Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 156 Official Refusal, Transaction Failure [For Subscription, Please Customize]

Trading production lines for intercontinental and cruise missiles may be a good option for other forces that do not have sophisticated weapons manufacturing capabilities and urgently need to improve their armed capabilities.

But for Li Hao, it is not necessary.

The armaments and weapons in his own hands are now completely sufficient.

"Moreover, these missile weapons that rely on gunpowder explosion damage are not expensive in the system mall."

"If you need it, I can buy it directly in the system mall."

Thinking like this, Li Han also vetoed the idea of trading DF-45 intercontinental missiles and Flying Eagle cruise tracking missile production lines with the authorities.

It's too 'loss'.

The points he spent on buying these alloy formulas added up to tens of thousands.

In the mall, so many points, let alone buy several gunpowder missile weapons production lines, that is, it is more than enough to directly buy a full set of technical drawings of gunpowder missile weapons~

Moreover, he did not forget that the core purpose of his choice to trade with the official was to be able to obtain a living meteorite, complete the system task, and obtain the intermediate gene potion formula technology worth nearly 100,000 points.

Thinking of this, Li Hao wrote a message again and sent it to the official backstage.

Li Hao: "No! I don't need any of these trading items you give, I only trade live meteorites. If the trading chips are not enough, they can be discussed again, but the trading items cannot be exchanged.

It seems that Li Hao completely ignored the complete production line of cutting-edge weapons such as the DF-45 intercontinental missile and the Flying Eagle cruise tracking missile.

The official side also did not react for a long time.

About three minutes later, the official replied.

Xia Guo official: "Then this transaction negotiation can only end here, living meteorites are not for sale!" No matter how many trading chips you add, you can't sell them.

"It seems that the number of live meteorites in the hands of the Xia Kingdom official is quite rare!"

"And the officials must have developed some major results from it, otherwise it would not have been possible to refuse this deal so resolutely."

Seeing this, Li Hao was also thoughtful.

You know, the chips he gave are several alloy material formulas that lead Blue Star.

Digesting these alloy formulas, the official strength can definitely improve a lot.

However, this was categorically rejected by the authorities.

Obviously, the benefits brought by that living meteorite must be far greater than these alloy material formulas.

"This task, worth nearly 100,000 points, is really not so easy to complete."

Thinking of this, Li Hao couldn't help but shake his head and closed the official background interface displayed on the computer.

Since the two sides cannot even negotiate basic trading items, there is not much point in continuing to negotiate.

"Since the road of finding an official deal does not work, then there seems to be no other way to complete this task than to try your luck in the deep sea."

Sitting in a computer chair, Li Hao also had some headaches.

To be honest, he really didn't want to give up this task.

After all, that mission reward was the intermediate gene potion formula technology that he had been aiming for for a long time.

If he buys it in the system mall, he will need to wait at least a month or two before he can 'go bankrupt' and buy it.

"Wait, why do you have to limit the trading object of living meteorite fragments to the official Xia Kingdom."

After thinking for a long time, Li Hao seemed to think of something, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He found that he seemed a little blinded.

Although since the end of the global catastrophe, except for Xia Guo and a few large countries such as Bald Eagle, most of the countries have collapsed.

But only the countries have disappeared, and the people of those countries have not died.

Meteorite fragments are scattered around the globe.

Perhaps, some of these people will have the good fortune to pick up live meteorite fragments.

For ordinary people, as well as forces that do not have sufficient scientific research strength, this living meteorite fragment obviously cannot be of much use.

Trading from its hands should be much easier than trading from official hands.

"That's also a way."

"Although this is essentially a chance, it is many times simpler and safer than going to the deep sea to try your luck."

After all, all he needed to do was get Jarvis to post a top acquisition deal on doomsday forums in other countries for the acquisition of living meteorite fragments.

Whether it succeeds or not, he has nothing to lose.

If he can meet a trader who picks up live meteorite fragments and trades live meteorite fragments from his hands, then he will make a lot of money.

"That's it!"

"There's no better way to do it anyway."

......... Ask for flowers.........

Thinking so, Li Hao immediately connected Jarvis to the communication satellites of various countries, logged on to the most active trading forums, and posted trading posts to buy live meteorite fragments with food, salt, and weapons.

Of course, Li Hao did not directly type the words "living meteorite fragments".

After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to know what a living meteorite fragment is.

With the name of living meteorite fragments, even if there are really people or civil forces who have picked up live meteorite fragments, they don't know what he is talking about.

To prevent this, Li Hao sent a picture of live meteorite fragments from the official 'loan' file directly to each acquisition post.

With the specific display of the acquired items, people in other countries can naturally understand what Li Hao wants to acquire.

.. 0

These trading posts appear on trading forums in various countries.

Because Jarvis was directly at the top, it quickly attracted the attention of quite a few people.

The number of replies to individual trading posts increased rapidly.


After waiting for more than an hour, Li Hao still had nothing to gain.

Although there are many people who ask about transactions, most of the transactions given are other materials.

Either a woman, or a male slave.

There is no trade in live meteorite fragments at all.

Seeing this, Li Hao did not have much disappointment on his face.

After all, it's only been more than an hour since the incident.

How could such a rare item as a living meteorite fragment be so easy to acquire.

It would be a rare thing to be able to acquire it in such a short period of time.

"I hope it works."

"With so many people around the world, there won't be a single one who has picked up living meteorite fragments."

"You know, except for a few large countries, most of the other small countries on the blue star have completely collapsed, "It is impossible to quickly collect all the giant meteorite fragments in the country like the official of the heavy country..."


Whether it is there or not, it is clear that there will probably be no results today.

It was almost 12 p.m.

Allowing Jarvis to keep an eye on these deal posts, Li Hao also planned to rest.

With Zhao Xueshi, who had just completed her yoga exercise, she went into the bathroom to wash up.

Subsequently, the two of them both entered the sleepland spoon.

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