Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 117 Undersea City Ruins, Mutated Giant Marlin Schools 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】


Next second.

Drawings of the fully automated seabed mining octopus appear in the system inventory.

This drawing is removed from the inventory and entered into the drawing library of the super 3D printer bed.

A minute later.

Seeing the manufacturing option of fully automated seabed mining octopus appear on the printer bed display, Li Hao put in the required manufacturing materials and clicked on the manufacturing without hesitation.

Airplanes! Airplanes!

Super 3D printer bed starts.

Under the "printing" of countless robotic arms with various high-end technology printing devices, the extremely precise parts are quickly assembled together.

About ten minutes later.

A black mechanical octopus six meters tall with thirty-two mechanical tentacles came down from the tracks of the printer bed.

"It looks much bigger than the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus "683"!"

"However, the actual mass is much smaller than that, and it is deliberately designed because of deep-sea mining operations."

"It makes perfect sense."

"After all, compared with air, seawater itself has a considerable buoyancy, deliberately designed so large, not only can increase the capacity of loaded minerals, but also with the help of more of the buoyancy of seawater itself, reduce energy loss..."

Looking at the black mechanical octopus in front of him, Li Hao thought thoughtfully.

Open the properties panel for this black mechanical octopus.

【Fully automatic seabed mining octopus】

[Mining efficiency]: 20 tons / hour (according to the shape of the mine, the mining efficiency will also fluctuate, but there will not be much difference)

【Mineral loading capacity】: 30 cubic meters

【Introduction】: A seabed mining robot designed for the purpose of seabed mining operations, after finding seabed veins, can quickly mine a large number of seabed mineral resources

"The mineral loading capacity is 30 cubic meters, which means that at least 100 tons of ore can be transported back at a time."

"With a collection efficiency of 20 tons per hour, it only takes about five hours to fill."

Seeing the loading capacity of the fully automatic seabed mining octopus, Li Hao also had a satisfied smile on his face.

Nearly 100 tons of metal ore were collected in five hours.

The efficiency of this seabed mining is already quite fast.

There are more than enough raw materials to operate the metal furnace inside the shelter at full power.

"This kind of good thing, you can produce a few more units."

Click Production again.

Twenty minutes later.

Two more fully automated seabed mining octopuses came down from the super 3D printer bed.

Jarvis drove the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter to a mining area near Qingbei City, and Li Hao activated the three fully automated seabed mining octopuses to release them all.

Three fully automated seabed mining octopuses begin to work, and the "suction cups" (vector nozzles) on their tentacles spew orange flames, moving nimbly and quickly towards the mining area to begin the mining and collecting work.

"The preparations for the construction of the submarine refuge base are all ready."

"As long as the small water film generation device opens up enough seafloor space, the construction of the submarine shelter can be directly started.

"Next, it's time to patrol the surrounding waters and clean up possible safety hazards in the surrounding waters."

"It just so happens that the task [to find the construction site of the new base] has been completed, and the vacated mission slot can receive the new mission."

Opening the task refresh bar, Li Hao took the survival task of [Cleaning Up Threats].

Three tasks were refreshed this week.

However, since there were only two mission slots, he only received two missions - [Find the construction site of the new base] and [Build a new refuge base] mission.

Now that the [Find the construction site of the new base] mission has been completed, he will naturally be able to receive a new mission again.

After receiving the mission, Li Hao began to let Jarvis control the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter and began to patrol the sea area around the former Qingbei City.

Touring the sea outside the former Qingbei City, Li Hao saw many strange mutated sea creatures, but almost none of them could be called a threat.

The largest of them is just a white sea snake nearly ten meters long.

However, for the sake of safety, Li Hao still uses the high-voltage current beam of the electromagnetic stance generator to kill all the mutated sea creatures over five meters in size.

After clearing the nearby sea, Li Hao asked Jarvis to control the Submarine's Mobile Ocean Institute to drive towards the ruined area of Qingbei City...

The flooded sea area of the former Qingbei City is the real highlight.

Although it has long been turned into a huge ruins by the tsunami, the terrain has become extremely complicated.

This complex terrain is the favorite shelter and predation ground for many marine creatures.

The number and variety of marine life hiding there is definitely much more than the sea outside the city of Qingbei City.

Sure enough.

As soon as the submarine-type mobile marine shelter drove into the ruins, Li Hao discovered a large group of mutated sea creatures.

A giant marlin nearly eight meters long is swimming leisurely through the ruins.

The "long dart"-like part of the nose snout shimmers with a metallic sheen.

It looks extremely hard and sharp.

As if discovering him as an intruder, thousands of giant marlas were like sharp arrows, tearing through the barriers of the sea water and galloping towards the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

Its speed is visually measured at more than 310 km/h.

Under such a fast speed impact, coupled with its sharp and hard giant head dart, its piercing force is so powerful, I am afraid that a cruise ship made of steel alloy will easily be pierced out of a big hole.

Thousands of such giant marlin charged, and before they could take it off-guard, an ocean fleet would be destroyed in their hands.

"However, if you want to deal with the shell armor of submarine-type mobile ocean shelters, this is still far from 3.2."

Roughly estimating the threat posed by the charge of the giant marlin, Li Hao's face did not change at all, but showed a confident smile.

You know, the shell of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter is made of a large number of energy-absorbing alloys.

The defense is so strong that even the explosion of Tomahawk missiles cannot damage the slightest.

Under such a strong defense, the charge of those giant marlin is just "suicide".

This is like a normal person running with all his strength, hitting a steel wall, and the final end must be a death, the braincase will be completely shattered, and the brain plasma will flow to the ground.

As long as they can't penetrate the defenses of submarine-type shelters, these giant marlins will end up like normal people hitting the wall with their braincases.

The faster the acceleration, the stronger the impact and penetration, and the more miserable the death.

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