the recoil is completely negligible for professional soldiers.

"The performance of this rifle is much higher than the best rifles in the world today."

Li Hao's eyes lit up.

This rifle is the best firearm he can currently afford.

High rate of fire, high penetration, low recoil, simply not too perfect.

Buying the blueprints of this rifle, he will not need to change the main battle weapon for the clone warrior for a longer period of time in the future.

"However, the drawing of this rifle requires 700 points to buy."

"I only have 667 points now, and I need to wait for tomorrow to settle before I can buy this rifle drawing."

Closing the Doomsday Tech Mall, Li Hao walked out of the industrial workshop and towards his bedroom.

It's time to take a break from a hard day today.

After washing, Li Hao played a single-player game, relaxed and went to bed. Go to sleep. Sensed.


The next day.

Jingle bells! ~

As the shrill alarm sounds, Li Hao wakes up from his sleep.

After washing, Li Hao opened the task log for the first time.

[Doomsday Survival (long-term mission), today's mission reward settlement completed.] 】

【Survival performance】:

You complete the daily maintenance of the underground shelter with +50 points

You lead the Clone Warriors out to collect food and energy, with a small bonus of +100 points

You meet triplet sisters on your way to find supplies, and you decide to take them in and share your work in the vegetable growing room with +200 points

You find someone spying on you, and to ensure safety, you decide to make firearms and strengthen the shelter's armed forces with +300 points

You eat three meals a day, steadily consume energy, and maintain a balanced body nutrition. +20 points

You go into a deep sleep, refreshed, and the physical energy consumed yesterday is fully restored. +30 points

[Congratulations to the host for earning 700 points.] 】

"Great harvest!"

"I didn't expect to get 700 points in the settlement yesterday."

Looking at this number, Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a hint of joy.

Counting these points, the number of points in his hand has reached 1367 points.

Instantly become abundant.

Without hesitation, Li Hao directly took these 700 points to buy the [M19 Assault Rifle (Improved Version)] drawing selected yesterday.

In an instant, the drawings of the [M19 Assault Rifle (Improved Version)] were entered into the drawing library of the super 3D printer bed.

"Finally you can make firearms."

Li Hao smiled excitedly.

This means that after today, the force of the shelter will be greatly improved.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Li Hao couldn't wait to open the operation panel of the super 3D printer bed.

Skipping the other manufacturing options, Li Hao clicked to check the newly appeared [M19 Assault Rifle (Improved Version)] manufacturing options.

According to the above, it takes 5 kg of steel to create a modified version of the M19 assault rifle.

It is also possible to replace it with memory alloy steel.

Even the quality will be much better, and it also comes with the automatic repair function of memory metal,

"It's not difficult."

Compared to food and energy, access to steel could not be simpler.

Now the streets of uninhabited cities are littered with abandoned cars.

Pull back a few random cars and melt them in an automated metal furnace to obtain a large amount of steel resources.

The steel reserves in his metal warehouse are now abundant.

Just as Li Hao was about to start making firearms.

"By the way, there are still 667 points, just buy the special body armor drawings and the bullet drawings of the M19 assault rifle."

As if remembering something, Li Hao opened the Doomsday Tech Mall again.

After all, firearms alone are clearly not enough.

There were no bullets, and the firearm was nothing more than a burning stick.

As for special body armor.

This life-saving artifact is obviously no less important than firearms.

When there are enough points, it is natural to buy them all.

Points - 300.

Points - 100.

In an instant, drawings of special body armor and 7.62mm universal rifle cartridges (improved version) were entered into the super 3D printer bed.

"Let's first build 20 M19 assault rifles, 20 pieces of special body armor, and 50,000 rounds of 7.62mm general-purpose rifle ammunition."

"More can be stocked, saving time when you need to use it later."

After setting the quantity to be manufactured, Li Hao clicks Start Manufacturing on the operator display.

Drip! Drip! Drip!

The super 3D printer bed suddenly started to start, and three production lines were divided to manufacture rifles, bullets, and body armor at the same time.

As a black technology product, the super 3D printer bed can produce up to ten different items at the same time.

After about 2 minutes, the first products came off the production line.

The most eye-catching is the improved version of the M19 assault rifle.

It is black throughout, about half a meter long, and shimmers with an icy metallic sheen under the light of the incandescent lamp overhead.

People can tell at a glance that this is a sophisticated and cold killing weapon.

In addition, there is a box of 7.62mm universal bullets on the side, as well as an extremely heavy special body armor.

"It's finally done."

Seeing this, Li Hao also had a hint of excitement on his face, walked over quickly, picked it up and played with it.

No way, every man has a restless violent factor in his blood, and he naturally has a great interest in the violent killing weapon of firearms.

Li Hao is no exception.

It's just that before the end of the world, Xia Guo's control of firearms was extremely strict, and there was no access to them at all.

Now that he can make a firearm and use it with his own hands, how can he not be excited.


ps: Today's first change, ask for a wave of data support

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