Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 133 Large Electromagnetic Rail Gun? ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

"With the evolution rate of those marine creatures, the plague of marine behemoths in the near future is also predictable.

"It seems that after the construction of the underwater shelter is completed, the defense facilities of the base must also be put on the agenda as soon as possible."

Li Hao pondered silently.

Judging from the current situation, the marine life of the ocean will definitely become more and more terrifying in the future.

The living environment of Blue Star will also become more and more dangerous.

In this case, strong defensive facilities are clearly extremely necessary.

Otherwise, there is really no sense of security at all.

If it weren't for the lack of points, he would definitely start building the defense system facilities of the submarine base right now.

According to the analysis of these official documents, this super-large sea behemoth has an extremely strong sense of territory and prefers to live in the deep sea area, which is originally the ocean.

"Unless necessary, these super-large ocean behemoths should not leave their territorial boundaries."

"And the location of the submarine base I built is in a new sea formed by land, and I should not encounter these monster-like sea monsters in a short time, and there is still time."

Looking at all the other relevant documents "borrowed" from the official server, Li Hao's heart was also a lot relaxed.

What he lacks most now is time.

He needs more time to earn enough 15 survival points.

As long as he has enough survival points, he has the confidence to withstand any catastrophic crisis.

Of course, although he relaxed a lot, he did not really let his guard down.

In such a global apocalypse, only vigilance can live longer and longer.

Let Jarvis keep an eye on the information about superocean trolls in the Doom Forum and official servers, and report any emergencies immediately.

Li Hao then shifted his ideas back to the Doomsday Forum.

After browsing through other posts and finding nothing to follow, Li Hao closed the doomsday forum and entered the chat room to exchange information with other netizens.

June 22, 2021.

Influenced by yesterday's post of the appearance of super-large sea creatures, Li Hao's sense of urgency is even greater.

In order to get more survival points, Li Hao decided to build the submarine base more powerful and perfect.

The small water film generation device is started again.

This time, he wants to increase its area from 15,000 square meters to 50,000 square meters.

Under such circumstances, the first layer of the pyramid-shaped submarine base that was originally completed is obviously not applicable.

However, fortunately, the pyramid submarine shelter adopts a separable embedded design, and each area module is independent and detachable.

There is no need to completely tear down and start all over again.

Just disassemble each zone module, expand it proportionally, and put it back together.

However, the area of the new submarine base is more than three times larger than before.

The quantity of engineering is naturally also geometrically rising.

In order to be able to complete the construction plan of the new submarine base as soon as possible, Li Hao spent all the points and bought the drawings of the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus from the system mall.

Then dozens of them were printed directly with a super 3D printer bed.

The number of fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopuses has skyrocketed, coupled with the unified command and distribution of construction work with Jarvis, the efficiency of the submarine base has naturally increased rapidly.

Almost the water film of the small water film generation device extends there, and the fully automatic multifunctional mechanical building Octopus is built into it.

Rapid prototyping of the ground floor area of the new submarine base.

June 23, 2021

Previous posts on the Doom Forum claiming to have met a sea monster seem to be a beginning.

In the past two days, there have also been many more discussion posts about giant sea creatures.

Many people with personal experience can't help but show up to share their experiences of encountering sea monsters.

Except for a few people who make up stories and attract the attention of others, according to Jarvis's calculations, most of them are true.

Obviously, in the past few months since entering the Ocean Era, there have been many marine behemoths exposed to human vision.

It's just that there are not many super-large sea behemoths that reach hundreds of meters in size.

Compared with the rare super-large ocean behemoths, the number of tens of meters of marine behemoths in the sea can be said to be terrifying.

It's just that it is distributed on the vast and boundless sea, which is rare.

According to Jarvis's analysis of the large amount of data collected, the number of times that marine behemoths have been exposed to human vision has increased exponentially since the advent of the ocean era.

Not seeing the big picture.

Obviously, in the past few months, the creatures under the sea have been evolving wildly, and the number of marine behemoths of tens of meters has been growing again.

As the number of these undersea behemoths grows, they will definitely occupy more and more sea areas as territory.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, the plague of the ocean behemoth is very likely to sweep the entire Blue Star.

Knowing this, Li Hao's sense of urgency became even heavier.

Immediately, using the survival points obtained from yesterday's settlement, he purchased a small water film generation device from the system mall to accelerate the expansion of the submarine space.


After eating in the morning, Li Hao, who had been busy with the construction of the base, suddenly remembered that the task refresh for the new week seemed to have been completed long ago.

The 21st is the Monday of the week.

And today it is already the 24th.

Halfway through the week.

Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately entered the system's task refresh panel to view it.

He wants to see if there is a refresh this week to do good tasks.

Go to the Task Refresh panel.

There are not many tasks refreshed this week, only one

【Armed Trials (Survival Mission)】

[Mission Description]: Through some information 070 channels, you find that the evolution of marine life is getting faster and faster, and there have been hundreds of meters of giant ocean behemoths, and even these super-large ocean behemoths will evolve to a more terrifying point in the future. In order to reduce the great threat that will appear in the future, use your own armed forces to kill the Super Ocean Behemoth that is more than 500 meters in size.

[Mission Reward]: Large electromagnetic railgun (Using electromagnetic propulsion, firing ultra-high-speed shells for ultra-long-range devastating strikes.) )

"Sure enough, there have been recent survival events, and there is a possibility that related tasks may appear in the weekly task refresh."

"However, the new tasks refreshed this week are outrageous with Nima! The superocean behemoth, which is more than 500 meters in size, is probably larger than Godzilla in the movie

"With the weapons in my hands now, how can I fight?!"

Looking at the requirements of this system task, Li Hao's face couldn't help but show a hint of helplessness.

Although the mission reward is very tempting, you have to complete the mission to get it!

This task is almost impossible for him at this stage.

If you really go to find this level of super ocean behemoth, trouble.

I'm afraid that in a few days, he will become the beast of the superocean.

This kind of "food delivery" thing, he naturally will not be stupid enough to do it.

Ignoring the tasks refreshed this week, Li Hao continues to invest in the construction of the submarine base.

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