Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 140 The Sun Rising At The Bottom Of The Sea【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

"Next is the solar simulation."

Li Hao presses the sunlight simulation option next to the ignition option of the LCD remote control.

Next second.

The surface of the translucent round sphere with a diameter of thirty meters suddenly lit up with a layer of light, as if it were real sunlight.

Shining on the body, Li Hao suddenly had a warm and comfortable feeling.

However, it seems to be too close, just after a while, Li Hao feels a little hot.

"It seems that even the lowest power sunlight simulation needs to be at least 10 meters away, otherwise it is not sunbathing, but barbecue."

Feeling this, Li Hao quickly turned off the sunlight simulation function of the artificial sun, thinking to himself.

You must know that after the enhancement of low-level genetic potions, his body functions are far superior to humans in all aspects, including heat resistance.

At least 10 times more than normal.

However, even so, he still felt very hot.

Replaced by an ordinary person, just leaning on such a close "sun", I am afraid that he has long been burned.

Wireless energy transmission, energy conversion, anti-gravity

As if he had obtained a novel "toy", Li Hao experimented with all the functions of the artificial sun.

The result was also quite satisfactory to him.

Without any energy transmission channel, this small 257 artificial sun can "out of thin air" to any equipment at the submarine base, or even all of them0

Provide endless energy for the operation of the entire submarine base.

It is worth mentioning that in the process of supplying energy to the entire seabed base, the energy reaction in the small artificial solar reactor shows no signs of attenuation.

Obviously, providing the energy needed for the operation of the submarine base is a drop in the bucket for the artificial sun.

The energy lost can be almost ignored.

"Very good! With this small artificial sun providing energy, the inefficient energy supply system of the submarine base can also be retired." "

Seeing this, Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

According to the huge energy contained in this small artificial sun, if it only provides the current operation of the submarine base, I am afraid that it will not be used until death.

Without saying anything, Li Hao immediately began to act.

Ask Jarvis to open the top metal wall of the undersea base.

Subsequently, Li Hao plans to extend the water film upwards to increase the height of the seabed space for "hanging" this small artificial sun.

After setting the water film upwards by 100 meters, Li Hao immediately activated the small water film generation device.

The conversion speed of a small water film generator is 100 square meters per hour.

Two small water film generation units work together.

In just half an hour, the high expansion of the space under the sea is completed.

"Now it's time to hang the sun. ”

Putting away the two small water film generation devices that have done their work, Li Hao clicks the anti-gravity button on the LCD remote control.

Next second.


I saw that the translucent circular sphere with a diameter of thirty meters suddenly levitated out of thin air.

Apparently its own anti-gravity device has been successfully activated.

Press and hold the + button next to the anti-gravity button on the LCD remote control, and the huge translucent circular sphere continues to rise out of thin air along the metal wall that opens at the top of the base under the sea.

Float out of the undersea base.

It eventually rises to an altitude of nearly 70 meters from the submarine base.

After adjusting the position of the small artificial sun, Li Hao clicked the sunlight simulation option on the LCD controller again, and then gradually increased the power.

I saw that the sunlight derived from the surface of the huge translucent circular sphere in the sky was also getting brighter and brighter.

The sun shines.

Under the increasingly bright sunlight, the entire underwater space and the darkness of the surrounding sea area were dispelled.

The water film that covers the underwater space reflects the brilliance of the artificial sun, colorful and dreamlike.

After adjusting the solar simulation power to the most suitable level, Li Hao asked Jarvis to shut down the old energy supply system at the subsea base.

Subsequently, the wireless energy transmission of small artificial suns was activated, completely replacing the old energy supply system and making it an energy source for the submarine base.

"Jarvis, how's it going? Is the submarine base functioning properly?"

After doing all this, Li Hao said to the big screen on the side.

Jarvis: "Everything (bfei) is normal!" According to calculations, the efficiency of the existing energy supply system has increased by thousands of times compared with before, in addition to the machinery and equipment in the submarine base, the fully automatic submarine mining octopus that goes out for mining is also continuously charged, and there is no need to return to the submarine base to replenish the power supply, and it is expected that the working time will nearly double and the daily mining volume will also double."

"Very good!"

Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

Confirming that the new energy supply system with a small artificial sun as the core energy source works perfectly, Li Hao does not stay in the weapons area on the third floor of the submarine base.

It's not early.

It's almost time for dinner.

Back in the lounge area on the second floor of the underwater base, Li Hao found that today's dinner was particularly sumptuous.

Australian lobster, steamed abalone, garlic anchovies........ 085711015 Feilu 120530480]

These precious unmutated seafood were all exchanged for from the official steel island.

It took at least five thousand kilograms of huge materials worth of non-radiant white salt to sweep the entire trading market, and only then did it buy about two hundred catties.

It can be described as a luxury among luxury.

"What's wrong with this today?"

Looking at these colorful and fragrant seafood meals on the table, Li Hao was a little surprised at the same time as his saliva secreted.

Today's dinner seemed to be hearty and somewhat unexpected.

You know, only on weekdays, Zhao Xuehua will carefully burn such an extremely luxurious dish to celebrate.

But if he remembers correctly, July 6 doesn't seem to be a holiday!

"I moved to a new house yesterday, and this dinner is for celebrating the housewarming..."

Hearing this, Zhao Xuehua, who was cooking vegetables in the new kitchen, Taguchi explained.

Hearing this, Li Hao was also stunned.

Of course, he didn't really care too much about the reason.

He can't wait to enjoy this seafood meal.

Since the global catastrophe, he almost didn't know what seafood tasted like.

Ten minutes later.

With the last dish———— white-seared prawns, it was served by Zhao Xuehua.

Sixteen seafood hard dishes were assembled on the table.

A table was set out.

This meal is not to say in the current global apocalyptic environment.

Even in peacetime, it seems quite a luxury.

If the survivors who eat white rice with dried earthworms every day see it, they must be hungry to the point of drooling.

The dishes are ready.

Li Hao sat down to eat with Zhao Xueshi's three daughters.

Good food with good wine.

In order to better enjoy this sumptuous seafood meal, Li Hao specially took out a few bottles of the previous high-quality red wine from the wine cellar.

Drink top-quality red wine and eat delicious seafood.

This dinner, everyone ate satisfied.

Fifteen minutes later.

All the seafood on the table was "swept away".

Li Hao ate nearly half the amount alone.

After dinner.

Li Hao, who has nothing to do for the time being, called the three sisters of Zhao Xueshi together, and the four of them played fighting the landlord together.

In such a pleasant time, the day passed like this.

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