Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 132 The Crisis From The Deep Sea 【For Subscription, Please Customize】

“..... If it weren't for the super big squid preying on another monster hundreds of meters, this sea ark shelter where I was also left in time, maybe the entire sea ark would be gone!"

"Bragging B can't be like that! Although it is now the era of cataclysm, it is too exaggerated for hundreds of meters of sea monsters to appear. "

"Exactly! Don't make a draft before bragging, do you really have an idea of the size of hundreds of meters ?! That's hundreds of stories high, and if this kind of monster appeared, it would be comparable to Godzilla in the monster movie. ”

"This brother may be true! The sea ark shelter where I am staying now has also encountered this kind of monster, although it is not as exaggerated as hundreds of meters, but there are still tens of meters. ”

"Don't be alarmist upstairs! No picture, no truth! Who "940" believes who is stupid!"

The comment area below this post claiming to have encountered a sea monster can be described as quite hilarious.

After all, this kind of topic can be very eye-catching in the context of such a catastrophe.

Many people express their opinions and express their opinions.

However, for now, the vast majority of people are not convinced.

After all, meteorites come with the news of purifying radiation, which most people don't know about now.

In this case, without personal experience, who would believe in such a thing.

Don't look at Li Hao, he has already encountered it twice.

This is what he came across when he was sailing around the seabed a few months ago.

It took so long to sail on the bottom of the sea to come across two.

Appearing on the surface of the water, there are obviously fewer sea trolls exposed to human activities.

Therefore, for the vast majority of people, it is normal to think that this post is making up a story to brag.

Only a few who have actually encountered ocean trolls can confirm the authenticity of this post.

Of course, for Li Hao, who knows the "inside information", he naturally does not think that this is fake.

"A super big squid hundreds of meters?!"

Looking at the description of the person who posted this post, Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a dignified look.

If the poster of this post is not exaggerating, the speed of sea creatures may be far beyond his imagination, and even this monster of hundreds of meters has appeared.

The evolution of the ocean monster of hundreds of meters was obviously far from comparable to the mutant manta fish of nearly 100 meters that he had defeated before.

Its volume has definitely exceeded 10,000 tons.

It's simply a realistic version of Godzilla.

With the weapon system of the current submarine-type mobile ocean shelter against it, I am afraid that the probability can only turn around and run.

Even if it evolves any powerful attack methods, the submarine-type mobile marine shelter is in danger of breaking the sand.

"I don't know if there are many such super monsters in the ocean?!"

Li Hao also had a flash of worry in his heart.

After all, if there are a large number of such super monsters that can be called science fiction monsters, it means that the chances of encountering them in the future are very large.

Once encountered, with the current submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, he really does not have much confidence that he can defeat it.

"Jarvis, hack into the official server and retrieve files that copy the keyword name Ocean Troll, or Ocean Monster."

Thinking of this, Li Hao ordered without hesitation.

In order to be able to more accurately judge the possible dangers in the future, he needs to obtain enough relevant information from the authorities.

If there are many such super monsters, then he really needs to prepare early.

Receiving Li Hao's orders, Jarvis immediately went to work.

The light car began to "silently" connect to the official communication satellite through the small integrated signal base station inside the shelter.

Subsequently, relying on the trapdoor left before, directly invade the official server.

This process takes no more than 3 seconds.

This process can be faster if it is not limited by the signal of a small all-in-one signal base station.

After successfully hacking into the official server, Revis began retrieving copied files "on the sly".

Ten seconds later.

Jarvis: "Completed copying of all the files with the keyword name Ocean Troll, or Ocean Monster.

The voice fell, and folders appeared on the huge display of the control console.

There are not many of them, only about thirty...

For the first time, Li Hao noticed a document called "Very Large Ocean Monster Record Observation Report".

Click in.

A mutated giant sailfish with a body size of more than 300 meters and swimming faster than the speed of sound.

A mutated giant moray eel that is over 500 meters in size and can release super electric currents.

There are even mutant king squids that are more than six hundred meters in size and can release corrosive ink in large quantities.

All kinds of hideous super-large sea monsters appeared in front of Li Hao's eyes, which also opened his eyes a little.

After reading this document of "Super Large Ocean Monster Record Observation Report", Li Hao also has a clearer understanding of the current mutation rate of marine monsters.

"Judging from this official observation document, there are only about a dozen super-large ocean monsters observed so far, most of which are still distributed in the deep sea location that was originally the ocean, and the number should not be much..."

"As long as you are not too unlucky, or enter the deep sea, you should not encounter this super large sea monster in a short time."

Thinking of this, Li Hao was also slightly relieved.

Of course, he knows that this official data does not really estimate the number of such super-large sea monsters.

In the real deep sea area, no one knows how many perverted evolution monsters 2.0 are hidden.

But from the current outcrop of super-large sea monsters, the number is really not much.

There are only about sixteen or so, distributed in the vast sea, and it is extremely rare.

As long as it is not really unlucky to get home, it is difficult for normal people to encounter this kind of super-large ocean monster at this stage.

As for the real misfortune to come across.

Unless it is the main fleet of various countries, it really can only ask for blessings, hoping that the super-large ocean monster ignores itself.

"There should not be many such super monsters at this stage, but maybe in the future."

"Maybe there will be thousands of meters of super giant sea monsters in the future."

"There will definitely be more and more monsters in the deep sea in the future, and I need to prepare early."

Li Hao also had a sense of urgency in his heart.

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