Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 136 Main Weapon - Infrasonic Penetrating Cannon 【For Subscription, Please Customize】

【10x Gravity Cannon】

[Attack diameter range]: 30 km

[Attack method]: Gravity Warp (1-10x)

[Introduction]: This is a gravity weapon based on gravity science that can fire gravitational waves to attack enemies up to ten times. (Note: The larger the enemy, the more effective)

【Price】: 86,000 points

【Light Prism High Energy Laser Turret】

[Attack diameter range]: 500 km

[Attack method]: High-energy laser ray (power depends on output power)

[Introduction]: This is a high-energy laser weapon based on photonic science, which can shoot high-energy laser beams to cut enemies through while also carrying extremely strong high-temperature damage. (Note: Due to the reflection effect of water, the attack distance of this weapon in water is halved, and its power will be reduced)

【Price】:-92,000 points


【Infrasonic Penetrating Cannon】

[Attack diameter range]: 10,000 km

[Attack method]: Infrasonic wave (power depends on output power)

[Introduction]: This is a high-power sonic weapon based on sonic science, which can emit high-power infrasonic waves to resonate the organs of organisms and kill them silently. (Note: Due to the unique nature of infrasonic waves, this weapon not only has a huge attack range, but also has a very powerful penetrating power, and can penetrate and ignore most defenses and directly act on objects.) )

【Price】: 93,000 points

All three weapons were carefully selected by Li Hao.

Although each has its own advantages and disadvantages, the same thing is that the power is very powerful and has a hammering effect.

And the price is around 90,000, he can also afford it.

Looking at the drawings of these three powerful weapons with their own characteristics, Li Hao did not rush to make a decision after a moment of silence, but first recorded the parameters of these three weapons.

Step into the industrial manufacturing area of the submarine base.

Li Hao did not walk towards the super 3D printer bed, but walked to the big screen on the side and entered all the parameters of the three weapons he recorded into the server.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and ordered: "Jarvis, build a weapon model based on the parameters of these three weapons, and then add a special torpedo firing system..."

"Multiply it by 10 times based on the strength data of the two ocean behemoths I encountered before, build a strength model of the enemy, and add abilities [start simulating the construction of a defense system that is enough to kill an enemy of that strength........"

That's right, he plans to let Jarvis simulate the power of the three weapons he initially selected, and test which weapons build the most effective and useful undersea base defense system.

Then, choose which weapon to buy.

This also ensures that a lot of points are not wasted and the defense system built is not as expected.

"Yes, sir!"

Jarvis immediately began to execute the order.

This time, the data given by Li Hao is also quite perfect.

In the case of perfect data, this level of data deduction is still very simple for Jarvis.

Didn't make Li Hao wait long.

In just ten minutes, Jarvis completed this simulation of the effect of building an undersea base defense system for three weapons.

The map of the submarine base defense system constructed by the three weapons plus the special torpedo missile launch system all appeared on the big screen.

Jarvis: "According to the simulation, with three weapons as the main weapon and the special torpedo missile launch system as the secondary weapon, the submarine base defense system constructed has its own advantages and disadvantages.

"One of the least suitable as the main weapon of the submarine base defense system is the light prism high-energy laser turret."

"This weapon uses high-energy laser beam as a means of attack, causing penetration and high-temperature energy damage, the attack range and power are quite good, but it is not suitable for seabed combat, high-energy laser will be reflected and dispersed by a large number of seawater after launch, both the attack distance and power will be quite reduced. ....”

"And if the 10x gravity cannon is used as the main weapon, the use of gravity attack against large-sized opponents has a unique advantage, but the direct lethality is somewhat insufficient, and the attack distance is too short, only 30 kilometers..."

"From the current deduction results, the infrasonic penetration cannon is the most suitable for the main weapon of the submarine base defense system, the attack range is huge, the high penetration ignores defense, the concealment is high, the lethality to living things is very huge, and by adjusting the infrasound frequency, this weapon can also cause difficult destruction and damage to most non-living substances..."

"Does the infrasonic wave penetrate the giant cannon?!"

Listening to the results of Jarvis's deduction, Li Hao's eyes were also thoughtful.

He had also heard of infrasonic weapons.

It has a series of advantages such as strong concealment, long action distance, and strong penetration............

...... Ask for flowers 0...

Especially in terms of lethality to living things, not even worse than nuclear bombs.

While killing people invisibly, there will be no pollution.

The development potential is also very large.

This weapon is also available on Blue Star, but it is far from as powerful and perfect as in the technology mall.

"It seems that this is a good choice."

Thinking like this, Li Hao also had a decision in his heart.

This weapon is used as the main weapon of the submarine base defense system.

"However, this weapon requires 93,000 points, and I only have more than 89,000 points in my hand now, which is still about 4,000 points short, and I need to have enough "funds" to buy it tomorrow

"Today, we can only complete the construction of secondary weapons for the defense system of the submarine base."


Thinking of this, Li Hao immediately came to the super 3D printer bed to find manufacturing options for special torpedo missile launch systems.

According to the submarine base defense system deduced by Jarvis, the special torpedo missile launch system as a secondary weapon requires at least 24 sets.

These special torpedo missile launch systems will surround the entire submarine base, jointly building the first defense, destroying all enemies who threaten the safety of the submarine base.

Enter the quantity to be manufactured, Li Hao directly click Manufacture.

The super 3D printer bed is on.

After about five hours, all twenty-four special torpedo missile launch systems were manufactured.

According to the submarine base defense system diagram deduced by Jarvis, Li Hao asked the fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building Octopus to put twenty-four sets of special torpedo missile launch systems on the corresponding position area.

Subsequently, the installation work begins.

Since the special torpedo missile launch system has been installed before, Li Hao is also installed much faster this time.

It took more than three hours for Li Hao to complete the installation of 24 special torpedo missile launch systems and start them.

The work indicator lights up.

Under Li Hao's orders, Jarvis took over torpedo weapons and began building a sub-weapon system for undersea bases.

A minute later.

Jarvis: "The takeover was successful, the commissioning of the secondary weapon system was completed, the first line of defense of the submarine base defense system was successfully constructed, and the vigilance work began..."


ps: One hundred and thirty-one chapters have been unsealed, and brothers who have not read it can read four.

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