Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 118 The Marine Intelligent Creatures, The Mutant Giant Devil Fish Appears 【Subscribe, Please

Knowing this, Li Hao did not mean to expand the strong magnetic stance shield defense of the electromagnetic stance generator at all.

Instead, sit firmly on the fishing platform and let those mutated giant marlin attack.

A few seconds later.

One by one, the mutated giant marlin accelerated to the extreme, like a metal javelin that broke through the air, and rushed towards the submarine-type mobile marine shelter.

Everywhere it passes, the sea water is carved out of a vacuum channel.

The momentum is extremely terrifying.

As if nothing could stop their charge.

With such momentum and might, the "long dart" above the head of the mutant giant marlin slammed into the shell armor of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of metal clashes like the sound of muffled thunder resounded at the bottom of the sea.

I saw that when the mutated giant marlin crashed on the submarine-type mobile ocean mobile shelter, it seemed to hit an impregnable terrifying wall, and 15 was instantly shaken to pieces by the force of the defense.

The more ferocious the offensive, the more miserable the death.

For a time, countless blood flowers spread out on the shell armor of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

The whole picture is full of a charming, cruel beauty.

It seems that stimulated by blood, the group of mutated giant marlin that hit the south wall is even more crazy.

More mutant marlin gathered from nearby and frantically charged towards the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter where Li Hao was, like bullets out of the chamber.

The submarine-type mobile marine shelter that is the target of attack is like an impregnable reef, withstanding round after round of attacks.

It's like a clash of "spears" and "shields".

And in this confrontation, it is clear that the "shield" is superior.

The "spear" that broke the surface with a point could not help to get the "shield" at all.

However, the powerful defensive power of the "shield" makes the attacking "spear" useless, and it is directly "broken".

In such a situation, the outcome of this "big war" is clearly already preordained.


The submarine-type mobile ocean shelter is still quietly "hovering" on the bottom of the sea, and there is no trace of attack on the shell armor.

The surrounding sea water was stained red with countless blood.

At least thousands of mutated giant marlins turned into corpse pieces and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

The results are already obvious.

"It seems that under the influence of the evolutionary radiation attached to meteorites, these mutated giant marlins have not only become physically stronger, but also made considerable progress in intelligence!"

"Even learned to huddle, formed the concepts of ethnic groups, groups, territories, etc."

Looking at such a "bloody" scene, Li Hao thoughtfully.

The crazy "sending to death" behavior of mutating the giant marlin just now is obviously extremely abnormal.

Normally, once they encounter an invasion or find an intruder that is impossible to resist, out of the instinct of low-level creatures to seek benefits and avoid harm, these mutant giant marlins should be scattered and flee as soon as possible.

However, the opposite is true.

These exotic giant fish gather more and more, forming submarine-type mobile ocean shelters, which are invading their territory.

Obviously, this is a situation that only occurs with the concept of huddles, ethnic groups, territories, etc.

Not seeing the big picture!

Compared with before the mutation evolution, the intelligence of the giant marlin after the mutation has been greatly improved.

"According to the development of this situation, there may be a large number of intelligent races in the sea in the future."

Thinking of this possibility, Li Hao's face also showed solemnity.

Wisdom is the most powerful "weapon" of mankind, and it is also the reliance on the top of the Blue Star food chain.

In the future, if there is a marine biological group with intelligence comparable to or surpassing humans in the blue star sea, the picture will be great...

"But this shouldn't happen anytime soon!"

"After all, it is not so simple to evolve a biological race with complete intelligence."

"At present, although the intelligence of most marine organisms has improved after mutation, it is not actually high."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible to do such a thing that is not retreating.

Thinking of the picture of the mutated giant marlin sending him to death just now, Li was also relieved in his heart

This level of intelligence is no different from intellectual disability.

On the contrary, it is better to have no intelligence, and the survival instinct determines the action.

It's easier to survive.

Thinking of this, Li Hao also temporarily put aside his worries about the emergence of marine intelligent life races.

Don't think about it anymore.

Let Jarvis control the submarine-type mobile marine shelter to collect several mutated giant marlins with relatively complete corpses, and seal and refrigerate them.

After saving it for later research, Li Hao prepared to continue the sea patrol tour.

He does not believe that in the huge ruins formed in the urban area of the former Qingbei City, there is only the mutated giant marlin, a threatening and powerful aggressive marine life group.

Just as the submarine-type mobile marine shelter is preparing to continue to the depths of the ruins of the underwater city.


A strange cry sounded.

A huge, flat creature resembles a jet plane, speeding from the depths of the ruins of the underwater city towards the 950 side.

Its body size is more than 90 meters, the skin is dark and rough, and there are many barbs.

The white belly also has a strange pattern similar to a smiling human face.

"This is a perverted evolutionary individual of the devil fish?!"

Seeing the image of this underwater behemoth, Li Hao couldn't help but change his face.

That's unlucky!

The mutated giant octopus that encountered the hunting state before is also counted.

Now he actually ran into an ocean monster again!!

Could it be that there are really many such perverted evolutionary individuals in the ocean?!

Otherwise, in just one month, how could he directly encounter two.

And this one seems to be much more fierce than the previous one.

"Good fellow! This mutant giant devil fish Nima is about to grow to hundreds of meters. ”

"The mutant giant octopus of more than fifty meters that I encountered before is simply a smelly brother in front of it!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao's heart was also heavy.

Just the size difference is doubled, then the strength gap must be even greater.

Although the electromagnetic stance generator installed in the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter can easily kill the mutated giant octopus, it can not kill this mutant giant manta fish that is nearly 100 meters

It's really hard to say.

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