Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 113 Official Attention! Build A New Base? 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

No. 1 Steel Island Trading Area Port.

"The effect of killing chickens and monkeys this time is too good."

Sending away the official personnel who came to the door, Li Hao couldn't help but smile a little.

These officials were recruited by the top brass of the private Sea Ark.

To put it simply, he showed the strong strength of easily destroying six or seven powerful sea ark shelters this time, which made many high-level members of the private sea ark extremely jealous and began to huddle together, for fear that he would also do "no capital trading".

In such a situation of "panic", the official will naturally not sit idly by.

This does not.

He had only been docked in the port of the Steel Island trading area for a few hours.

Officials came to the door to "understand" the situation.

Although these officials did not say much and their attitude was quite good, it was clear that his cruise ship shelter was on the official focus list.

In the future, as long as his cruise ship shelter enters official territory, it will inevitably be watched by official personnel.

"This is also something that was expected."

Li Hao shook his head, not paying too much attention.

As long as 15 exposes great strength, it will inevitably lead to such a result.

After all, in official territory, any sea ark shelter that is too powerful is a destabilizing factor.

For unstable factors, the official will definitely not ignore them, on the contrary, they will definitely monitor them at the first time to prevent any unknown harm and consequences.

No one will be an exception to this.

And he was not prepared to do anything bad on the official territory of the Xia Kingdom, and he would not even stay more on the official territory of the Xia Kingdom, so he naturally held an attitude of indifference.

Love to pay attention to it.

He won't be here for long anyway.

"After dealing with this batch of loot, it's almost time to set off to find a fixed place to stay."

Sitting in the captain's room of the cruise ship, Li Hao planned his future actions.

In fact, the idea of building another fixed base has been circling in his heart.

It's just that he didn't make up his mind completely before.

The reason for this idea is that the current submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form) can no longer meet his needs.

The current submarine-type mobile marine shelter (cruise ship form) seems to be very flexible, but in fact, it is greatly limited in its development potential [and has even reached a bottleneck].

After all, the area of submarine-type mobile ocean shelters (cruise ship form) is extremely limited.

It was completely finalized from the completion of construction.

After the existing space is used, there is simply no way to expand more space.

If there is no more space available, the development potential is exhausted.

In such a situation, he clearly has only two options.

One is to maintain the status quo, and the other is to find a fixed base to develop, just like his sanctuary before the ocean era.

If you choose to maintain the status quo, the perfection of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter (cruise ship form) will not be a big problem, and even Li Hao will live well for a long time in the future.

But the speed of avoidance will be many times slower.

For Li Hao, this is clearly impossible to endure.

He can't be satisfied with that.

In such a dangerous doomsday environment, slower development means that the future risk resistance is weaker.

Born of sorrow and dying of happiness, this is an unchanging truth.

Therefore, Li Hao naturally gave up the intention to maintain the status quo and chose to build another fixed shelter to obtain greater development space.

Sorting out what to do in the future, Li Hao stopped thinking about it and walked towards the living room.

I've been busy for most of the day, and it's almost time for dinner.

June 8, 2021

Li Hao began sorting the loot captured yesterday.

Then, everything that is not needed is disposed of at the market stall and replaced with canned fruit, medicine, or fruit trees that are ripe, which are still lacking in shelter or can improve the quality of life.

However, due to the large number of people [these ten days also processed about ten tenths of the loot.]

There are also piles of loot piled up in the cruise ship's storage silo Curry.


In order to quickly dispose of these unwanted things.

Li Hao also abandoned yesterday's inefficient practice of selling in pieces, and began to pack up and sell the loot to other private sea ark shelters.

Sure enough!

The loot was processed several times faster at once.

In just one day today, nearly half of the loot was sold.

Of course, this is not without cost.

After all, the price of a packaged sale is definitely much lower than that of a piecemeal sale.

Otherwise, how could anyone be willing to buy it in a package.

As a result, you can get at least 10% less stuff than normal.

That's no small amount.

Ordinary people, and even the high-level of other private sea ark shelters, would definitely prefer to take a slow shot rather than choose to sell it in a package for the sake of efficiency.

Li Hao, on the other hand, doesn't care about such a small profit.

Anyway, these loot are obtained for nothing. 260

The exchange was just icing on the cake for his shelter.

A little more, a little less, doesn't really make much difference at all.

The most important thing for him now is to dispose of these things as soon as possible and then go find a new site and build a new fixed shelter.

To exchange some "insignificant" benefits for higher efficiency, he will naturally not be unwilling.



Thanks to the strategy of packing and selling, Li Hao finally disposed of all the combat power items at noon today.

In the end, hundreds of live livestock such as pigs, ducks, geese, dozens of fruit trees in the ripe stage, and more than ten tons of canned fruits were obtained

It was a bumper harvest.

Not only has the shelter's material reserves become more abundant, but it has also made the shelter's self-production capacity more powerful.

Things like pigs, geese, and fruits will continue to produce energy in the shelter in the future.

Never worry about eating it all over again.

"Jarvis, leave the harbor and head toward the Pacific Ocean.

Handle all the loot, and Li Hao does not stop at the port of the Steel Island trading area.

After all, there's no point in staying any longer.

He was ready to find a suitable place to build a new fixed base.

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