Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 112 The Sensation In The High-Level Circle Of The Private Sea Ark [Please Subscribe, Please

"Shoot down all three gunships!"

Jarvis: "Yes, sir! The electromagnetic stance generator attack mode is activated and begins to lock on the target position..."

Having received the order, Jarvis immediately went to work.

Through the powerful computing power of the small biological supercomputer, the flight trajectory simulation of the three armed helicopters in the sky was completed in an instant.

Locking complete.

Next second.

The front deck of the cruise ship suddenly split into an opening, and a dark iron pillar nearly a meter thick extended from it and began to aim at the three gunships in the sky.

"What the hell is this?!"

Seeing the changes on the deck of the cruise ship, the pilots of the three gunships gurgled in their hearts, and a sense of foreboding arose.

Like a frightened bird.

Immediately subconsciously drove the gunship to escape.

However, it is clearly too late. "717"

Before the three gunships could fly far, a silver electric light that was extremely fast shot out from the large iron pillar.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The current bursts.

Silver, high-voltage currents spread through the air like spider webs.

The three speeding gunships were like small insects caught by spider webs, instantly wiped out by high-voltage electric currents.

This is erasure in the true sense of the word.

Under the terrifying high temperature generated by the high-voltage current cluster, the three armed helicopters were directly dissolved into molten iron.

As if it never existed.

The helicopter pilot inside was directly "evaporated".

"Shhh! ∼”

Seeing such a terrifying scene, the middle-aged man and his subordinates couldn't help but sweat profusely, only feeling a rush of urine rushing to his heart.

Damn, what the hell is the origin of that cruise ship on the other side?!


Even the electric energy weapon came out!!

Don't be so outrageous!

Thinking that he actually wanted to rob such a terrifying ruthless character, the middle-aged man of the vulture and his subordinates regretted it to the extreme.

"Quick... Just go.... Let Lao Jiu increase the speed of the ark to the maximum! Otherwise we....."

Coming back to his senses, the middle-aged man of the Yin Vulture also completely lost his previous calmness, and roared with a trembling voice.

However, the words are not yet lying.

Next second.

He felt an incomparably strong electric current running through his body, spreading all over his body, making him completely lose control of his body.

Sensations of burning, tingling, and paralysis came to his mind.

"It's over!"

The middle-aged man of the vulture only had time to flash this thought in his mind.

Then, as soon as it was dark in front of him, consciousness fell into eternal darkness.

"It's over!"

Looking at the sea ark ahead that was strung by a cluster of high-voltage currents, Li Hao murmured.

The electromagnetic stance generator, an energy weapon, is completely crushing against these private sea arks.

There is no effective means of defense, and such a high-voltage current cannon of at least tens of millions of volts is fired.

Even if those people's whole body is made of titanium alloy, they must be dissolved by electricity.

There can simply be no living mouth.

The result turned out to be exactly what Li Hao expected.

When No. 1 took the clone warrior to the sea ark to clean up the battlefield, he didn't see half a living mouth.

An entire ark of the sea was reduced to charred corpses.

Even some of the more serious ones are turned to ash by the high temperature carried by the high-voltage current.

The cremation step is directly omitted.

One step at a time.

After confirming that all enemies were wiped out, Li Hao asked No. 1 to scavenge all the remaining supplies of the Sea Ark and bring them back to the storage of the cruise ship.

After looting all the loot, Li Hao began to clean the battlefield and sweep the traces of the battle in order to keep it secret.

Under the bombardment of high-voltage electromagnetic clusters, seven completely scrapped sea arks were completely turned into a pool of scrap iron and quickly sank.


Seven sea arks were sunk to the bottom of the sea and disappeared forever on the sea.

"Those who covet the cruise ship are all solved, and by the way, the power of an electromagnetic position generator is also tested."

"The purpose of this operation has been successfully completed, so it is almost time to go back to the port of the official Steel Island trading area and deal with the loot this time."

After cleaning up the traces of the battlefield, Li Hao did not delay much in this uninhabited sea.

Immediately, let Jarvis start the same way back in the cruise ship and go to the port of the No. 1 Steel Island Trading Area again.

After all, the loot harvested from this "fishing" operation is really a bit much.

Among them, there are many things that he simply does not use or look at.

Therefore, he was ready to return to the trading market of Steel Island and dispose of all the loot and exchange it for the materials he needed.

Save this "garbage" and take up a lot of the limited storage space of the shelter .........

The road back was also very smooth.

After several hours of sailing, the cruise ship once again docked inside the port of the trading area of the Steel Island.

Compared with the first arrival, Li Hao's cruise ship docked this time and caused a lot of "sensation" in the circle of private sea ark shelters.

The six or seven sea arks that left with Li Hao did not return, only Li Hao's cruise ship returned.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows what this means.

Apparently, those who shot at the cruise ship were likely all dead.

There is no dead one left.

Thinking of this possibility, all the high-ranking people in the circle of the Ark Shelter at Sea were shocked.

After all, although the middle-aged people who make a living by looting other people's materials have a bad reputation in the circle of private sea arks, no one denies that these people dare to do so.

At least their sea ark shelter is many times stronger in force than ordinary private sea shelters.

And now these powerful sea ark shelters seem to be all folded in the hands of a cruise ship shelter of hundreds of tons.

It's a big surprise.

In order to verify this incredible speculation, the high-level of these sea ark shelters also inquired whether the six or seven sea arks that followed out had returned.

Whether or not to stay in their area of residence.

However, after the whole day, there was no news.

It seems that those several sea ark shelters all "disappeared" inexplicably 3.4.

Confirming this news, most of the high-level people of the private Sea Ark shelter have a great fear of the cruise ship shelter where Li Hao is located.

This strength is terrifying!

This cruise ship shelter can easily wipe out the few powerful sea ark shelters, and dealing with them these weaker ones is not the same as playing.

In case, this cruise ship shelter also began to do "no-capital business" at sea.

That is probably much more harmful than the few disappeared sea ark shelters.

Thinking of this possibility, many of the top officials of the maritime shelters decided to take a hand.

In the recent period, try to cooperate with other familiar sea ark shelters, and never leave behind.

Let's observe the situation first.

For a time, Li Hao's cruise ship shelter also began to become "famous".

By the way, the area around the docking area has become a "no-go area".

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