Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 14 Genetically Modified Fast-Cooking Rice 【New Book Seeking Everything】

Walk through the gate and into the residence.

Li Hao suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature had risen a lot.

"It seems that the thugs did a lot of insulation renovations to this house."

However, this warmth measure, compared to the rapidly falling temperature outside, is only better than nothing.

At most, it can only alleviate the chill a little, and it can barely live in people.

As time went on and the temperature became cooler, the house soon became completely uninhabitable.

"No wonder this gang targeted me, it turned out to be for my refuge."

Figuring out the purpose of the gang of spying on the thugs who attacked him, Li Hao didn't bother with it.

After all, everyone was killed by him, and these things didn't matter anymore.

The core purpose of his coming here was the grain stored by this mob.

"Explore this house and kill everyone inside."

Li Hao ordered.

Cut the grass to remove the roots.

This group of people have guns and cannons (RPGs), which is obviously not a good stubble.

He didn't want to leave himself in trouble.

Hearing Li Hao's order, the six clones immediately took action.

Led by No. 1, 6 clones quickly searched the mansion.

"Boss, all searched, no one inside."

No. 1 walked up to Li Hao and spoke.


Li Hao was a little surprised.

But after thinking about it, Li Hao knew it in his heart.

The mob apparently all mobilized in order to rob him of his shelter.

Only two people remained at the base.

"Then find a place where this mob hides and stores food."

Li Hao's group turned over the entire mansion.

Soon a suspected place to store food was found.

A basement.

Walk in.

Li Hao found that the basement had also undergone a lot of renovations, reinforced with reinforced concrete and divided into 3 compartments.

Open the first compartment.

The scene inside immediately startled Li Hao.


Nearly nine women were locked up in this 60-square-meter compartment.

The nine women were covered in red luo, with only fear and numbness in their eyes, and no anger.

There was no reaction to the arrival of Li Hao and others, as if a group of living dead.

Obviously, these women were captured by the thugs and used as a vent.

Under the "devastation" of those thugs, these women have become insane.

"Send them free!"

After a moment of silence, Li Hao spoke.

These women have completely lost the faith to survive, and it is impossible to survive in this apocalypse.

In that case, it is better to send them to liberate as soon as possible.

With that, Li Hao exited the compartment.

With several gunshots in the compartment, No. 1 also walked out of it.

Reorganizing his mood, Li Hao opened the other two compartments and finally found what he wanted.


Very much food.

Bags of rice and canned food are piled up.

It looks like it's more than the food in the warehouse in Li Hao's shelter.


Li Hao's face showed a hint of joy.

With this batch of food, it is easy to complete the [food reserve].

"Bring it all back."

Li Hao ordered to the clone warrior.

Although these clone warriors can only fight and cannot do other technical work, the most basic thing of moving cargo is still possible.

Hearing Li Hao's order, the six clone warriors immediately began to carry the food.

However, because the internal capacity of the radiation-proof snowmobile is limited, it can only carry up to 600 kilograms of food at a time.

Therefore, Li Hao could only return to the underground shelter with No. 1 with this batch of food.

Let the remaining 5 clone warriors stay here.

Return to the underground shelter.

Li Hao asked Clone 1 to carry the grain to the pantry for storage.

He walked into the industrial workshop, turned on the super 3D printer, and made radiation-proof snowmobiles.

He was going to build a few more and bring all that food back at once.

Anyway, radiation-proof snowmobiles are a must for travel in today's environment.

Building a few more will also make it easier for clone warriors to go out on missions.

About two hours later, four radiation-resistant snowmobiles disembarked from the machine.

No. 1 and four clone warriors drove the five radiation-proof snowmobiles to the residence at No. 1293 Eucalyptus Road to pick up the five clones who remained there and their food.

Another half hour later, Li Hao had lunch.

Five radiation-resistant snowmobiles returned with a large amount of food.

These foods weigh more than 3,000 pounds.

Even subtracting the weight of those tin cans is far more than the requirements required to complete the task of the [food reserve] system.

Send all these foods into the pantry.

Li Hao opens the inventory.

Sure enough.

A large bag of seeds labeled "Genetically Modified Quick-Ripening Rice" appeared in it.

【Genetically modified quick-ripening rice】

[Type]: Genetically modified crops

[Growth cycle]: one and a half months

【Introduction】: This is a primary fast-ripening rice cultivated by transgenic engineering, which not only has a fast ripening cycle, but also contains higher nutrients than ordinary rice, but its growth process will cause considerable loss of fertility in the field.

"Groove! The growth cycle only takes one and a half months, which is at least twice as fast as the normal rice that ripens in March. ”

"With the seeds of this GM quick-ripening rice, I no longer have to worry about the shelter not being self-sufficient."

"Originally, when I planted ordinary rice, I was able to grow two waves of genetically modified quick-ripening rice, and the grain yield directly doubled."

Li Hao's face was full of joy.

This is his biggest gain this time.

After all, no matter how much grain was obtained from that gang of thugs, it would be bought and sold after all, and there would be no more after eating.

However, this genetically modified quick-ripening rice seed can double the food production of the shelter, truly self-sufficient, and greatly increase the ability to resist risks.

"This bag of seeds needs to be planted as soon as possible."

But this kind of thing doesn't have to be done by his own hands.

Let No. 1 call Zhao Xueqi, Li Hao handed over the bag of seeds, and said lightly: "This is my latest achievement in the biological laboratory - [transgenic quick-ripening rice], which can mature once in one and a half months, but you need to pay attention to supplement the fertility loss of the land..."

"Once in a month and a half? Really fake?! ”

Hearing this, Zhao Xueqi was also stunned, and her eyes showed disbelief.

She is a senior student at Shanhai University of Agricultural Science and Technology, and naturally knows how difficult it is to ripen rice in one and a half months.

Almost impossible to do.

However, Li Hao actually said he did.

You can imagine how unbelievable she is.

"Of course it's true. You plant these seeds as quickly as possible. ”

Li Hao said lightly, without meaning to explain at all.

"Got it."

Seeing this, Zhao Xueqi didn't ask much, and walked out with this bag of seeds excitedly.


ps: Sorry, it's a little Kavin today, the update is late

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