Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 135 Data Clone, The Defense System Of The Submarine Base

"Now that the main shell is complete, it is time to relocate the facilities inside the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter to the newly built submarine base.

Li Hao muttered in his heart.

The main shell is completed, at most, it can only be regarded as the completion of the "skeleton" of the pyramid-shaped submarine base

Only by putting "flesh and blood" (those necessary facilities and equipment) into the submarine base, so that it has strong self-production and self-manufacturing capabilities, and can be self-sufficient, can this pyramid-shaped submarine base be truly formed.

Otherwise, at best, it can only be regarded as a safer "house".

It is not a base at all.

Thinking so, Li Hao immediately began to act.

One area after another, the "relocation" began.

The first is the super 3D printer bed in the industrial workshop, the automated metal melting furnace, the small automated metal manufacturing furnace............

Then there are the biological gene editing stations in the biological laboratory, the automated farming system in the agricultural plantation and the wheat, rice and other crops that grow in it...

Because there were too many things in the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, it took Li Guo nearly two days to "move 123" it to the pyramid-shaped submarine base.

This is also the result of dozens of fully automatic multi-functional mechanical construction octopuses.

After that, Li Hao spent nearly three days sorting these things into the planned area of the submarine base.

Industrial manufacturing area, biological research and development area, agricultural planting area, food storage area, oxygen manufacturing area, rest area, entertainment area...............

All the equipment "relocated" from submarine-type marine shelters will be placed in these areas.

In addition to the industrial manufacturing area with nearly 100 machines, Li Hao found that the submarine base is still a bit too empty.

After all, this is an undersea base with an area of more than 50,000 square meters, using a pyramid design with high space utilization, and the space area that can be used is at least 100,000 square meters.

The area used by the submarine-type mobile marine shelter is only more than 10,000 square meters.

Putting more than 10,000 square meters of things into a place with at least 100,000 square meters of usable space will naturally appear (BFFE) empty.

For example, the agricultural plantation area is fine, Li Hao was worried that the agricultural plantation of the submarine-type mobile marine refuge was somewhat small, and the variety of vegetables and spices that could be grown was limited.

The agricultural planting area of the submarine base can still vacate so much land area, which means that he can continue to grow more varieties of vegetables and spices, so that more crops can be self-sufficient, and then improve his quality of life.

But the bioR&D zone is different.

In an area of 5,000 square meters, only two machines, the biological gene editing table and the clone manufacturing module, are not spaced.

"Now the industrial technology in my hands has been able to form a perfect industrial chain, in contrast, biotechnology is much behind, only these two biological technology products."

"It seems that in the future, biological technology will also be developed."

Seeing this situation, Li Hao secretly said in his heart.

Biological technology is still very useful.

What mechanical technology can't do, biotechnology can do easily.

If nothing else, Li Hao wants to evolve his body to gain a longer lifespan and greater strength.

This can only be done through the development of biotechnology.

All the things that were moved out of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter were placed in the undersea base.

Li Hao asked Jarvis to split into a "data doppelganger" and take over the entire undersea base as an intelligent butler.

Although Jarvis is only a junior shipborne artificial intelligence and does not have the ability to "self-reproduce", it is not a problem to self-replicate and get a "data doppelganger" connected to his database.

Essentially, this "data doppelganger" is actually Jarvis himself.

At best, it can only be regarded as an "interface" for receiving data.

He does not have the self-awareness of Jarvis.

With the assistance of intelligent butlers, the entire pyramid-shaped submarine base also seems to "come to life", and it starts to operate automatically in an orderly manner.

Hundreds of machines in the industrial manufacturing area are started, and a large amount of metal resources are produced in a coordinated and efficient manner.

The automated farming system in agricultural growing areas is also a quick start to grow the spices and vegetable seeds needed for Li Hao in those open fields.

Everything does not require human intervention.

All coordinated by the intelligent butler.

Anyone who looks at it has a feeling of entering the future world.

"All the things that moved out are put away! Only the defense system of the submarine base remains. ”

Confirming that the basic facilities of the subsea base were working perfectly, Li Hao immediately headed for the industrial manufacturing area.

A well-established submarine shelter base, apparently it is impossible to be without a defense system.

Without a defensive system, there is no resistance at all in the face of a powerful crisis.

At best, it can only be a "turtle shell", not a shelter base.

Therefore, the defense system is an essential part of a shelter base.

"Let's see how many points I still have in my hand."

"The special torpedo missile launch system alone is too single, obviously it is impossible to complete the construction of the defense system of the submarine base, and it also needs the support of black technology weapons in the Doomsday Black Technology Mall."

Thinking of this, Li Hao opened his system panel while walking towards the industrial manufacturing area to check his point balance.

[Point balance]: 89550 points


Seeing this huge number, Li Hao was not too surprised.

After all, this is what he has accumulated from building an undersea shelter for most of the month.

On average, it's only 5,000 points a day.

"Nearly 90,000 points, I don't know if it's enough!"

Thinking like this, Li Hao opened the Doomsday Black Technology Mall and began to filter and check it.

The strength of the submarine base defense system he demanded also required a powerful weapon that was hammered and hammered.

After looking for comparisons, Li Hao also preliminarily locked in the drawings of three weapon systems.

【10x Gravity Cannon】

【Light Prism High Energy Laser Turret】

[Infrasonic Penetrating Cannon].

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