Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 123 No Dead-End Torpedo Launch System? ! 【Please Subscribe, Ask For Full Order】

"It's a pity that this special torpedo missile launch system does not seem to have a great effect on the mutated giant manta fish of hundreds of meters.

Li Hao had a hint of regret on his face.

Although the special weapon goods refreshed this time are suitable and cheap, they are not very useful in dealing with the mutated giant devil fish with a perverted skin.

After all, torpedo missiles "squeeze" the opponent mainly by the huge water pressure generated after the explosion.

This attack may be very effective against other creatures or ships at sea, killing or sinking them in an instant.

But for the mutated giant manta fish with tough skin, this obviously won't do much.

At least it is difficult to create a one-hit kill effect

The impact he made with a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter before would definitely not be inferior to ordinary torpedo missiles, but after dozens of attacks, it still could not cause fatal damage to it, which is already very telling.

"If you want to kill that mutant giant manta with a torpedo missile, unless you can hit hundreds of torpedo missiles, maybe you can blow it up alive."

"However, it is a little difficult to do, the mutated giant manta has shown human fear before, and its wisdom 15 strength is obviously much stronger than the mental disability of the mutant giant marlin, at least to avoid evil, the concept of judging the situation is still there."

"Once the situation is not good, that mutated giant manta ray escapes 100%."

Thinking of this, Li Hao couldn't help but shake his head.

However, although this special torpedo missile launch system does not have the one-hit effect on the mutant giant manta ray, it is no different from qualified in terms of the attack means and attack range of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter.

The most important thing is that the price is cheap enough, and it directly discounted the price of the jumping property.

Therefore, Li Hao did not hesitate and directly bought the drawings of the special torpedo missile launch system.


The moment the points were deducted, the drawings of the special torpedo missile launch system in the limited-time mall disappeared and appeared in Li Hao's system inventory.

Take the drawings of the special torpedo missile launch system from the system inventory and enter them into the super 3D printer bed.

A minute later, a new manufacturing option appeared on the printer bed display, it was precisely the special torpedo missile launch system.

"Let's make a set first."

Without hesitation, Li Hao directly put in the required materials and click to manufacture.

This thing was originally the weapon system he bought to enhance the rich submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, and naturally the sooner it was manufactured and installed, the better.

The super 3D printer bed is on.

One by one, the robotic arms began to move flexibly and orderly, disassembling and processing the input metal raw materials and printing them into precision mechanical parts.

About twenty minutes later, all parts of the entire drawing of the special torpedo missile launch system were printed.

Looking at these mechanical parts, Li Hao did not go to the weapons room to install it at the first time, but said to the display screen on the side: "Jarvis, based on the parameter data of the special torpedo missile launch system, and using the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter as a model, we began to simulate and calculate to build the most complete torpedo missile launch system..."

Such torpedo launchers obviously cannot be installed blindly.

Otherwise, the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter is so large, there will definitely be an attack dead end.

Once the enemy is in a dead end of the attack, the torpedo firing system is not wasted.

Li Hao couldn't have left such a big hole when installing weapons systems in his shelter.

"Yes, Raw!"

Knowing Li Hao's intentions, Jarvis immediately began to execute orders according to Li Hao's request.

For artificial data life, this kind of calculus simulation is obviously the best at it.

Especially when backed by sound data.

This calculation simulation, whether it is the data parameters of the special torpedo missile launch system or the data parameters of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter, are extremely complete.

Soon, Jarvis completed this architectural combination for the mobile marine distress torpedo weapon system.

A structural diagram of a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter appeared on a large screen in front of Li Hao, marked with six red dots.

Jarvis: "According to calculations, the submarine-type mobile marine shelter has built the most complete torpedo launch system without dead ends, which needs to consist of at least six special torpedo missile launch systems.

"Among them, four flanks are needed, and two are needed for front and rear armor, so the torpedo missile launch system is theoretically capable of achieving 365-degree all-round coverage strikes...

"Just use this plan."

After confirming that the plan deduced by Jarvis perfectly met his requirements, Li Ji clapped without hesitation.

Walk to the super 3D printer bed.

Li Hao again clicked on the manufacturing option for the special torpedo missile launch system and set its manufacturing quantity to 5.

The super 3D printer bed is up and running again.

After about an hour, all five special torpedo missile launch systems were manufactured.

Coupled with the one that was made before, it just got together.

According to the torpedo system layout diagram deduced by Jarvis, Li Hao asked the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus to put six special torpedo missile launch systems in the corresponding positions

Then, follow the accompanying instructions to begin the installation.

Although these parts are quite heavy, they are also quite complete and only need to be assembled.

With the powerful power of the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus, it is not too time-consuming to assemble.

About five hours later, Li Hao completed the assembly of the six special torpedo missile launch systems.

The final step is to connect to the energy delivery system of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter, which Li Hao officially launched.

The working indicator of the 137 special torpedo missile launch system illuminated.

At the same time, Jarvis, under the orders of Li Hao, also began to take over the construction of the torpedo weapon firing system.

A minute later.

Jarvis: "The takeover was successful, and the commissioning of six special torpedo missile launch systems was completed.....

"Start building a torpedo weapon firing system without dead ends, 10% ... 20%... 30%......”

"The construction of the torpedo weapon firing system without dead ends has been completed, and the completion degree is 100%."

"Very good!"

Confirming that the torpedo weapon firing system without dead ends was completed, Li Hao also nodded with satisfaction.

Next, there are torpedo missiles.

If you are just a drawing of a torpedo missile, the price in the system store is not expensive.

For 3,500 points, Li Hao bought a drawing of a high-powered torpedo missile and entered it into the drawing library of the super 3D printer bed.

With the large amount of supplies previously captured from those sea ark shelters, there was no shortage of gunpowder in the shelters.

Li Hao directly built 1,000 torpedo missiles as a reserve ammunition.

Loading these produced torpedo missiles into six special torpedo missile launch systems, Li Hao was ready to go back to sleep.

After such a busy work, it was already past 11 o'clock in the evening.

Back to the bedroom.

After hastily washing, Li Hao hugged Zhao Xueshi's warm and soft body and fell asleep.

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