Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 153 Undersea Monitoring Network System【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

Jarvis: "According to the data calculus, the penetration rate of infrasound waves for strong magnetic field shields is about 3%-5%."


"With such a low penetration rate, the infrasonic power that can penetrate in is absolutely pitiful, and it is impossible to break through the defense of penetrating the energy-absorbing alloy shell.

Hearing this, Li Hao also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

In the future, once you encounter a high-power infrasonic attack, you will be able to directly open the strong magnetic field shield.

Ask Jarvis to record this response in the database.

After solving the problem of high-power infrasonic defense, Li Hao turned his attention to the system task.

"The large sea behemoths in the surrounding 5,000 kilometers should have been cleaned up."

Thinking so, Li Hao opened the system panel and checked the points balance.

Sure enough.

The 10,000 points rewarded for completing the [Thunder Sweeping Cave] mission have arrived.

Together with the remaining points, Li Hao has more than 38,000 points.

"Finally returned the 'blood', the recent point consumption is too big."

Seeing this, Li Hao's face was also 15 relieved.

There is 'food' in hand, and there is no panic in the heart.

Although these nearly 40,000 points are not much, they are still enough for emergency use on weekdays.

Confirming that the mission was complete, Li Hao immediately ordered Jarvis to operate the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter and start returning.

When he came out, he had to go around because he needed to patrol the surrounding 5,000 kilometers of sea to find large marine behemoths that cleaned up the surroundings.

The whole process took almost 10 hours.

And when you go back, you don't have to bother so much.

Just walk in a straight line.

Blue tail flames erupted, and Jarvis drove the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter directly towards the location of the undersea base.

It soon disappeared into the sea.

About half an hour later.

The submarine-type mobile marine shelter returned to the undersea base.

Step out of the hatch.

After returning to the submarine base, Li Hao did not mean to go to the rest area on the second floor, but walked towards the industrial manufacturing area on the first floor.

There is still one task that has not been completed.

To save trouble, Li Hao decided to finish it today.

Moreover, this task is very necessary, and it also plays a very important role in the security protection of submarine bases.

"The [monitoring arming] mission requires monitoring the sea area within 1,000 kilometers centered on the submarine base, and I currently have no relevant scientific and technological drawings in my hand.

"It seems that you still need to go to the system mall to select a large-scale monitoring prop drawing suitable for underwater monitoring."

Thinking like this, Li Hao walked towards the industrial manufacturing area while opening the Doomsday Black Technology Mall and began to select the monitoring prop drawings that met his requirements.

The first time to screen and block those high-end goods that are extremely expensive.

Only those monitoring prop drawings with a point price of less than 40,000 remained.

After some comparison, Li Hao quickly selected a device blueprint called the underwater stealth monitor.

【Underwater stealth monitor】

[Monitoring range]: 10 kilometers (radius)

[Functional design]: optical stealth, anti-gravity levitation movement, dynamic capture early warning.........

【Introduction】: This monitor specially used for marine monitoring, its unique water pressure resistance, so that it can easily work under the seabed within 3000 meters, in the case of obstacles, this monitor can extremely accurately capture all things and creatures within ten kilometers of the surrounding area. (Note: If this monitor is used around the clock, it needs to be recharged every three days.) )

【Price】: 13,000 points

"The underwater stealth monitor's stealth function and levitation movement function are designed to ensure that it will not be easily damaged by other mutated sea creatures."

"The monitoring range is a radius of 10 kilometers, which means that only about 100 or so needs to be arranged to complete the complete monitoring of the 1,000 kilometers of sea area around the submarine base."

"It only needs 13,000 points in terms of price, and the cost performance can be regarded as quite high."

"The only defect is that in terms of power storage, it needs to be recharged for three days around the clock, which is very troublesome.

"For me, though, this flaw can be completely ignored."

"Small artificial suns can transmit energy to any device without interruption within 1,000 kilometers, and when the time comes, directly using small artificial suns to continuously charge these monitors can completely solve this troublesome problem."

"In this case, the use of this underwater stealth monitor to form a surveillance network should be regarded as the best solution at present."

Thinking of this, Li Hao no longer hesitated and directly bought the drawings of this underwater stealth monitor.

Points - 13000.

The next moment.

The underwater stealth monitor drawing appears in Li Hao's system inventory.

Walk into the industrial manufacturing area.

Come to the super 3D printer bed,

Li Hao takes the underwater stealth monitor drawing from the system inventory and enters it into the drawing library of the printer bed.

A minute later.

A ball-like logo appears on the printer bed display, which is the manufacturing option for underwater stealth monitors.

Without rushing to manufacture, Li Hao opened 833 to the display screen on the side and said: "Jarvis, enter the data parameters of the underwater stealth monitor in the super 3D printer bed, build a data model, and start to simulate and calculate to build the most complete underwater monitoring network system in the 1,000-kilometer sea area centered on the submarine base..............."

This surveillance network obviously cannot be arranged indiscriminately.

Otherwise, 1,000 kilometers around the submarine base, such a large sea area is prone to monitoring dead ends and monitoring loopholes.

Once the enemy comes in from the monitoring dead end, the surveillance network he worked so hard to make is not effective at all.

He could not have left such a big hole in the surveillance network he had formed.

"Yes, sir!"

Understanding what Li Hao meant, Jarvis immediately began to execute the order according to Li Hao's request.

For artificial data life, this calculus is not complicated.

All you need is accurate data.

After so many sweeps, the situation of more than a thousand kilometers of sea around the submarine base, Jarvis's database has long stored data data, and it is easy to build a data model of the nearby sea.

Then import the data parameters of the underwater stealth monitor

A minute later, Jarvis completed the construction of the 1,000-kilometer surveillance network around the submarine base.

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