Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 138 The \"Grim Reaper\" Who Robs Lives, The Main Weapon System Is Completed 【Ple

The moment Li Hao presses the launch.

I saw that an unknown sea fish 1 km away seemed to be hit by an invisible force, and it was instantly killed and exploded into a blood mist.

"Shhh! ∼”

Seeing this terrifying scene, Li Hao also gasped, and a trace of horror appeared in his eyes.

This sonic weapon is also too ferocious, too outrageous.

Just the lowest power, it instantly "exploded" a three-meter-sized unknown sea fish into a blood mist.

His bones were gone.

Coming back to his senses, Li Hao's eyes couldn't help but flash a hint of excitement.

As a weapon that he bought with a lot of money, he naturally hoped that the infrasonic wave would penetrate the giant cannon as fiercely as possible.

As if he had a "new toy", Li Hao continued to search for other experimental targets with great interest.

After several more test firings, several unknown sea fish turned into blood mist.

Li Hao also knows the power of infrasonic penetrating cannons.

He discovered that the infrasonic wave penetrating the cannon was really very top.

Invisible and invisible, it propagates at speeds of more than 151,500 meters per second, and can ignore the defense of most substances.

Coupled with its "resonance" of the flesh and blood of living organs, it causes great damage.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the "Grim Reaper" who specializes in plundering life.

As long as it is targeted and attacked, as long as it cannot resist this attack, any living form will die in an instant.

There is no trace of the whole process.

As if a bomb had really been installed in the body, every cell was "detonated" out of thin air.

"Sure enough, you get what you pay for."

"The weapon bought with more than 90,000 points is really strong and invincible!"

Seeing the power of infrasonic waves penetrating the giant cannon, Li Hao couldn't help but sigh a little.

To be honest, he was a little "inflated".

With the new weapon of the infrasonic penetrating giant cannon, he dared to touch those super ocean behemoths of three or four hundred meters.

As long as those supermarine behemoths have not evolved organs that can defend against infrasonic waves, infrasound waves penetrating the giant cannon can definitely cause great damage to them.

After all, no matter how strong the skin defense is, it cannot stop the "invisible attack" of the infrasonic penetrating giant cannon to ignore the defense

"It takes about half an hour to produce an infrasonic penetrating cannon from a super 3D printer bed."

"There are still 11 infrasonic penetrating cannons to be produced, which means that it will take more than five hours to complete.

"Let's go get some rest first."

After the test firing of the infrasonic penetrating giant cannon, Li Hao did not stop in the weapons area longer, and walked towards the entertainment area on the second floor of the submarine base.

It would take more than 5 hours before the eleven infrasonic penetrating giant cannons were produced, and it was naturally impossible for him to go to the industrial manufacturing area and wait stupidly.

He wasn't so bored that he had nothing to do.

Instead of waiting stupidly in the industrial manufacturing area and wasting time.

It's better to go to the entertainment area to get fit, read novels, play games, and have fun.

Spend five hours in the entertainment area.

After having lunch with the three sisters Zhao Xueshi, Li Hao walked to the industrial manufacturing area on the first floor of the submarine base.

Calculating the time, the production and manufacturing of the 11 infrasonic penetrating giant cannons should be almost completed.

Step into the industrial manufacturing area.

Come to the super 3D printer bed

Li Hao discovered that there were already ten completed infrasonic penetrating cannons.

It seems that the first ones are almost finished production.

"It's just coming."

Seeing the infrasonic wave that was about to be completed, Li Hao had no intention of leaving, and waited here.

About two minutes later.

The last infrasonic wave penetrated the giant cannon into a super 3D printer and came down on the bed.

Since then, all the infrasonic penetrating guns that built the defense system of the submarine base have been manufactured.

"Now that all the weapons have been manufactured, it is time to completely complete the main weapon system of the submarine base."

"After the main weapon system is completed, then the defense system of the submarine base can be regarded as truly formed."

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately asked Jarvis to control more than a dozen multi-functional fully automatic mechanical building octopuses, and according to the previously deduced submarine base defense system diagram, all of these infrasonic penetrating giant cannons were placed in the designated positions in the top weapon area.

Subsequently, all of them are connected to the energy system of the submarine base, and they are all activated and activated.

"Jarvis, take over these infrasonic penetrating cannons and begin to build the main weapon system of the undersea base."

Confirming that all infrasonic penetrating cannons were activated normally, Li Hao ordered directly to Jarvis.

Authorized by the order, Jarvis immediately began to execute.

"Start taking over control of the twelve infrasonic penetrating cannons..."

"Start Debugging"

"Start building the main weapon system of the submarine base defense system, 10% ... 20%... 30%......"

In this process, the sound wave penetrating the "muzzle" of the giant cannon is also constantly adjusting and rotating.

About a minute later.

"The main weapon system is built and 100% complete.

"The primary weapon system is coordinated with the secondary weapon system."

"Detecting Defense System Vulnerabilities"

"No vulnerabilities found! The submarine base defense system was successfully established, and the automatic alert mode was opened.

"Finally it's all done."

Looking at these 12 infrasonic penetrating cannons in the weapons area, Li Hao couldn't help but feel a sense of security in his heart.

You know, since discovering the appearance of the super-large ocean behemoth, he also has a sense of urgency and crisis.

It is precisely for this reason that he attaches so much importance to the construction of the defense system of the submarine base.

For this reason, he also spent more than 90,000 points at one time, almost exhausting all his accumulated 200 accumulated during this time.

Now that the defense system of the undersea base has been built, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief and sleep well.

Even if those super-large sea behemoths invaded, he had the strength to fight against them and expel them.

"That's right! After the construction of the defense system is completed, then the system task of [building a new evacuation base] should also be completed.

Coming to his senses, Li Hao seemed to remember something and quickly opened the system's inventory.


There was nothing inside, it was empty.

"Huh!? What about mission rewards?!"

Li Hao was also a little confused.

After checking the points balance again, he did not notice any increase in points.

"It's really weird."

Puzzled, Li Hao opened the taskbar.

【Construction of a new evacuation base (survival mission)】

[Mission Statement]: You find that the submarine-type mobile marine shelter has limited development potential and intend to build a new fixed shelter base. Ask the host to build a new shelter base with an area of no less than 10,000 square meters within a month and improve it.

Task Progress: Completed (can be submitted)

[Mission Reward]: Unknown (depending on mission completion)

"Ding! [Build a new refuge base] The progress of this task is completed, please ask the host to submit this task, settle the completion of the task, and receive the task reward?"

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