Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 154 The Official Test, The Top Red Guest Team Is 'Annihilated' [For Subscription,

Jarvis: "The calculus is complete!" According to the calculation results, if you want to build a submarine surveillance network without monitoring dead ends within 1,000 kilometers around the submarine base, you need 198 underwater stealth monitors..."

The voice fell.

A model of the sea area appears on the LCD screen of the industrial manufacturing area, which is the sea area around the submarine base.

It is densely packed with nearly two hundred red dots, representing underwater stealth monitors.

At the same time, the semi-transparent circle is directly used to represent the monitoring range of each underwater stealth monitor.

I saw that on this sea area model map, the circle composed of two hundred underwater monitors together formed a huge network, completely shrouding this sea area.

It's like a Skynet.

Anything in this sea is within its surveillance range.

"Just use this arrangement."

After confirming that the submarine surveillance network layout deduced by Jarvis met his requirements perfectly, Li Hao did not hesitate.

Put in the raw materials required for manufacturing.

Subsequently, Li Hao clicked on the manufacturing options for underwater stealth monitors on the super 3D printer bed display and set the number of them to 300.

After all, underwater stealth monitors are distributed in the surrounding 1,000 kilometers of the sea, and there are many mutated marine creatures in them, and wear and tear are inevitable.

In addition to the 198 underwater stealth monitors needed to deploy the submarine surveillance network, another 102 are intended to be replaced.

Set the manufacturing quantity, Li Hao click Manufacture.

The super 3D printer bed was immediately turned on.

About three minutes later.

The first underwater stealth monitor came off the machine.

Its shape is a translucent sphere, with a diameter of about half a meter.

It doesn't look remarkable.

Optical stealth, anti-gravity movement, surveillance capture

After trying out all these features, Li Hao also nodded with satisfaction.

This thing is really easy to use as a monitoring device.

Good concealment, flexible movement, monitoring range is not small, and the picture is also quite high-definition.

Almost everything within a radius of 10 kilometers can be seen clearly.

"The super 3D printer bed takes about 3 minutes to make an underwater stealth monitor, so 300 units, 900 minutes is equivalent to 15 hours."

"It's past 7 p.m., which means that it will have to wait until ten o'clock tomorrow morning for the super 3D printer bed to completely complete the manufacturing of 300 underwater stealth monitors."

Thinking of this, Li Hao did not mean to stay in the industrial manufacturing area, and walked directly to the rest area on the second floor.

Come to the second floor of the submarine base.

Li Hao found that the three sisters Zhao Xueshi were practicing yoga in the fitness room of the entertainment area on the second floor.

I saw the beautiful bodies of the three sisters in the process of practicing yoga.

Finding that they would not seem to be better for a while, Li Hao dismissed the idea of asking them to play games together.

Go back to your bedroom.

It was early now, and Li Hao decided to go on the meeting network and chat with netizens.

Turn on your computer and enter your password.

The background private message interface of the official forum suddenly appeared on the display.

He had been waiting for an official reply.

Although he didn't wait, when he went out to complete the task, he didn't close it with the mentality of what if.

"Official reply?"

Just as Li Hao was about to close it, he glanced at it, but he found that there were several more messages on it.

The earliest reply to this information was five hours ago.

After that, every half hour, there will be a reply.

It seems that the intention to communicate is very strong.


Looking at these replies, Li Hao also showed an inexplicable smile on his face.

These replies were all inquiries about those alloy formula deals.

However, he believes that there is more to it than that.

After all, with official scientific research strength, it does not take so long to confirm the authenticity of these alloy formulas, and the reaction speed cannot be so slow.

However, it took so long to write back.....

"Before, the official must have been testing my identity and the origin of these alloy formulas by various means."

"However, I have never revealed my existence before, and there are traces of Jarvis helping to 'cover' on the Internet, and the official must have found nothing, but there is no need to worry about the sudden exposure of my identity."

"In that case, it is not impossible to continue trading according to the content of the previous private message.

"I just don't know if the official reply said that the trader was sincere in the end..."

After thinking for a moment, Li Hao decided to write back.

After all, the intermediate gene potion formula rewarded by this mission [Living Meteorite Mystery] is too fragrant.

Even if there is only a 1 in 10,000 probability, he has to give it a try.

Anyway, with Jarvis, an epoch-making artificial intelligence, he is not afraid of being locked in the process of replying to the exchange.

Thinking like this, Li Hao immediately began typing on the keyboard, writing what he wanted to say.

Writing is complete.

After confirming that there was no mistake, Li Hao immediately pressed the enter key and sent it out.

The moment Li Hao replied.

Inside the official office building at the heart of Steel Island No. 1.

"." Wrote back! The other party finally replied!!"

A programmer who was at the top looked at the new information that appeared on the computer in front of him, and his expression was extremely excited.

It's not easy!

After waiting for nearly five hours, there was no response, and they all thought that there was no drama.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Take action, hurry up, the other party replied, must have just invaded the background, and should not have eliminated its own traces of invasion now..."

"Yes, yes, yes! Don't let him run!"

.... (of):

With the appearance of this message, the whole room was also chicken flying dogs.

One by one, the big bulls in network security have been full of energy, wanting to take advantage of the opponent's 'carelessness' to directly lock the opponent's position in one fell swoop.

A shame before the snow.

In an instant, the crackling keyboard sound echoed in this room.


Five seconds later.

These top celebrities left the keyboard with both hands.

Because, their computers all went black without warning.

On the computer with a black screen, there are still smiling faces and expressions that are constantly floating.

As if mocking their incompetence.

Seeing this picture, the faces of all the top celebrities did not have the slightest anger, but were full of powerlessness.

That's too big a gap.

So big that they can't understand how the other party does it.

In just five seconds, they were completely defeated by the other side, and the "whole army was destroyed".

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