Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 9 The Plans Of The Voyeurs [New Book For Data]

Not far from the shelter.

Three young men in thick cotton clothes watched Li Hao and the others leave.

Then, he immediately turned and left.

Run three blocks away, in a fairly large house.

Step into the hall of the house.

The flames in the fireplace were blazing, and about thirty adult men were surrounding the fireplace to keep warm.

At the head is a strong man with a scar on his face.

Seeing the three cotton-clothed youths returning, the strong man with Scar immediately asked, "Did the group of people who drove to collect supplies figure it out?" ”

"Almost! The gang should have a small shelter, there should be no more than fifteen people, and I don't think they had guns on them at all..."

The three cotton-clad youths gave the information they had observed.

Immediately, he said in an excited tone: "Brother Tiger, this is a big fat sheep, as long as we can grab that small shelter, we don't have to suffer from freezing here." ”

"It's getting colder."

"Without shelter, the brothers are almost overwhelmed."

"Brother Tiger did it!"


The adult men who gathered around the fireplace to warm up were also moved and echoed.

Hearing this, Qin Hu's eyes also flashed with a hint of greed.

The temptation of a small, well-equipped shelter is too great.

It can not only solve the heating problem, but also produce food with energy.

This is simply priceless in such a doomsday environment.

However, he was not carried away by greed.

Instead, he turned to a man not far away who looked cowering and asked, "Li Feng, didn't you live near that group before the meteorite fell?" Tell us about them. ”

"If you dare to lie, you know my means."

Speaking of the back, Qin Hu's tone became colder and colder.

Feeling the coldness and ferocity in Qin Hu's tone, Lin Feng's body trembled, and he quickly spoke: "Don't dare, don't dare!" Brother Hu, where do I dare to lie to you. ”

"I don't know much, but there's probably a shelter where the gang is." The owner of that house is called Li Hao, and more than half a month before the meteorite landed, I saw that he bought a lot of cement and steel iron, and he was definitely building underground shelters..."

Lin Feng said what he knew like a tube pouring beans.

"So what did Li Hao do before the end of the world, and did he have the ability to get guns and weapons?"

Qin Hu continued to ask.

"It's impossible, Li Hao is an ordinary person, I heard that I was a supervisor in a small business before, how can I get such a strictly controlled item as firearms."

Lin Feng affirmatively spoke.

Although he does not have a deep friendship with Li Hao, he has been a neighbor for several years, and some basic information is still known.

"Very good!"

Knowing the "detailed" information of that shelter, Qin Hu's eyes suddenly showed a thick color of greed.

That's great!

Such a small shelter with weak force but well-equipped was simply a gift from heaven.

This is not yet a move, I am afraid that the brothers under my hand will not agree.

Making up his mind, Qin Hu turned back to the three cotton-clothed youths and spoke, "Old Fifth, you take your two brothers to find a building around there to stare, and report any movements in time." ”

"When they come out to collect supplies, we will make a move, and we must not let one go."

"No problem!"

Armed with the guys and food, the three cotton-clad youths walked out of the house again and dashed in the direction of Li Hao's shelter.


Not knowing the plans of those peepers,

After parking the radiation-proof snowmobile, Li Hao opened the shelter gate and took the triplet sisters into the underground shelter.

"Welcome to my sanctuary."

Li Hao had a hint of pride in his tone.

This underground shelter was built little by little by his own hands, condensing a lot of his hard work.

Walking on the corridor of the shelter, the triplet sisters were as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden, their eyes widened and they were surprised.

They had thought Li Hao's personal shelter would be rudimentary.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be so perfect.

There are a range of facilities such as protective facilities, thermostatic systems, vegetable planting rooms, etc.

Compared to this well-equipped underground shelter, the house they lived in was rubbish.

There is simply no place to compare with it.

"You built this shelter personally?"

Zhao Xueqi couldn't help but ask in surprise.

If she didn't know the details, she would believe that this underground shelter was carefully built by a large group company or even the official.

Too professional, too perfect.

"Of course!"

Li Hao replied casually.

Taking the triplets to the housing area of the underground shelter, Li Hao pointed to the room behind him and said, "This 135-square-meter room is where your three sisters will live in the future!" Starting tomorrow, you will take over the cultivation of crops on the vegetable plantation..."

"No problem!"

The triplets all nodded, indicating that they understood.

They know that if they want to stay in this safe and comfortable shelter for a long time, they must show their worth.

"There are also industrial workshops and biological laboratories (where the cloning capsules are placed) that are off-limits."

"Other than that, you can move around as much as you like."

As if remembering something, Li Hao warned the triplet sisters.

These two places are the black technology props he currently owns.

Naturally, he couldn't have opened it to these triplet sisters.

Otherwise, if the triplet sisters accidentally broke them, he would want to cry without tears.

Of course, he is just a routine warning.

In both places, he sent two clone warriors to guard each place.

Even if the triplet sisters walked there inadvertently, it would be impossible to get in.

"Hmm! Got it. ”

Although she was very surprised that there were industrial workshops and biological laboratories in this underground shelter, Zhao Xueqi did not have the mind to delve into it.

After arranging the triplet sisters, Li Hao immediately walked towards the industrial workshop.

Enter the industrial workshop and come to the super 3D printer bed.

"In the past five days, except for the exchange of radiation-proof snowmobile drawings and radiation-proof alloy matches, the remaining points have been accumulated and not used."

"This point should be enough to redeem the drawings of the firearm."

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