Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 141: The Mystery Of Meteorite Evolution Radiation? ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

July 7, 2021

Busy with matters related to the construction of the submarine base.

After idleness, Li Hao remembered that the task of this week's refresh had not yet been received.

It's all Wednesday now.

Go to the task refresh bar.

Li Hao found that there are two tasks refreshed this week, ~ and both are survival tasks,

【Regular cleaning (survival mission)】

【Mission Description】: Under the evolutionary radiation attached to giant meteorites, the evolution rate of marine life is extremely fast, changing almost every day. Ask the host to patrol the surrounding 1,000 kilometers of the sea again to clean up the new large sea creatures that have emerged during this time. (Note: Large sea creatures are mutated sea creatures over 10 meters in size)

[Mission Reward]: 4000 points

[Explore the mysteries of evolutionary radiation (survival mission)】

[Mission Description]: The special evolutionary radiation carried by giant meteorites makes the sea of Blue Star more and more dangerous. In order to understand the disasters and dangers involved, the host is asked to obtain a fragment of a giant meteorite and study and explore the mystery of this evolutionary radiation.

[Mission Reward]: 50,000 points

"The refreshed mission this time is much better than the previous "food delivery" mission of supermarine behemoths that require a frontal hard steel body size of more than 500 meters.

Looking at these two newly refreshed system tasks, Li Hao also nodded with satisfaction on his face.

Compared to the previous two weeks, this week's task refresh is indeed a lot more reliable.

"The difficulty of the two missions is a bit different! The first task is good to say, just let Jarvis drive the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter to patrol around and clean up the mutated sea creatures, which is also quite simple to complete. ”

"But the second task is not simple, you need to collect fragments of a giant meteorite."

"Needless to say, the meteorite fragments that fell on the land must have all been officially collected by the authorities."

"Then there are obviously only two ways to get the fragments of giant meteorites, one is to trade from the authorities, and the second is to go to the deep sea to find, according to official documents, after the giant meteorite fragments, there are definitely many more meteorite fragments that fall into the deep sea zone than on land..."

"However, neither path is feasible, and this kind of highly strategic value is obviously almost impossible for the authorities to trade, unless I take a fusion device."

- Small artificial solar exchange....."

"And if you go to the deep sea to find it, it also contains great risks, so many giant meteorite fragments fall into the deep sea, the evolutionary radiation concentration of the deep sea is absolutely high and scary, no one knows how many terrifying and powerful super ocean behemoths have evolved inside..."

Thinking silently, Li Hao also felt a little headache.

Although the mission reward of the second mission is very tempting, it is good to look at and not to take!

It is also impossible for him to trade a nuclear fusion device that is obviously many times more valuable for 50,000 points, let alone go deep into the ocean and put his own life at risk.

"Receive the [Regular Cleaning] task."

After a moment of silence, Li Hao also had a decision in his heart.

Only the first task will be claimed for now.

As for the second task, let it go.

Just do it with the chance.

If there is any opportunity that has arisen recently, and there is hope of completing the task, he will receive it again.

If not, let it refresh next week.

Thinking like this, Li Hao took the task and closed the task panel.

Enter a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

Li Hao asked Jarvis to operate the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter to start patrolling the surrounding 1,000-kilometer area, using a radar system to find large sea creatures over 10 meters in size in this area and kill them.

The journey was as simple and easy as Li Hao had expected.

After all, the sea creatures that were metamorphosed before had all been cleaned up.

Although the degree of marine life evolution in the surrounding seas has been much higher during this period, the time is still too short, and no matter how strong it is, it is not strong.

The largest is only more than 30 meters.

...... Ask for flowers.........

Compared to the 100-meter mutated giant devil fish he killed before, he was a completely underage minor.

About an hour later, large sea creatures in the surrounding 1,000-kilometer sea either died on the high-voltage electromagnetic clusters of submarine-type mobile ocean shelters, or fled the sea area in anticipation of danger.

Back inside the submarine base, Li Hao opens the system panel to check the points balance.

Sure enough.

The 4,000 points awarded by the mission have already arrived.

"It's still a good cleaning type of task, it's easy, and the mission reward is quite good."

Seeing this, Li Hao couldn't help but sigh.

Although the rewards of [Explore the Mysteries of Evolutionary Radiation] and the previous [Armed Trials] are very rich, the tasks are too difficult.

............... 0

If you really go to complete it, it will be a little unworthy.

With that effort, it's better to take on a few more of these easy, rewarding and rewarding tasks.

Complete the task.

Li Hao was idle again.

He decided to go to the gym in the entertainment area to work up a sweat and stay fit.


There is nothing important to do at the moment, and Li Hao decided to take a few days off and enjoy life.

A rare salted fish.

Li Hao eats snacks, drinks fat boy happy water, and plays games in the entertainment area, re-experiencing the fat house life before the global disaster.

July 9, 2021

In addition to a fixed three-hour fitness every day, Li Hao continues to live a happy fat house life of "eating and waiting for death".


The game is tired of playing.

Li Hao decided to end the already somewhat boring "fat boy life" and play something interesting.

The drawings of the advanced life-sustaining wetsuit rewarded by the previous [Find the construction site of the new base] mission were printed and manufactured with a super 3D printer bed.

Putting on a high-level life-sustaining wetsuit, Li Hao began to play underwater diving in the sea near the submarine base.

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