Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 122 Torpedo Missile Launch System, Over-The-Horizon Strike【Please Subscribe, Please Customiz

After eating the sumptuous dinner prepared by Zhao Xuehua.

After a moment of warmth with Zhao Xueshi, Li Hao walked towards the industrial workshop.

This encounter with the mutant manta made him realize that the weapon system of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter was still too single.

Although there are black technology weapons such as electromagnetic stance generators, it is obviously impossible for one black technology weapon to solve all enemies.

Just like this time, in the face of an opponent who can block electricity, the electromagnetic position generator is a little weak, and it is difficult to kill with one hit.

Only a variety of attack methods can allow the submerged mobile marine shelter to deal with more enemies.

"With the points I have accumulated now, there are not many idle points except for the part reserved for the construction of the submarine base.

"There are only about 10,000, and I don't know if I can buy suitable weapons from the system mall."

Thinking like this, Li Hao walked into the industrial car "five-three-three", came to the super 3D printer bed, opened the Doomsday Black Technology Mall and began to screen the weapons he needed.

Star Destroyer, Antimatter Energy Bomb, Planet Blaster

Nuclear bombs, intercontinental missiles, space-based weapons ...

These drawings of weapons, either familiar or unfamiliar, made Li Hao very hungry.

However, it is too expensive.

With his purchase budget of more than 10,000 points, even a fraction of the drawings of these weapons is not enough.

Out of sight, out of heart.

Li Hao directly blocked all the weapon drawings with more than 10,000 points in the filter box.

In an instant, all those super awesome weapon drawings disappeared in front of his eyes.

Looking at the weapon drawings that 10,000 points can buy, Li Hao became more helpless the more he looked.

Good guys, almost all gunpowder guns.

Although there are many powerful firearms such as heavy snipers, these things are okay against humans themselves,

If you want to use heavy snipers to deal with those ocean monsters that are tens of meters or hundreds of meters at every turn, it is obviously a pipe dream.

Even if a heavy sniper bullet can penetrate the skin of those ocean monsters, the damage it can do is almost nothing.

After all, the bullet is too small.

Hitting those sea trolls was like a small one-millimeter wound cut in a person's finger.

If you don't pay attention, you may heal.

This is still a fart!

Based on this, all gunpowder types of gunpowder weapons can basically pass.

"10,000 points in the system mall can only buy useless gunpowder-type guns, weapons, rockets and other things, which are obviously almost any use for the ocean monsters of the Ocean Age."

"It seems that we can only find a way from other places."

Thinking like this, Li Hao also shook his head helplessly and closed the mall panel.

In the end, it's still too poor.

You get what you pay for.

Without enough money (points), how is it possible to buy really good things ?!

"Wait! Maybe you don't need enough money (points) to buy good things. ”

As if something sounded, Li Hao's eyes lit up and turned his gaze to the icon next to the Doomsday Black Tech Mall on the panel.

Limited-time mall!

Because the limited-time mall often brushed out "scrap" or high-end goods that he could not afford before, his attention to the limited-time mall also decreased a lot.

Although I look at it every time I refresh it, I ignore it most of the time.

After all, this thing is too random.

No matter how much thought you put into it, it's the same.

Might as well go with the flow.

"If I'm not mistaken, the products in the limited-time mall are about to be refreshed!"

"I hope that this time the product refresh can refresh the weapon drawings that are easy to use and not expensive."

In fact, it is not that the weapon drawings have not been refreshed before.

On the contrary, it has been refreshed many times, and almost every time of the three limited-time specials, at least one of the three limited-time items will be a weapon or weapon blueprint.

It's just that these weapons or weapon drawings are expensive, and whether they are useful or not is not necessarily useful.

For example, among the three limited-time specials that have not yet been refreshed, there is a drawing of a single soldier weapon called the laser gun.

Although this weapon drawing is discounted by 3 and the price is cheap, it is similar to gunpowder firearms, and the attack coverage is too small, and hitting those huge underwater monsters can basically only tickle.

And against humans, it is obvious that this thing is not needed, and the current M19 assault rifle is very sufficient.

This kind of chicken rib weapon drawing, he naturally can't waste points to buy.

Praying for a handful of weapons this time and refreshing the inexpensive and suitable weapon blueprints, Li Hao opened the limited-time mall panel.

Ignoring the introduction of the three limited-time specials inside, Li Hao turned his attention to the end time at the bottom of these limited-time specials.

[Countdown]: 00:6:12

"Is there still six minutes and twelve seconds to refresh?!"

Looking at this countdown, Li Hao, who has nothing to do for the time being, decided to wait like this...

Six minutes and twelve seconds later.

All three original items in the limited-time marketplace have disappeared.

In its place are three brand new specials.

【Nuclear Power Reactor】

【Drawings of special torpedo missile launch systems】

【Solar Energy Collecting Device】

Sure enough.

This time it also refreshed a special price item for weapons.

Without saying, Li Hao clicked into the detail page of this weapon drawing for the first time.

【Drawings of special torpedo missile launch systems】

[Ammunition capacity]: 30 rounds

[Effective strike distance]: 50 km

[Functional design]: long-range sighting marking device, torpedo magazine device, torpedo missile launcher ...

[Introduction]: Weapon engineering creation, a torpedo launch system designed for long-range special strike operations, easy to load, can load 30 torpedo missiles at a time, using its own long-range targeting marking device, can effectively hit any underwater target within 50 kilometers.

【Limited time special price】: 8900 points (one discount, original price: 89000 points)

Countdown: 28:12:22

"It can reload thirty rounds at a time, and it can also achieve a long-range strike at a range of 50 kilometers ?!"

"And it's still a discounted price, only 8900 points!"

Looking at the introduction and price of this weapon drawing, Li Hao's face 2.7 couldn't help but show a hint of joy.

This limited-time mall has finally refreshed with something suitable and cheap.

The emergence of this special torpedo missile launch system can just make up for the lack of long-range attack means in submarine-type mobile ocean shelters.

After all, the three modes attached to the electromagnetic stance generator, although both offensive and defensive, the attack distance is really not very far.

The high-voltage current beam with the longest attack range will not have an attack range of more than 5 km.

In this vast and boundless sea, it is undoubtedly "short-handed" to the point of not working.

And this special torpedo missile launch system can effectively hit targets at a range of 50 kilometers [but it can just compensate for these ten shortcomings of the electromagnetic position.

Let the attack range of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter instantly increase tenfold, and truly achieve long-range over-the-horizon strikes.

"It's a pity..............................".

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