Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter Thirteen Encirclement And Annihilation【New Book For Data】

Just as Li Hao and others acted.

Qin Hu and others also began to "quietly" enter the supermarket, and immediately scattered to look for the traces of Li Hao and others.

However, on the first floor of the supermarket, there was no trace of Li Hao and others.

"Those people are estimated to be upstairs, old five, you take five people to guard the door, don't let them slip away, let's go up and search."

After that, Qin Hu took the other subordinates and walked towards the second floor.

The moment they stepped onto the second floor.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless tongues of fire "spewed" out.

The few youths who walked in the front were instantly sifted into a sieve by bullets.

Seeing his subordinates falling in a pool of blood, Qin Hu quickly lay down, his face also full of disbelief.

There are guns?!

Li Hao's gang has guns?!

The firepower is also extremely ferocious!!

Such an important piece of information, that group of waste did not even probe out at all?!

"Damn it! We withdraw. ”

Knowing that he had been ambushed, and there was no hope of solving Li Hao and the others at present, Qin Hu immediately made a decision and roared.

Saying that, he took his men and retreated towards the first floor.

However, what he didn't expect was that when they reached the first floor, they found that it was not the old fifth-class people at all, but three strange big men armed with assault rifles.

As for the old fifth-class people, they had long been corpses and fell in a pool of blood.

Before they could react, the three strange men armed with assault rifles opened fire directly, weaving a dense web of firepower.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Yes! ~

Yes! ~

Yes! ~

A series of screams rang out, and nearly ten more people fell to the ground.

"Retreat! Rewind! ”

In panic, Qin Hu and the others retreated into the staircase passage between the first floor and the second floor again.

And at this moment, a series of footsteps came from the stairs on the second floor.

Apparently someone is coming down.

"What about Brother Tiger? There are people upstairs and downstairs, we are blocked, we can't get out! ”

Hearing this footstep, Old Six seemed to hear the death god call for his life, and asked Qin Hu with a look of trepidation.

He never imagined that things would turn out like this.

I thought that Li Hao had no firearms, they were all lambs to be slaughtered, but as a result, the lambs directly turned into tigers, and the firepower was terrifying.

Not only that, but it also ambushed them and blocked all their ways out, making them unable to advance or retreat.

If they don't think about it, they may all die here.

"Panic, there are no more than 10 of them at most."

"If we hadn't been blinded just now, so many of our brothers would still be afraid of them?!"

"Less obstruction here, hurry up and bring me over with RPG bazookas, Lao Tzu is going to kill those guys with his own hands."

"Want me to die, these guys are not qualified enough."

Calming down from the panic, Qin Hu said with a fierce face.

"Tiger... Brother Tiger, give! ”

Old Six trembled all over, and quickly handed the RPG bazooka behind his back to Qin Hu along with the rocket.

Taking the bazooka and loading the ammunition, Qin Hu said to the subordinates beside him: "Those who don't want to die, they all rush out with labor and management." ”

After speaking, stick the barrel out of the doorway, aim it directly at the outside and pull the trigger.


With the violent explosion sounding, under the cover of the fire generated by the explosion, Qin Hu and the others suddenly rushed out of the staircase passage and shot madly at the three clones.

I want to break through the blockade and escape from this supermarket through the exit on the 1st floor.

However, the gap in combat literacy and equipment between the two sides is too great.

The three clones scattered and hid in the cover, holding M19 assault rifles and shooting at Qin Hu and the others, forming a rather dense crossfire network.

Under such firepower, Qin Hu's men fell one by one, and they couldn't rush out at all.

And just when Qin Hu and the others exchanged fire with the three clones.

Li Hao also came down with three clones.

Directly cut off the retreat of Qin Hu and the others.

Surrounded by the clones, Qin Hu and the others did not set off any big storms at all, and all fell directly in a pool of blood.

Even if Qin Hu tried to detonate the rocket in his hand at the end, he was unsuccessful, and was shot in the head by the No. 1 clone, opening a big hole.

"Clean up the battlefield!"

Li Hao's face was a little pale.

As a peacetime person, it was the first time he had seen so many dead people.

In particular, some of the Heavenly Spirit Covers were shattered, and the red and white flowed all over the place, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable and disgusting.

"You have to get used to it."

Li Hao sat on the ground and thought silently.

Chaos is already emerging.

After the global catastrophe, order ceased to exist, and evil thoughts in people's hearts were stimulated, and there will be no less scenes like today.

Just as Li Hao was thinking.

The clones also completed the battlefield cleanup, replenishing all those who were not dead.

Completely eliminate the aftermath.

Subsequently, the firearm and the RPG rocket launcher were all moved to the car.

"Boss, this seems to be the key to this gang's base."

With that, No. 1 handed over a bunch of keys.

"1293 Eucalyptus Road?! Isn't this just three blocks away? It seems to be only a few hundred meters from here. ”

Looking at the house number on this chain of keys, Li Hao whispered.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Li Hao's eyes lit up: "That's right! There were more than thirty people in this group, and the food stored should no longer be small. If you can get them all, you may be able to directly complete the system's [food reserve] task. ”

"Let's go, go to the base of this gang."

Thinking of this, Li Hao's face suddenly showed a hint of excitement and spoke.

Get out of the supermarket.

Li Hao took six clone men and drove the radiation-proof snowmobile towards the eucalyptus road three streets away.


Li Hao found the house with 1293 Eucalyptus Road.

"Go! Go inside and take a look. ”

Protected by the clone's arch guard, Li Hao enters the house.

"What people?"

As soon as Li Hao and the others entered the residence, Qin Hu stayed under the residence, and he opened his mouth and asked alertly.

Seeing that it was all strangers, the two immediately picked up the AK and aimed at Li Hao and others.

However, they did not wait for them to shoot.

The clones walking in front had already opened fire quickly.

Raise the gun, aim, shoot in one go, the whole process takes no more than a second.

Bang! Bang!

Two gunshots rang out, and the two had an extra bullet hole in their eyebrows, and they fell straight to the ground.

Blood is constantly flowing out of it.

Ignoring the two corpses, Li Hao and others used the key to open the door of the house.


ps: Today's fourth chapter, ask for a wave of data support, the collection growth is too slow, you can only look at flowers, evaluation votes, please support more

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