Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 15 Future Crisis 【New Book Seeking Everything】


Li Hao woke up from his sleep, only feeling a little sore.

Yesterday I had a hard day.

Even after a night's rest, he felt a dull pain in his muscles.

"The physical fitness is still not very good, and I still need to exercise more in the future."

Yawning, Li Hao thought to himself.

"System, open the task log."

In the next second, a translucent virtual screen that only Li Hao could see appeared in front of his eyes.

[Doomsday Survival (long-term mission), today's mission reward settlement completed.] 】

【Survival performance】:

You complete the daily maintenance of the underground shelter with +50 points

You decide to lead the clone warrior out of the hole, successfully lure out the mob who is watching you, and annihilate them all, so as to eliminate the future trouble, +1000 points

After you eliminate the mob, you find 3312 pounds of food in the mob base, with +500 points

You get genetically modified quick-ripening rice, which greatly increases the food production in the shelter, and points +1000


You eat three meals a day, steadily consume energy, and maintain a balanced body nutrition. +20 points

You go into a deep sleep, refreshed, and the physical energy consumed yesterday is fully restored. +30 points

[Congratulations to the host for earning 3100 points.] 】

"3100 points!!"

Looking at this number, Li Hao had a smile on his face.

This point is not a small number.

The source of most of these points is from the group of peepers with bad intentions.

However, in addition to the points gain, his potential gains are not to be underestimated.

Especially the change in perception.

Yesterday's big war made him completely abandon the concept of peacetime and truly see the cruelty of the global apocalypse.

Without the shackles of order, the law of the jungle reappears.

If he hadn't had clone warriors, the ill-intentioned peepers would have killed him and occupied his underground sanctuary.

Doves occupy the Magpie's Nest.

"The law of the jungle eats the weak, and weakness is the original sin."

Li Hao sighed, his face complicated.


In yesterday's big war, the chickens did not kill him, and he also carried 2 lives on his hands.

"But I don't regret it, if you want your own interests not to be usurped by others, force and violence are indispensable."

"If I wait for death, I am afraid that the end will be much more miserable than those thugs."

Thinking of this, Li Hao is no longer entangled.

"The global apocalypse has just arrived, there are so many thugs, and I am afraid that there will be more in the future."

"In addition, the global climate changes brought about by meteorites have begun to be revealed, and the temperature on the ground has dropped rapidly."

"There are absolutely a lot of crises ahead, and I need to prepare more."

Li Hao leaned on the pillow, contemplating possible changes in the future.

The apocalyptic crisis following the global disaster is already emerging.

One is nuclear pollution.

The second is the Ice Age.

Both were triggered by giant meteorite falls.

Among them, nuclear contamination needs no further ado.

There are no large nuclear power plants near Shanhai City.

Although nuclear leaks in other places will have a certain impact on Shanhai City, they are still within the tolerance of Li Hao.

And if the world enters the ice age completely, it will be a little bad.

With minus hundred degrees, with the temperature control system of his current shelter, he can't bear it at all.

"It seems that there is a need to strengthen the cold protection of shelters and continue to strengthen the temperature control system."

"Otherwise, once the super cold snap hits, you may be frozen to death."

Li Hao thought thoughtfully.

Now the food aspect of the shelter is self-sufficient, and the energy aspect can also be solved after completing the [energy reserve] task and obtaining artificial petroleum synthesis technology.

As long as there are no major accidents or disasters, there will be no major problems in the shelter.

Therefore, preventing cold protection after the advent of the ice age is the top priority at present.

After confirming the problem for some time to come, Li Hao got out of bed.

Wash up.

Li Hao prepares breakfast.

Recently, his breakfast was prepared by Zhao Xuehua, one of the triplet sisters.

A bowl of lean porridge with preserved eggs, a stack of dried red oil shoots, and a roasted chicken thigh.

Although the style is simple, the taste is not bad.

After breakfast, Li Hao walked into the industrial workshop and began to prepare for the shelter's cold protection.

"The easiest and most effective way to strengthen the shelter's ability to withstand the cold is to add a layer of cold alloy to the shelter."

"Not only can it enhance the ability to withstand the cold, but it can also strengthen the defense of the shelter."

Thinking of this, Li Hao no longer hesitated.

Open the System Marketplace and start screening alloy formulations that have the effect of insulating from cold.

After some searching, Li Hao finally chose a recipe called Primary Energy Defense Alloy.

【Low temperature defense alloy】

【Synthetic materials】: iron, copper, carbon, titanium...

[Strength]: 8

[Toughness]: 8

[Cold insulation]: 15

【Introduction】: The strength and toughness of this alloy are more than three times that of ordinary steel, and it has a low-temperature defense function, which can isolate external low-temperature invasion and resist ultra-low temperature of -150 degrees.

"This alloy formula can withstand ultra-low temperatures of -150 degrees, which should be enough."

Without hesitation, Li Hao bought it directly.

In an instant, [Low Temperature Defense Alloy] is equipped with a recipe library that is convenient for entering into the automatic metal furnace.

Click Production.

In the next second, I saw a roaring flame emerging from the automated metal furnace, fusing all kinds of alloys according to the proportion.

After a few minutes, pieces of light blue alloy steel plates were continuously produced from the furnace.

Calling in the clone warriors to carry these newly baked cryogenic defense alloy plates, Li Hao began to "build the wall" again.

December 3, 2020.

Li Hao completes one-fifth of the wall of the cold barrier.

The Doomsday Survival (Long-Term Mission) reward settlement is completed and 300 points are earned.

December 4, 2020.

Li Hao continues the unfinished business.


December 7, 2020.

Early morning.

Li Hao noticed a return to the signal during his lunch break.

Although the signal was very poor, I was able to access the Internet after all.

Say goodbye to Li Hao on the Internet for nearly a month, and immediately check the latest official information online.


ps: The state is not good today, Kavin, tomorrow see if you can do more

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