Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 119 Battle Between Top Predators? ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

"I hope that the vitality of this monster is not as tenacious as the mutated giant octopus, otherwise the task of [cleaning up the threat] is really a bit difficult."

Li Hao thought to himself.

This mutant giant manta fish is too big.

If it is as tenacious as the mutated giant octopus, coupled with its huge size, it may be difficult for the high-voltage current cluster to play a decisive role.

You can't even kill this monster at all.

After all, in the ocean, electricity is consumed by seawater.

Even if the high-voltage current is emitted in a cluster, there is a strong magnetic field to constrain the stable current, but when the hit bursts, the current will inevitably be consumed by seawater.

In this case, it is really difficult to say how much damage the high-voltage current cluster can do to this mutated giant manta ray.

Just as Li Hao was estimating the strength of the mutated giant manta ray.

The mutated giant manta fish also seems to have discovered a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

The wing-like pectoral fins on both sides changed direction in an instant, swimming towards the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

"Jarvis, calculate its purpose, whether this mutant giant manta fish is hostile to the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter?"

Looking at the mutated giant manta fish that suddenly changed direction and came towards the submarine-type moving ocean shelter, Li Hao's face changed, and he immediately turned to Jarvis and opened his mouth to order.

Jarvis: "Yes, sir!"

After receiving the order, Jarvis immediately began to deduce the purpose of this mutated giant manta through a small biological supercomputer.

A few seconds later.

Jarvis: "Sir! After calculation, there is a 65% chance that this mutant giant manta fish was attracted by the blood that escaped after the death of the mutant giant marlin, 25% because we invaded the hunting ground of this mutated giant manta fish, and the remaining 10% may be due to some unknown factors that are currently undetected..."

"You said that the mutant giant manta is most likely attracted to the blood of the mutant giant marlin to prey?!"

Hearing this, Li Hao was also a little speechless.

"Yes! According to the habit calculus before the devil fish was not mutated, this species is the most likely~. ”

Jarvis replied.

"Since it's for food, why did this mutant giant manta fish come straight to the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter?"

Li Hao was also a little confused.

It stands to reason that the mutant giant manta should eat the corpses of those mutated giant marlins as soon as possible.

How could it rush directly towards a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter ?!

"This mutant giant manta fish most likely has an extremely strong sense of territory, and the ruins of this underwater city should be what it considers to be the hunting ground [the creatures in the hunting ground are all its own].

"The act of submarine-type mobile marine shelters entering the ruins of underwater cities and "killing" mutant giant marlins should be regarded as predators invading hunting grounds, so mutated giant manta rays have a tendency to attack the shelter as soon as they see it........................."

This is the same as one mountain does not allow two tigers.

The appearance of another apex predator is tantamount to greatly reducing the number of prey in the hunting ground and affecting the survival of the original apex predator.

In order to avoid this, the powerful original predators obviously cannot tolerate the new apex predators entering their hunting grounds.

The first time you see it, you will shoot or kill it.

The sudden tendency of mutated giant manta rays to move towards submarine-type marine shelters is based on this.

"Jarvis, turn on the attack mode of the electromagnetic stance generator and activate the maximum power attack on that mutated giant manta ray."

Now that he understood the attack intention of the mutated giant manta ray, Li Hao no longer hesitated to attack, and directly chose to strike first, and launched a tentative attack at the first time.

He wanted to test how effective the high-voltage current cluster cannon was on the mutated giant manta ray.

If it can effectively kill, it is best.

Even if it doesn't work, he can quickly switch to other attack schemes.

Receiving Li Hao's order, Jarvis immediately carried it out.

Thick iron pipes extend from the front bottom armor of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter.

The silver-white furious arc of electricity was still beating and accumulating on these thick iron pipes.

The strong current even forms a strong magnetic field that disperses the surrounding seawater.

After a few seconds of energy storage.


A high-voltage current several meters thick gathered through the seawater, and slammed into the mutated giant manta fish two kilometers ahead.

The current bursts.

The silvery-white high-voltage current turned the surrounding 100 meters of seawater into a thunder hell.

In an instant, the figure of the mutant giant devil fish was covered with countless silver-white currents.


A strange cry with anger and pain sounded.

In the next second, the electric light dissipated, and the mutated giant manta ray's eyes were blood-red, and it rushed madly towards the submarine-type mobile shelter.

Obviously, the electric shock just now had completely angered this ocean troll.

Seeing this, Li Hao's brows also frowned.

Because he found that the high-voltage current cluster cannon just now, except for hurting the mutated giant manta ray, did not seem to have much success.

The white belly on his abdomen is only a trace of scorched black.

It doesn't seem to hurt much at all, let alone the paralyzing effect attached to the current.

Even if this mutant giant manta has a strong life force as I guessed, and its body function is several times stronger than the previous mutated giant octopus, "The high-voltage current cluster cannon can't be just so effective!"

"This damage is a bit outrageously low!"

"Since this is the case, it is obvious that there is something in this mutant giant manta that can resist electricity.

"Jarvis, can you deduce the reason why the high-voltage current cluster cannon has little effect on it?!"

Li Hao frowned and spoke.

Jarvis: "Lack of data! More data from high-voltage current cluster gun attacks are needed for computational comparison.

"Then continue to use high-voltage current cluster gun attacks until you have enough analytical data."

Hearing this, in order to find out the source of the ability of this mutant giant manta to resist the high-voltage current cluster cannon, Li Hao ordered again.

Receiving the order, Jarvis once again began to control the "barrel" of the electromagnetic stance generator, and (De Zhao) constantly fired high-voltage current beams at the mutated giant manta rays speeding ahead.

A continuous stream of silver electric light illuminates the dark seabed.

Under the "bombardment" of the high-voltage current cluster, the mutant giant manta fish also let out a painful howl, but Shin never suffered much damage.

Instead, he rushed towards the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter even more furiously.

It seems that it is intended to tear the submarine-type mobile marine shelter to shreds.

In the face of the "killing intent" of the mutated giant manta ray, Jarvis did not receive Li Hao's order, nor did he mean hard steel.

Directly played kite tactics.

Give full play to the advantages of submarine-type mobile marine shelter nuclear-powered vector engine with strong power and flexible steering.

Fight and retreat.

Under Jarvis's superb driving skills, no matter how the mutated giant manta chases, it is always so far away, and it is impossible to catch up with the submarine-type mobile ocean refuge gas.

It can only be emitted an extremely angry "incompetent" roar.

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