Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 137 Test-Firing Infrasonic Penetrating Cannon 【For Subscription, Please Customize】

"Very good!"

Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

The secondary weapon system is completed, then the submarine base defense system is half completed.

You only need to buy the drawings of the [Infrasonic Penetrating Giant Cannon] tomorrow, manufacture them, install them, and complete the construction of the entire submarine base defense weapon system.

Let Jarvis operate the super 3D printer bed to mass-produce torpedo missiles as ammunition reserves for undersea bases.

After all this, Li Hao no longer stays in the industrial manufacturing area.

After all, after tossing for so long, the time was almost until the early morning of the next day.

It's almost time to rest.

Set up several bedrooms in the undersea base lounge area.

Li Hao returned to the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter and brought the three sisters Zhao Xueshi out of it and took them to the built undersea base.

Along the way, Zhao Luluyi" Xueshi three sisters were also shocked and confused.

Although they have long known the magic of Li Hao, everything in front of them is completely beyond the limits of their imagination.

Water films emitting multicolored shimmers, mysterious and majestic pyramid buildings...

All of this gives people an unparalleled shock, as if science fiction movies have really entered reality.

If Li Hao "showdowns" with them now, saying that he is an alien from a higher civilization, they will be convinced.

did not pay attention to the "inner drama" of Zhao Xueqi's three sisters.

After arranging their respective rooms, Li Hao took Zhao Xueshi back to the new bedroom to wash and sleep.

July 6, 2021

6 a.m.

Li Hao opened his eyes on time and woke up from sleep.

With his now "perverted" physical functions, the body's resilience is strong and terrifying.

Although I was busy all day yesterday and only rested for five hours, I woke up in the morning without any fatigue.

Both physical strength and energy were restored to their peak, and they were abundant to the extreme.

After getting up and washing, Li Hao walked out of the bedroom, sat on the sofa in the living room, opened the task log, and checked the points of his survival performance settlement yesterday.

[Doomsday Survival (long-term mission), today's mission reward settlement completed.] 】

【Survival performance】:

You have successfully moved the facilities and equipment of the submarine-type mobile marine shelter into various areas of the submarine shelter, and improved the submarine refuge base, with +3000 points

You used the artificial intelligence Jarvis' data avatar to complete the automation and intelligence of the submarine refuge base, with +3000 points

You complete the facility area improvement work for the entire submarine base, with +5000 points

You used 24 special torpedo missile launch systems to construct the first line of defense of weapons, and initially completed the formation of the defense system of the submarine refuge base| points +3000

You eat three meals a day, steadily consume energy, and maintain a balanced body nutrition. +20 points

You go into a deep sleep, refreshed, and the physical energy consumed yesterday is fully restored. +30 points

[Congratulations to the host for earning 22,000 points.] 】

"Not bad."

Looking at the numbers on the settlement panel, Li Hao had a smile on his face.

The 22,000 points he got from today's settlement, plus the more than 89,000 points he got before, the points in his hand broke 100,000.

Buying a 93,000-point infrasonic penetrating cannon is more than enough.

"Since the points are enough, it is also time to completely complete the defense system of the submarine base.

Thinking of this, Li Hao did not hesitate to buy the drawings of the infrasonic penetrating giant cannon that had been selected for a long time from the system mall.


The infrasonic penetration cannon drawing instantly appears in the system inventory.

After buying the drawings, Li Hao walked from the lounge area on the second floor to the industrial manufacturing area on the first floor.

Step into the industrial manufacturing area.

Come to the super 3D printer bed.

Li Hao took the drawings of the infrasonic penetration cannon out of the system inventory and entered them into the drawing library of the printer bed.

After one minute, the drawing entry is complete.

On the display of the super 3D printer bed, there are manufacturing options for the infrasonic penetrating cannon.

"According to the design of the submarine base defense system deduced by Jarvis, about twelve infrasonic penetrating giant cannons are needed."

Thinking like this, Li Hao very quickly put in raw materials and set the quantity to be manufactured.

Click Manufacture.

The super 3D printer bed started working.

About half an hour later.....

The first infrasonic penetrating cannon came down from the super 3D printer bed.

Compared with normal cannons, the infrasonic penetration cannon is quite huge, nearly five meters in size.

However, it did not have a barrel at all.

Or, there is no thick barrel of this caliber in the conventional sense.

Its "barrel" that emits high-frequency infrasonic waves is a peculiar "metal disk" with a diameter of nearly 5 meters.


Looking at this weapon that seems completely inlethal and does not look like a weapon at all, Li Hao is not too surprised.

After all, there were no physical shells in this thing, and naturally it was impossible to have a barrel with that caliber thick.

It's weird.

However, the first time he encountered this strange sonic weapon, Li Hao was also very curious about its power.

Therefore, he decided to test what kind of damage this thing would cause when it attacked.

According to the submarine base defense system diagram previously deduced by Jarvis, Li Hao controls a fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus and moves this infrasonic penetrating giant cannon to the weapon area on the third floor of the pyramid submarine base dedicated to placing various weapon systems.

After that, this infrasonic wave penetrating cannon is connected to the energy system of the submarine base.

Launch it.

As the indicator light for the infrasonic wave penetrating the giant cannon lit up, Li Hao ordered into the side display: "Jarvis, open the dome of the weapons area on the top floor of the submarine base."

In order to be able to fire weapons at any time, the metal wall on the top floor of the pyramid base is specially designed and can be opened and closed at any time.

Airplanes! Airplanes!

In the slight vibration, the metal wall on the top floor also quickly "split".

The deep and dark underwater space of the outside world was instantly revealed in front of Li Hao's eyes.

Since this is not really the deep sea, sunlight can still reach here.

Therefore, there is still a certain visibility in the surrounding seas.

With this faint light, Li Hao used the infrasonic penetration cannon's built-in targeting system to lock onto a three-meter-sized, unknown species of marine fish 1 km away.

Then according to the instructions for use above, the power of the infrasonic wave penetrating the giant cannon is adjusted to a minimum.

Click Launch.

The next moment.

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