Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 145 Strengthening The Base Defense System, Parent-Child Cluster Torpedo Missiles 【Please Sub

There are hundreds of millions of marine life in the Blue Star Ocean.

As evolutionary radiation continues to soar, the rate of evolution of these sea creatures will definitely explode.

It is foreseeable that there will definitely be more and more monsters in the ocean in the future.

Although he thinks that even if marine life evolves rapidly, it is impossible to have the ability to forcibly break through the defense system of the submarine base in a short period of time.

However , for the sake of prudence , Li Hao plans to strengthen the defense system of the submarine base.

"With the points in my hand, it is impossible to exchange weapons from the system mall for a huge improvement in the defense system of the submarine base.

"Then you can only increase the "firepower" of existing weapon systems ........."

Thinking like this, Li Hao also had a hint of an outline in his heart about how to enhance the submarine base.

Needless to say, the infrasonic wave of the main weapon system penetrates the giant cannon.

Attacks rely on adjustable, high-power infrasonic waves, and the attack pattern is fixed and cannot be enhanced directly or required.

Direct exclusion.

Then it is obvious that only the secondary weapon system of the submarine base defense system can be strengthened.

Special torpedo missile launch systems can be loaded and launched with a variety of different torpedo missiles.

You only need to replace it with a more powerful torpedo missile, you can easily improve its firepower and combat effectiveness.

Thinking of this, Li Hao also immediately began to act, walking towards the industrial manufacturing area on the first floor of the submarine base.

Walk into the industrial manufacturing area.

Come to the super 3D printer bed.

Li Hao483 opened the black technology mall and began to select the torpedo missile drawings he needed.

Extinguishing torpedo missiles, Reaper torpedo missiles, cracking torpedo missiles .........

"I didn't expect that high-grade torpedo missile drawings could also be so expensive."

Looking at these high-end goods with hundreds of thousands of dollars, Li Hao also showed a wry smile on his face.

However, although it is expensive, the power of these high-end goods is clearly not comparable to ordinary torpedo missiles.

Take the torpedo missile, for example, which contains antimatter energy inside.

Once the enemy is hit, the antimatter energy released will directly "neutralize" the enemy and everything around it, and finally there will be no ash left.

It's a big killer.

With such terrifying power, its price, of course, cannot be the same as that of ordinary torpedo missiles.

Use the mall's filtering function to "block" these unaffordable high-end goods.

After some selection and comparison, (bfed) Li Hao is also a preliminary drawing for the selection of three torpedo missiles.

High-explosive torpedo missiles!

Armor-piercing torpedo missiles!

Sub-mother cluster torpedo missiles!

【High-explosive torpedo missile】

[Introduction]: This is a high-explosive torpedo missile designed with the concept of high power and high damage, through special technology, while increasing the explosive power, the explosion range is compressed and concentrated, and the explosion power generated can reach more than 500 times that of normal torpedo missiles.

【Price】: 8,000 points

【Armor-piercing torpedo missile】

[Introduction]: This is a specialized penetration torpedo missile, using high-speed penetration technology, through special underwater acceleration technology, to reach supersonic speed, and then with a sharp and hard warhead through the enemy's interior, resulting in a huge explosion, most suitable for attacking enemies with a strong shell and strong defense.

【Price】: 7500 points

【Sub-mother cluster torpedo missile】

[Introduction]: This torpedo missile with a wide range of attack adopts a sub-mother cluster design, after launch, the mother munition as a shell will automatically decompose, and the hundreds of sub-torpedo bombs inside will scatter and explode, causing a wide range of regional damage.

【Price】: 7000 points

All three torpedo missiles were carefully selected by Li Hao.

High power, high-speed armor penetration, large-range attacks...

Each has its own characteristics.

Handles almost the vast majority of situations.

And the price is not expensive.

The drawings of the three torpedo missiles add up, and the price is only 22,500 points.

"Just choose these three torpedo missiles."

Didn't hesitate for long.

Li Hao chose to buy the drawings of the three torpedo missiles directly.


In an instant, Li Hao accumulated nearly half of the points during this time.

After buying the drawings of these three torpedo missiles, Li Hao also had no ink, so he took the three drawings directly from the system inventory and entered them into the super 3D printer bed Curry.

The entry is complete.

"Let's make 5,000 rounds each."

Looking at the three new manufacturing options that appeared on the display panel on the printer, Li Hao put in the raw materials needed for manufacturing and set the manufacturing quantity for each torpedo missile to 5000

Then, click Manufacture.

Multiply! Multiply! Multiply!

As Li Hao presses the manufacturing option button, the super 3D printer bed also starts.

Three product lines were directly and automatically differentiated internally, and work on the manufacture of these three torpedo missiles began.

However, due to the large number of manufacturing. Super 3D printer beds will obviously be difficult to manufacture for a while, and this manufacturing work will be completed.

Just at the time of the production of torpedo missiles in the printer bed.

Li Hao was also not idle, and said to the big screen on the side: "Jarvis, build a model based on the parameters of these three new torpedo missiles, and deduce how much the combat effectiveness of the sub-weapon system of the submarine base defense system, the special torpedo missile launch system, will be improved after loading these three torpedo missiles..."

"Yes, bandit."

After receiving the order, Jarvis immediately began to execute the order.

Through a small super-biological computer that crunched 811 million times per second, Jarvis imported the data parameters of these three torpedo missiles and began to deduce the fire changes and combat effectiveness of the simulated special torpedo missile launch system after loading the three new torpedo missiles.

Half a minute later.

Jarvis: "Simulation calculation complete!" According to the deduction of basic parameters, after loading these three new torpedo missiles, the firepower of the special torpedo missile launch system will be increased by at least 5,000%, and the power of the entire submarine base defense system will be increased by more than 3 times..............."

"On the basis of the power of the original defense system, has it been raised three times?!"

"In a short period of time, this level of defense system should be completely sufficient."

Li Hao had a satisfied smile on his face, and he felt more secure in his heart.

He believed that even if the evolution speed of those ocean behemoths was fast, it would be impossible for them to evolve in a short period of time to the point of directly withstanding such a fierce firepower offensive and breaking through the defense system of the undersea base.

If the speed of evolution is really so perverted, then humans don't have to play.

It must be completely exterminated by these sea behemoths.

After completing the strengthening of the submarine base defense system, Li Hao did not spend much time in the industrial manufacturing area.

Let Jarvis control the fully automatic multi-purpose mechanical construction octopus and put a steady stream of three torpedo missiles into the ammunition Curry surface storage.

Li Hao returned to his previous rhythm of life and walked towards the entertainment area on the second floor of the submarine base.

It was as if he had forgotten about the impending catastrophe of the ocean behemoth.

Get fit, play games, and chat with netizens on the Doom Forum.

A fulfilling day, just like that.

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