Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 134 The Construction Of The Pyramid-Shaped Submarine Base Is Complete! 【Please Subscribe, Pl

June 25, 2021

After several days of "work" on two small water film generation units, the area of the seabed space has been expanded to 35,000 square meters.

Under the unified command of Jarvis, dozens of fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopuses come and go in this underwater space.

It's like building blocks.

Quickly build the bottom area of the submarine base.

June 26, 2021

Today's official warning announced that there will be a global heavy rainstorm in the near future.

This may be accompanied by oversized tornadoes.

As soon as the news of this catastrophe appeared, the people on the Doomsday Forum were not too flustered.

After all, after experiencing so many great disasters, the nerves of those who have lived until now have long been exercised and become extremely coarse.

Compared with the previous super tsunami that occurs once in tens of millions of years and swept the entire Blue Star, this kind of heavy rainstorm and tornado covering the whole world can only be regarded as "small trouble" at most.

Of course, don't panic.

No one will take this global catastrophe lightly.

Official Sea Arks and private Sea Ark shelters are actively preparing for what may be a global heavy rainstorm and tornado in the near future.

Therefore, the doomsday forum is much deserted, and there are many fewer "idlers" who post.

Li Hao wasn't too surprised by this new news of catastrophe.

Even this was expected by him.

After all, the weakening and thinning of the atmosphere has caused the temperature of Blue Star to be extremely unstable, reaching more than 90 degrees during the day and plummeting directly below zero at night.

With such a large temperature difference between day and night, coupled with the abundant water vapor of the global ocean era, it is extremely normal for such a global heavy rainstorm and even some super tornadoes.

Jarvis had already calculated this through the calculation of data collected from official weather satellites and reported to him for early warning.

It's just that he doesn't care.

Whether it is a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter or an undersea base, the location is more than 2,000 meters below the seabed.

Those so-called global megastorms and even super tornadoes simply cannot reach such depths.

It can be said that this kind of disaster has almost no effect on him, and he naturally does not care at all.

Ignoring the emerging disasters in the outside world, Li Hao continues to bury his head in the construction of an undersea base under the sea.

June 27, 2021

A small number of areas outside the world have begun to gradually experience extremely severe stormy weather.

There are several hapless sea ark shelters "disappeared~"lost" in this storm.

Nowhere to be seen.

Obviously, it is either the big wave caused by the extreme storm that overturns, or it is not known which sea area it has been blown to.

Seeing the stormy weather come so quickly.

Seeing the fate of those unlucky ghosts, everyone paid more attention to this disaster in their hearts.

The atmosphere at the Doomsday Forum also became a little tense.

Many private shelters post on it, wanting to unite "huddles" and enhance their ability to resist wind and waves.

Unaffected by the outside atmosphere, Li Hao, who is hiding at the bottom of the sea, is still focusing on the construction of the submarine base in his hands step by step.

After so many days of expansion, two small water film generation devices have finally completed the development of 50,000 square meters of seabed space.

The development of submarine space has been completed, and the construction and expansion of the bottom area of the submarine base, which has been closely followed, has naturally begun to come to an end.

Compared with before, the bottom area of the current submarine base is several times more spectacular.

The bottom "base" area of the submarine base was completed, and Li Quan immediately asked Jarvis to start the construction of the two layers above the pyramidal submarine base.


June 28, 2021

Today is Monday, the day the task refresh bar refreshes again.

Taking a look at the newly refreshed tasks, Li Hao found that the refreshed tasks were still related to killing the super-large sea behemoths.

This time, three were directly refreshed at once.

Don't want to be a!

Li Hao, as usual, ignored these three attractive "food delivery tasks" and continued to invest in the construction of the two floors of the pyramid-shaped submarine base.

June 29, 2021

As officially predicted, the heavy rainstorm in the outside world began to spread gradually because of the trend of sweeping the world.

Under such a heavy storm, the waves at sea level also become particularly large.

It is more than ten meters high at every turn.

Big waves lapping.

In addition to those large sea ark shelters of millions of tons and hundreds of thousands of tons, which are still as stable as Mount Tai, the hulls of other small sea arks are rocking left and right, like riding a roller coaster.

The danger of capsizing at any time.

In order to save their lives, these small sea ark shelters have also joined together, using iron cables with thick bowls to connect each other's arks together, indirectly increasing tonnage and enhancing wind and wave resistance.

While others tried their best to resist the disaster, Li Hao continued to leisurely build his own submarine base.

After more than ten days of construction work, this 50,000-square-meter pyramid-shaped submarine base has been more than half completed.

Only the top floor remains unfinished.

According to the current progress of the project, it is estimated that it will only take another two days to complete the construction of the entire Huiben-type submarine base.


The massive storm that has swept the globe continues.

The wind and waves at sea are also getting bigger and bigger.



The massive global storm, which lasted for days, finally dissipated completely.

Due to the advance preparation, the losses of this disaster were not very large.

Only a small number of private sea ark shelters with smaller volumes failed to survive and completely "." disappeared" above this sea.

After surviving this disaster, the Doomsday Forum became lively again.

Many posted "celebratory stickers".

Celebrate yourself for another disaster.

But all this obviously has little to do with Li Hao.

Although he paid attention to the changes of this disaster every day, preventing possible dangers that would endanger the shelter, from beginning to end, this disaster did not have a big impact on him at the bottom of the sea.

The sea water measured in kilometers separates the sea and the sea into two different "worlds",

Seeing that the global storm disaster subsided, Li Hao did not feel much, but saved the time to pay attention to this disaster every day (Li Qianhao) and focused on the construction of the submarine base.

Thanks to his efforts, the uppermost area of the submarine base was finally completed.

The submarine base was completely completed.

A huge, pyramid-like black building stands amidst the dark and boundless seabed.

The outside is also wrapped in a layer of crystal water film shimmering with multicolored shimmer.

It looks mysterious and grand.

"Finally done."

Looking at the underwater pyramid building in front of him that seemed to "come out" of a dream, Li Hao nodded with satisfaction.

This is his "hard work" in the past half a month.

"However, although the shell body of the pyramid-shaped submarine base has been fully built, the interior is still empty, at most it can only be regarded as an empty shell.

Next, it's time to start "populating" its interior. "


ps: I am sorting out the outline these days, the update is a little less, and it will start to return to normal tomorrow.

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