Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 121 The Mutant Giant Devil Fish That Fled In Embarrassment 【For Subscription, Please Customi


Thunder and lightning dance.

Surrounded by countless electric snakes, the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter slammed into the mutated giant manta ray again.


After receiving a heavy blow, the mutant giant manta fish let out a painful and strange neigh, and was knocked out ~ times.

Without the mutant giant manta fish breathing time, Jarvis once again maneuvered the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter to catch up and attack, as Li Hao requested.

For a time, the mutated giant manta ray, which looked extremely hideous and terrifying, was like a leather ball, and the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter was bumped around.

The hiss of madness and pain resounded in the surrounding seas.

However, the skin defense of this mutant giant devil fish is too strong and tough.

It also has a great cushion against impact forces.

Even the continuous impact of submarine-type mobile ocean shelters is difficult to cause real fatal damage to them.

And over time, the mutant giant manta fish even began to slowly adapt to the vertigo caused by the impact.

The time for vertigo is also getting shorter and shorter.

"It seems that you can't kill this mutated giant devil fish for the time being."

Observing this situation, Li Hao also sighed helplessly.

Although the original purpose of the collision of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter just now was only to knock this mutant giant manta ray away.

But if you can kill it, it is naturally the best.

After all, he still has the system task of [Cleaning Up Threat].

Without killing this mutated giant devil fish entrenched in the ruins of an underwater city, it is obviously impossible to complete this task.

Unfortunately, judging from the current trend, this mutated giant devil fish with strong skin defense thieves, he really can't kill.

Unless this mutant giant manta does not run at all, it can hit thousands of times with the endurance of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter [shook it to death.

Sure enough.

After the sixty-fifth collision, the mutated giant manta ray seemed to have completely adapted to the impact of submarine-type mobile ocean refuge.

After flying out upside down, Jarvis immediately sobered up before he could drive the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter again.

However, the experience of being bumped around like a leather ball just now seems to have given this mutant giant manta a huge psychological shadow, knowing the horror of the black "top predator" in front of him.

The first time he woke up, this mutated giant devil fish that was extremely hideous and terrifying in the eyes of ordinary people [The eyes of the two ministers of several meters flashed a trace of fear.

Seeing Jarvis driving the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter again, he was about to collide, and he was like a frightened bird, trembling.

Then, the wing-like pectoral fins on both sides erupted a special gas, quickly swimming towards the depths of the ruins of the underwater city transformed by Qingbei City.

The speed of the instant explosion is simply comparable to that of a jet fighter.

Less than a minute.

This mutated giant manta fish hundreds of meters in size disappeared into the ruins of the underwater city and disappeared from Li Hao's sight.

"Jarvis, has the lair of the mutated giant devil fish been found?"

Not paying attention to the mutated giant manta fish fleeing, Li Hao turned to Jarvis and asked.

That's right, he's a giant devil target.

Anyway, this mutant giant devil fish can't be killed for the time being, and if it continues to entangle, it is just a waste of time.

It is better to let it escape and find the location of its cave.

Wait until you are sure of killing, and then go over and kill it.

Jarvis: "Sir, according to the super pulse laser array radar, after the mutant giant manta ray escaped, its speed dropped a lot, and it is currently moving towards the southern urban area of the former Qingbei City at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour........"

"Continue monitoring and calculate the location of the nest of the mutated giant manta ray."

Hearing this, Li Hao continued.

As for whether the mutant giant manta ray will run out of the detection range.

He wasn't worried at all.

After all, the detection range of super pulse laser array radar is thousands of kilometers.

Unless, the mutated giant devil fish ran thousands of kilometers overnight and completely left this sea area, otherwise he wanted to avoid the monitoring and locking of the super pulse laser array radar.

After receiving the order, Jarvis immediately continued to work, monitoring the footage of the super pulse laser array radar.

A few minutes later.

Jarvis: "Sir, that mutant giant manta fish has completely stopped moving."

......... Ask for flowers...

"After calculating its movement data, the range and nest location of this mutant giant manta fish have been roughly calculated."

"Very good"

Hearing this, Li Hao also nodded in satisfaction.

If you can run a monk, you can't run a temple.

Just master the nest and location of that mutant giant manta ray.

The next time he comes back, it's the time of death for this mutant giant manta ray.

"Jarvis, let's go back to the previously selected undersea base construction site!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao took a deep look at the deep and complex ruins of the underwater city in front of him, and said to Jarvis.

Tossing until now, the time is not early!

Something to talk about tomorrow.

.............. 0

Even if you want to go deep into the ruins of the underwater city and hunt down the mutated giant manta ray, there is no need to rush at this time.

Upon receiving the order, Jarvis immediately steered the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter and began to return the same way.

Blue tail flames erupt.

Under the control of Jarvis, the submarine-type mobile ocean refuge quickly left the ruins of this dead underwater city and headed off into the distance.

Return to the previously selected undersea base construction site.

After confirming that the small water film generator was still working properly, Li Hao was also relieved.

At the end of the day, the most important thing for him now is to build an undersea refuge.

Cleaning up the surrounding waters of threats, while important, is at best a secondary goal.

After all, from the ocean trolls he saw so far, the threat was not very great.

At least for him.

As long as the seabed refuge foundation is built, whether those ocean monsters have the ability to break it is still two words.

"However, four or five days before the small water film generator completes the expansion of offshore oil in the seabed space, this time has nothing to do, and it can be used to complete the task of [cleaning up threats] and remove all possible potential safety hazards around."

"Especially that mutant giant manta fish can't be let go."

"Otherwise, if it continues to evolve, its skin defense will probably become stronger and stronger..."

After arranging the things to do during this time, Li Hao walked out of the main control room and walked towards the living room.

It's time to go to dinner.

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