Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 124 Weapons That Severely Damage Mutant Giant Devil Fish? ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Custom

June 15, 2021

6 a.m.

Li Hao woke up on time from sleep.

The first time he opened his eyes, Li Hao saw Zhao Xueshi sleeping soundly on his stomach.

Looking at the beautiful girl sleeping in his arms, Li Hao couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Carefully put Zhao Xueshi aside, covered the quilt, and Li Hao climbed out of the bed.

"A lot of things happened yesterday, not only the underwater refuge base was officially ready to start construction, but also encountered an underwater troll, and today's survival performance should be a lot of points."

Thinking so, Li Hao opened the system log as he walked towards the bathroom.

[Doomsday Survival (long-term mission), today's mission reward settlement completed.] 】

【Survival performance】:

After several days of travel, you have successfully found a satisfactory underwater refuge base construction site with +500 points

You complete the drawing design of the underwater refuge base and decide to adopt a pyramid structure with +1000 points

You use a small water film generation device to open up underwater space and prepare for the construction of an undersea base, with +2000 points

You patrol the sea around the construction site to clear potential threats with +3000 points

When you're patrolling the seas, you'll encounter ocean trolls ———— mutated giant manta rays and beat them away for +3,000 points

You buy a special torpedo missile and use Jarvis' data computing power to successfully build a torpedo launch system without dead angles for submarine-type mobile ocean shelters, with +6000 points

You eat three meals a day, steadily consume energy, and maintain a balanced body nutrition. +20 points

You go into a deep sleep, refreshed, and the physical energy consumed yesterday is fully restored. +30 points

[Congratulations to the host for earning 18,050 points.] 】

"18050 points!"

Looking at the numbers on the settlement panel, Li Hao thought while brushing his teeth and washing his face.

This amount of points settlement was not surprising to him.

After all, there was a lot of survival that happened yesterday.

It's also normal to have such a number.

Coupled with the original accumulated points, the number in his hand now reached 48,300 points at once.

Instantly, it became a lot more abundant.

The number of points available on hand has again increased dramatically.

Li Hao naturally had an idea in his mind again.

After all, the weapon of the mutated giant manta ray, which can be severely damaged on the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, has not yet been obtained.

Since you have more points in your hand, you can naturally afford better weapons.

"Yesterday 10,000 points could not buy a suitable weapon, and today I don't know if it is enough to use 20,000 points."

"If it really doesn't work, you can only increase the budget by another 10,000 points."

After killing the mutated giant manta fish and thoroughly cleaning up the surrounding sea threats, the task of [cleaning up the threat] is completed, and you can get 5,000 points.

In addition, this behavior can also be regarded as survival performance, and the points settled are definitely not few, at least more than five thousand points.

In this way, it can be easily reduced to a fraction.

Incidentally, the weapon system of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter has been upgraded and strengthened, killing the threat of mutating giant manta rays.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Thinking like this, after Li Hao finished washing, he opened the Doomsday Black Technology Mall again.

Subsequently, the screening of weapons within 30,000 points began directly.


Ten minutes later.

"It seems that it is still too much to overestimate the purchasing power of 30,000 points."

The weapon goods with a price of less than 30,000 points in front of him, Li Hao also sighed helplessly in his heart.

Compared with yesterday's budget of 10,000 points, 30,000 points can indeed buy a lot more weapons goods.

But in fact, there is no essential difference, at most there are more heavy weapons such as heavy artillery.

This weapon is obviously not as good as torpedo missiles under the seabed.

"It's not funny!"

Knowing this, Li Hao rubbed his eyebrows, also with some headaches.

Without enough points, the weapon drawings in the mall are obviously not counted on.

Without the weapon that could severely damage the mutated giant devil fish, the threat of sweeping the surrounding sea area was obviously nothing more than empty talk.

Just the mutated giant devil fish that only has an intelligent instinct can't do it.

This feeling of being able to fight but being difficult to kill is really unpleasant.

Think for a moment.

"Wait! Why do you have to buy weapon blueprints in the System Mall that can severely damage the giant mutated giant devil fish?!"

As if thinking of something, a light flashed in Li Hao's eyes.

It seems to have fallen into a misunderstanding.

Since there are not enough points, it is impossible to buy weapons that can severely damage the mutated giant manta in the system mall.

Then why not change your mind and build your own ?!

".” Perhaps this is also an option. ”

Thinking of this, Li Hao's face suddenly showed a hint of excitement.

The appearance of this thought was not a momentary brain fever, but really after his careful consideration.

This is what inspired him from the previous submarine-type mobile ocean shelter madly ramming into the mutated giant manta ray.

"Although this impact attack did not bring much damage to the mutant giant manta ray, it was only because the special skin on its body surface could greatly cushion the impact."

"If a sharp, angled spear can be fitted to the forward armor of a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, the impact kill will become a penetrating kill."

"At that time, can't the special skin cushioning of the mutant giant earth ghost fish be lifted?!"

The more Li Hao thought about it, the more excited he became.

He seems to have found a way to inflict heavy damage on the mutant giant manta ray.

"Not only that, the failure of the electromagnetic force field generator is also due to the special skin defense layer of the mutated giant manta fish.

"If you can increase the conductivity of that sharp angle-impacting spear, and when it penetrates the skin defense of the mutated giant manta ray, then the high-voltage current excited by the electromagnetic force field generator can also follow this angle-impacting spear and directly enter the body of the mutant giant manta ray, directly attacking its flesh and blood and internal organs..."

"Without the barrier of insulating skin, and the high-voltage current caused by the electromagnetic stance generator directly attacking its visceral flesh and blood, the mutated giant manta fish is not dead, and it will definitely be seriously injured."

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