Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 144: Aliens? ! A Hidden Super-Catastrophe? ! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

"Soldiers come to block, water to cover!"

"After all, the iron still needs to be hard, as long as I have enough points to constantly upgrade the defense system of the submarine base, no matter how many terrifying monsters evolve in the ocean under the soaring evolutionary radiation in the seawater, there is nothing to fear."

Thinking of this, Li Hao doesn't think much about it.

After all, no matter how soaring the evolutionary radiation in the ocean, the evolution of the ocean behemoth will take time, at most it will be shortened a lot.

In a short period of time, the existing submarine base defense system should be sufficient.

"In the information obtained from the official internal server this time, in addition to the recent crisis of marine behemoths caused by the recent surge in seawater evolution radiation, there are ten key points that cannot be ignored."

"That is the essence of the "living" meteorite that causes the evolutionary radiation to soar?! Do you have self-awareness?!"

"If these "living" meteorites are essentially some kind of alien creatures, I am afraid that in the future, there will be a crisis disaster even greater than that of the sea behemoths........

Sorting out the information obtained from the official internal server, Li Hao was also a little dignified in his heart.

According to the information in the "Report on the Causes of the Surge in Marine Evolutionary Radiation", "live" meteorites have a special symbiotic relationship with other evolutionary organisms, and can continue to evolve like living things.

If it is essentially some kind of self-aware alien creature, it is definitely much more threatening than those crazy evolved ocean ganzen.

After all, this thing can release evolutionary radiation by itself, and its evolution speed is definitely far higher than those marine behemoths that passively receive evolutionary radiation, not to mention that it can also absorb the biological energy and mutated genes of mutated evolutionary organisms.

The sum of the two is definitely not as simple as 1+1, but the geometric multiple increase of the speed of evolution.

"Hopefully, those 'living' meteorites are just unconscious organisms with partial biological properties, not as I suspected."

"Otherwise, it's another super catastrophe."

Thinking like this, Li Hao also sighed.

That giant meteorite is simply the disaster star of the disaster star.

In addition to the series of chain reactions caused by the fall, which caused a series of global super disasters, it may also be a "big landmine" in itself

To know what the essence of those "living" meteorite fragments is, it is useless to guess out of thin air, and physical research is required. ”

"However, I don't have "live" meteorite fragments on hand at all, and this path is obviously not working. 27

And the official can analyze and study so much intelligence, there must be a lot of "live" meteorite fragments in the people.

"I don't know what the official scientists are in the end to study the essence of "living" meteorites?!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao also had an idea in his heart.

Look at all the documents that Jarvis copied this time.

After determining that there were no documents related to the "live" meteorite, Li Hao immediately ordered Jarvis again: "Jarvis, hack into the official server and copy all the files with the keyword "meteorite fragments". ”

Ten seconds later.

Jarvis: "The invasion was successful, all the documents related to the meteorite fragments have been copied."

The next moment.

Hundreds of folders suddenly appeared on the display of the tablet in Li Hao's hand.

Scanning the names of these folders roughly, Li Hao also frowned.

None of these documents related to meteorite fragments seemed to be what he wanted.

From the name, it has almost nothing to do with the study of "live" meteorite fragments.

However, just in case, Li Hao opened all the files and looked at them.

It turns out that this is indeed the case.

None of the documents mention "live" meteorites.

Not to mention research reports on "live" meteorites.

"Could it be that the names of the research documents on "live" meteorites in the official internal server are not meteorite fragments?"

Thinking of this possibility, Li Hao directly asked Jarvis to hack into the official internal server again, copying all the folders with keywords called living meteorites and biological meteorites.

In a matter of seconds, Jarvis copied the folder to Li Hao's tablet.

The number of these documents is not much, only three.

"Research Report on the Properties of Living Meteorites"

"Research Report on the Structure of Living Meteorites"

Research Report on the Nature of Living Meteorites

"On the official internal server, there are indeed research materials related to "live" meteorites. ”

Looking at these three documents, Li Hao immediately couldn't wait to enter the hospital.

Looking at all three documents, Li Hao was also a little disappointed.

Most of the content information in this is essentially the same as the conclusion revealed by the "Report on the Causes of the Surge in Marine Evolutionary Radiation" that he saw before.

This is just a specific research process.

".” However, it is not without gains. ”

Looking at the document "Research Report on the Nature of Living Meteorites" on the tablet, Li Hao's eyes flashed a light.

While much of the content is similar, Li Hao discovered some new information.

"Judging from the information given by this "Research Report on the Nature of Living Meteorites", the official scientific research institute should not really understand what the essence of the living meteorite is."

"Because the structure of "living" meteorites is too peculiar. ”

"It is composed of a mixture of inorganic matter and organic matter, which is said to be a living organism, but it does not meet the conventional definition of biology, but if it is not a living thing, it itself has some biological characteristics and biological instincts, and can also form a special symbiosis with other evolutionary organisms that are exposed to its radiation, and constantly evolve and upgrade its own structure (Nonuohao)"

As for whether it has self-awareness, it is not mentioned above, and it should be that the official Academy of Sciences has not yet studied it. 11

Thinking about the information revealed by this report document, Li Hao also had an inference in his mind.

"Even the most scientifically powerful officials have not really understood the nature of those living meteorites.

It seems that it is still unrealistic to find out whether those "living" meteorite fragments are self-aware alien creatures in a short period of time. ”

Thinking of this, Li Hao shook his head and no longer got entangled in this.

No matter what the living meteorite is, there should not be any major changes in a short period of time, and at most the evolutionary radiation released is more intense.

The main threat at the moment is the sea behemoths.

"In the future, the plague of the ocean behemoth will definitely become more and more 'ferocious', and it is necessary to prepare early."

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