Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 111 Gunship! Electromagnetic Stand Protection Shield【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

You know, the cruise ship Li Hao is now on is a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter morphed from a nuclear-powered vector engine.

The submarine mobile marine shelter can still reach a speed of 65 knots on the seabed.

When it comes to the surface of the sea, the water barrier is reduced, and the speed is faster.

The power burst is enough to make the cruise ship soar ~ to more than 80 knots.


Blue flames gushed, and the cruise ship began to soar on the sea as if it had been equipped with a nitrogen injection device.

Rushing to the shelter of the fleeing Sea Ark - went up.

The distance between the two sides narrows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it!"

Seeing the extremely abnormal speed of the cruise ship shelter, the middle-aged man with a gloomy look on his face couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

What the hell is the origin of the people on this cruise ship shelter?!

A cruise ship is able to "drag racing" at sea.

This is outrageous.

"Wow! If you already knew it, you shouldn't have been involved in this matter. ”

The middle-aged man of the vulture also had some regret in his heart.

The interests are moving.

What the previous cruise ship took refuge was too deceptive.

So much so that he was a little carried away by greed.

However, it is clearly too late to regret it now.

The cruise ship that was chasing closely behind did not mean to let them go at all.

"Nope! If this continues, it is inevitable that it will be forced to go up.

"You've got to find a way to drag that cruise ship."

Calming down, the middle-aged man quickly thought of a way to break the situation.

In the end, he decided to take the hole cards he had saved and give it a shot.

"Lao Sha! You take a couple of brothers and pull out those three gunships from Curry..."

Making up his mind, the middle-aged man of the Yin Vulture immediately ordered to the henchmen on the side.

These three gunships are good things that he struggled to get before the end of the world.

Each nose is equipped with a 20mm cannon and is equipped with 4 anti-tank missiles.

The firepower in the air is very powerful.

As long as the yacht on the opposite side does not have air defense, maybe they can still kill a wave.


After receiving the order, Lao Sha immediately took a few subordinates who had specially trained helicopter piloting skills and quickly ran towards the hangar where the three armed helicopters were stored.

A moment later.

Burst! Burst! Burst!

The roar of the propeller tearing through the air sounded.

Three helicopter gunships soared into the air and rushed towards the pursuing cruise ship behind.

"Gunship?! This is the hole card of that sea ark shelter!"

"Very nice indeed! The vast majority of private sea ark shelters lack air supremacy and effective means of counter-air combat. w

"In the face of the siege of three gunships, there is no resistance at all."

Seeing that three gunships were flying rapidly, Li Hao showed a look of surprise on his face.

Before, he had guessed what cards this sea ark that dared to reap the benefits of fishermen would have.

Unexpectedly, it would be an aerial killer such as a gunship.

With enough firepower, this thing is enough to crush most private sea ark shelters.

"However, it is useless to try to use it against me."

Understanding the horror of the gunship, Li Hao's face did not show the slightest fear, and he was very calm.

And at the moment.

The three oncoming gunships also began to fire.

Countless bullets flew out of the machine guns and cannons, like a torrential downpour.

Under such powerful firepower, let alone people, even steel will be beaten in two.

In addition, anti-tank missiles also roared, flying out of the launchers of the gunship and towards the cruise ship where Li Hao was.

The front of Li Hao's cruise ship was almost covered in a dense rain of bullets.


In the face of such terrifying firepower, Li Hao directly ignored it, and did not mean to let Jarvis control the cruise ship to stop moving forward.

It doesn't even seem to have taken any defensive measures.

Seeing this, the pilots of the three armed helicopters couldn't help but show joy on their faces.

Obviously, in the next second, the joy on their faces completely disappeared.

Instead, there was a look of shock and disbelief on his face.

I saw that when those bullets and anti-tank missiles were about to fall on the cruise ship, they were as if they had hit an invisible solid wall, and they directly exploded.

...... Ask for flowers...

The explosion fireworks shone, but some invisible force blocked it, and it could not touch the cruise ship itself.

"Grass! What the hell is this? This cruise ship can't be a ghost ship, right?!"

"Otherwise, how could this happen!!"

Seeing this incomprehensible picture, Lao Sha couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

When the end comes, won't all those weird things appear?!

And on the other side of the sea ark.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man of the vulture also lost his composure as before.

In the face of something unknown, anyone will instinctively have fear.

"Attack! Keep attacking! Knock out all the ammunition!"

Coming back to his senses, the middle-aged man with a face that was difficult to see the extreme, and yelled at the military walkie-talkie in his hand.

Now, he had no intention of counter-killing at all.

The only thought was to be able to drag the "weird" cruise ship and then quickly escape far away.

Receiving the order of the boss, the three gunships also opened fire again, as if to vent the fear in their hearts.

This time the roaring rain of bullets became even more violent.

However, it still didn't work.

That invisible wall shielded all attacks on cruise ships.

Neither bullets nor anti-tank missiles can break through this blockade.

Under such a powerful firepower, the speed of the cruise ship was not even affected much.

"The defense mode of the electromagnetic stance generator ————— the electromagnetic stance shield, it is really powerful!"

"Next, it's time to see if the high-voltage current cluster in attack mode can be used as a means of air fighting.

Seeing the power of the electromagnetic stance generator defense mode, Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

Spending nearly 60,000 points to buy this black technology weapon before seems to be worth it.

Apart from the fact that the energy consumption is somewhat large, there are hardly much disadvantages.

After testing the defense mode of the electromagnetic stance generator with the "help" of the fire of three gunships, Li Hao did not want to waste any more time, and ordered to Jarvis: "Jarvis! Turn on the electromagnetic stance generator attack mode again. ”

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